Hi my name is Dave, and I work at Buzzfeed. I just want to know which one of you fuckers swatted David Hogg?

Hi my name is Dave, and I work at Buzzfeed. I just want to know which one of you fuckers swatted David Hogg?

Attached: david-hogg-01-as-abc-180603_hpMain_12x5_992.jpg (992x414, 37K)


>which one of you fuckers
How absolutely retarded are these threads?

ït was me :)

Haha the little creature nazi got swatted? Awesome

say in you article that i work on behalf of the swedish government and the motive was so he can make some new friends with the swat team because his friends at school are dead :(

Elon Musk.

David hogg SHUT IT DOWN !

Suck my dick (((Dave))).

none of us cause we aren't so stupid as to give that guy attention and media sympathy.
it's clearly a "Hey David, Watcha' doin'?" type situation

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David High swatted himself to stay in the news cycle. He’s worried Emma Gonzalez is going to be more popular than him.

It was Jow Forums, the hacker.

Sam Hyde


Leave faggit. That’s reddit tier bullshit.

He swatted himself because he wanted publicity

diubs confirm.

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I my name is Tom, I work for the CIA. Hogg swatted himself for attention.

>swatts self
>posts about on Jow Forums
>being this desperate for attention
just stop, david. It's over.

it was kids from the school, buzzfeed get out of here this isnt a safe space, your gonna get triggered.

I'm going with this.


It was Christopher Poole

do you sit close to joe bernstien and what does he smell like


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Please tell me he was shot and killed resisting arrest.
I need jerk off material.

I was sexually abused at Buzzfeed, some gaylord called Dave licked my ass while I was in the bathroom.
Then he fellated my dick. Now I have to vote democrats, what other choice I have?
Let this out!
Gay sexual harassment is real, liberals hide rape cases.
When a young boy is groomed it's rape.

On 6/03 he posted his home address to Jow Forums. It was probably legit, as Google maps showed no street view. (Post was deleted, of course.) Then came the organized, pre-planned SWAT, while he was out of town. He just wants publicity for his book.

Tee-hee. I don’t know goy you tell me. (((Who))) was behind this.

Wow. Kek

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This would make the most sense.
Articles about it say he wasn't home.
He's out on his faggy bus tour.
If someone hated him enough to do that to him why wouldn't they know that?

It was Brian Stelter. He took it it pretty hard when David wouldn't give him the blowjob he asked so nicely for.

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the fuck's wrong with his head?

low T and excessive onions consumption

nice slide thread, faggot. saged and reported

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Born female.

Hogg posters are always with the MSM.

Death to liberals.

It was Sam Hyde.

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No I'm Spartacus

the hacker know as Jow Forums

A valid yet late worry; already happened.
Who would ever have guessed the left would adopt the mulatto lesbian while ignoring the white CIS male?

thought this was a larp. typed his name into joogle.
hahahahahahahaha god he is desperate. is their any trick these shits wont play to frame us. any at all? absolute desperate attention seeker. whats the chances he wasnt home?

Look at that snout. He literally is a Hog lol

Well, that’s the left for you. They automatically elevate that which is not male, not white, no cis/straight. If you are a straight white male leftist, you gotta shill extra hard to make it to any position above taxed plebe.
Next move, Emma is gonna be visible for some big speech. Might even publically get a girlfriend. Then Dave will have to ask FBIdaddy to hire some crisis actors to fake a RWDS attack on him.

ebaum's world did it

Fuck off Dave.

Hogg is an FTM btw

Funny how he was so desperate for the Left's love he took a gay guy to prom, and the best excuse he could come up with as to why only made him look completely pathetic.

Dave cook or the other one?

Hi it's me ,Mario,I did it

Hi Dave, rumor has it that the thread with the original idea was planned over at the Ebaumsworld.com forums.

>1 post by this ID
Slide thread
OP is a fag

Hogg is going to go on an anti-police rant complaining that the racist SWAT team didn''t shoot him because he is white.


Thank you Sven, may Odin grant you many dumb Swedish sluts in Valhalla

Someone on here leaked his address the other day lol

It was me.

t. David Hogg

It's an older flag but it checks out.

Hi my name is david hogg and i swatted david hogg

Knowing how leftards tend to be, he probably did it to himself.

it wasn't me.

Too bad 5-0 didn't get the chance to smoke that little motherless fuck.


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he got swatted? hahahahaha

Anyone else wants to get creampied by hogg? I want him to be like a dog.

This, he planned everything out

Who is this Ebaumsworld

Hogg did it

David Hogg swatted Davis Hogg for media attention.

Prove me wrong.

You can’t,

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It was me. I just wanted to make sure he was ok cause he was out of the news for almost 5 whole seconds.

well of course the least he deserves is a dang pie to the face for being a huge queer

I bet you liked it

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okay I admit it it was me

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it wasn't anyone from Jow Forums dumbass

It was Zoom, he's a member of an elite hacker group. He was involved in Internet Blood Sports
He's known for swatting people, that's like his calling card. He calls it "ethical swatting"

Rollin' checkem'

I would straight up call him a poopy pants to his face

I'm pretty sure Trump was on here last week saying he was gonna give the dude a blue surprise

Why is a gun in the form of an anime girl being pushed as a jood so much? I mean, seriously.

Awww that poor child.

Has to worry about guns in a multimillion dollar home HOA.

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anime is subversive gook faggotry

probably swatted himself in a desperate attempt to stay relevant and keep getting those sweet sweet media matters dollarydoos

>Hi my name is Dave, and I work at Buzzfeed

Hi (((Dave))),

How many nigger cocks have been inside your anti-American dirty lying jewish mouth since 8am this morning?

Attached: Barack_Obama_Tweet.png (636x292, 106K)

We’re all Russian bots here. Back to Jow Forumseddit with you

Pushed? lmao dude, it's just a meme I saved a couple months back
I've got tons of other merchants.

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he said while posting on a website founded in weeb culture

Actually, no, I want to know who in their right mind thought basing the Negev solely on its country of origin was a good idea.
Literally no other is like that.

it was me
haha faggot get rekt

Jow Forums is a board of peace we would never do such things.

He was swatted????HAHAHAHAHA

Buttfeed fuck yourself i hope he was shot in the process

He did it to himself

Has no worries since he was not even in Florida dude. In Washinton getting swag, biatches and another award.

Answer me this: What is the truth behind Michael Hastings' death?

Who'd admit to a failed swatting? I'd be ashamed.