>Placed an order for a robocall a week ago... they still haven't placed it and are refusing to give me a refund. I am about to provide you with a number, and I want you to call it until they refund my campaign's $1250
>stand by on this, checking to see if it will give @a an excuse to kick me off if I post this number
This is true. No one is going to get all motivated to go out there and vote for fucking Feinstein. Our guys got this as long as they actually go out there and vote.
Wrong. We are Patrick's personal army. His fight is our fight.
Christian Gonzalez
/b/ is missing it's retard go back there and, stay out of our containment board.
Owen Lee
It's JIDF trying to repeat old /b/ memes. Notice how the retard uses the word ''kindly'' like he is posting on reddit. Next he will throw a 'my good 'sir'' and ''splendid'' in there.
Brody Campbell
NYPA stormfaggot
Henry Wilson
lol robocalls aren't going to help this cock sucker
James Reed
Is there a version without music?
Anthony Allen
Auto-Dialer that plays a pre-recorded message to thousands of different phone numbers in the locality. Great for remote election canvassing.
Leo Watson
no one will help you, merchant
Ryder Miller
Connor Adams
Only version I'm aware of.
Thomas Phillips
He doesn't need help tbf, wake up, the time of light is uppon us....
John Bennett
in fact, we happen to be his personal army, kike.
Henry Stewart
jewish catlady wikipedia hall monitor detected
Luke Butler
Working on it. Music is panned hard-right so removing it should be piss easy. Give me two seconds.
Joshua Turner
but Patrick Littles personal army, fucking kike
Brandon Nelson
1250 are they robocalling the entire state?
Brayden Brown
Wait, scratch that, it moves into stereo a little further in so Isolating it would take forever if it is even possible.
Josiah Martin
Sebastian Gutierrez
Pretty good
Landon Cruz
If you retards can't see Little is a pied piper meant to expose your anonymity by now I don't know what will make it more obvious. This faggot is no different from Richard Spencer. Meant to lure you out into public and expose your identity.
Don't call the fucking number without a some way of making it anonymous. You're all fucking retarded and are as dumb as discordfags who got exposed at Unite the Right.
>Don't call the fucking number without a some way of making it anonymous Woah guys we got a genius over here can't believe no one ever thought of this
woah guys wtf my dudes I've been calling the US government this entire time from my real number and giving them my name, address, credit card number etc
Christopher Edwards
Elijah Reyes
In the UK we can dial 141 before calling and the number is made anonymous/ witheld. Do you not have an equivalent in the US?
Anthony Walker
Fuck off with your divide and conquer shit, you worthless kike.
Jordan Foster
Who cares? At some point we have to come out of the shadows.
Jose Sanchez
People like you are so fucking retarded that I have to tell myself that you're from leftypol so I don't go insane. The absolute excuses you make to avoid supporting anyone the jews don't want you to is absurd.
It looks more like Shareblue ran out of money so they can't even teach you retards how to greentext.
James Taylor
Yes. In 2020 make sure to place it two months in advance.
Brayden Stewart
Wrong, bitch
Dominic Torres
I'd accuse you of donating too, but I doubt a Latvian has enough net-worth to make a donation.
Christopher Davis
>Democrats >legal Dude
Nicholas Garcia
I have hope, but I'm sure they will Jew him out of second place, but who knows crazier things have happened, I'd love to celebrate a win tonight for him. How can we help?
Aaron Campbell
Because we weren't already on a list just for being here. kys faggot
Bentley Nelson
go back to the donald
Cooper Thomas
jew detected >he's bad dont vote because people will know you voted
we vote for representation, not protection, rabi.
Jeremiah Taylor
>REEEEEEEEEE Its all I hear when I read your controlled op propaganda. NOBODY CARES!
Placed call for help. Claims "Not Your Personal Army" 5 sets of posts with digits say otherwise. Calls are going out without /us having to lift a finger.
It's Meme Magic, anons. /We folded a digit-tesseract and opened it. Behold!