I work maintenance at my college while I work towards my masters and all the student workers assigned with me just disappear and take naps all day. One of them bragged to me that he just stayed in his apartment and “chilled” until his shift was over. What the fuck
Is Gen Z the laziest generation?
naps are healthy for you
Gen Z have no reason to live.
>college students are lazy
Thats not news
I do something similar. I work remotely so I automate my job to the point that I only have to do about 10 minutes of work a day and respond to emails. Then at the end of the quarter I'll reveal my process and share it saving the company time and giving me a bonus. Then I get a new task and rinse and repeat. It's a pretty chill gig especially since all the boomers who do the task manually all day think it's a miracle.
That’s not the case here, they just sleep and I pick up the slack until I get them fired
Gen Z are lazy and aren't even redpilled, they genuinely can't think for themselves and just follow whatever the hip new meme is on the internet. Its been proven that they have the lowest sex drive as well
is that one of the workers? if so, you were missing an important detail in your assessment
Check out this faggot cock canoe posting on Jow Forums 3:27 on a Tuesday calling us lazy virgins. Get a job and support the shit system you love so much then, bitch.
>support the shit system
Are you a communist? Regardless all you gen z faggots are lazy, it makes people respect immigrants since they're actually hard workers
>I work maintenance at my college while I work towards my masters
bullshit, you're a janitor. Deal with it asswipe.
Yeah I'm a communist because I'm not another cog in the Jew machine you would die to keep running. Fuck off Reagan
Shutup commie snowflake libtard fag
>Millennial intellectuals
Im making fun of all the gen z right wingers. That meme originates from gen z's
why do something if everything is going to disappear one day?
um thats a nigger in your photo. they are naturally lazy.
>Yeah I'm a communist because I'm not another cog in the Jew machine
Boy, have I got news for you!
What is your occupation, friend?
Detect sarcasm, retard.
>But it's text!
You're still retarded
Detect my nuts on your chin, you dirty communist
I'm a transhumanist ethno-ruralist
>doesn't get shit done
>can't think for themselves
>stuck doing nothing instead of something so they get whatever the fuck is coming to them regardless what it is
You are the ultimate bitch nigga of a generation.
So you want to be a tractor?
Work smarter not harder. You should be more upset that the boss is such a cuck that he let's him get away with it.
OP is not alfa enough to learn them education and show them how to get successful. Remember that we need to let them take the red pill and get them on the right course of life without tricks of the jew. Don't let them do nothing or push them and force them but teach them.
Nice dead meme buzzword that's older than 5 years, dicklicker
Jew brainwashing literally physically exhausts it’s hosts.
Just because our generation is the most conservative doesn't mean we are lazy and stupid. Or does it...
A space tractor
Yet here you are the potcalling the kettle black. Instead of berating me for doing what you're doing, you could be working and donating 30% of your income to Israel
really gets my noggins jogging
The true Gen Z are still in kindergarten
>there's always quite a difference to early and late people in a generation
>babbys first word
Girlfriend's youngest brother is an early Gen Z'er, just graduated high school. Kid is obnoxiously lazy, could be cause his dad passed way when he was little, and never learned a good work ethic but his sister and older brother both turned out well in that regard so I'm not 100% sure on that one.
Every time there is work that needs to be done around the house dude straight disappears, either goes takes a 1-2 hour long shit/shower, or goes and walks around the block. Ask him to be somewhere at 1:00pm little fucker is getting in the shower at 12:50pm. Give him some simple task to do over the weekend and ask for it to be done by Sunday, he'll start on it on Monday.
Literally will do anything that gives him instant gratification rather than something that takes any bit of effort. I don't know all of his friends too well but most of them are just like him. I'd say one out of his bunch is hardworking.