Israel isn't base-

Israel isn't base-

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Thats fucking hilarious

Attached: 180430-benjamin-netanyahu-files-cd-roms-se-206p_94d91d741a465bc0c6eaefb790d3b9af.jpg (1200x630, 114K)

izrail wouldn't last two minutes without the US

That was gay and the what was expected from a sociopathic race that can see no wrong doing from themselves

Okay, this is epic.

Show us some slutty khazar whore's big fat milkers!

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are they, dare i say it, our /greatest ally/?

12 year old reply

It's funny because Regina is the bully.

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even 5 years ago no one could have imagined this

> replying with reaction images
hahaha so cool guys, they are our bros

>bomb Iran faggots
>you all need to bomb Iran
>I've called you here to explain to you why we need to bomb Iran
>look at this picture I've made to demonstrate why you need to bomb Iran

>"Israel is cancer"

>"omg, why are you so obsessed"


lel I guess they know whats coming

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>9:11 am

give us a free hand and we'll see what happens

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israel is a piece of shit country and America's worst ally

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Oy vey

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fucking google

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>wtf i love jews?

fuck this im on team Israel

One of the gayest reply tweets i have seen in a while. Are you sure this wasn't from some liberal SJWs blogspot?

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Wow he got trolled epic style. based haha

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Israel is calling itself a mean girl

Ironic since the character knows exactly why she’s obsessed with her

You don't need to ask your dog permission to do something

>responds to Iran with some tumblr chick show gif

wow so fuken based

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yeah but who?

World leaders having a meme war on Twitter.

I'm so fucking done with this gay earth.

yeah except it is kikes who are obsessed with iran

Dont think they have that to call their 'Homeland' anymore either

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Their memes are shit because they are not based on reality and truth.

This world is getting too weird for me. Last time I thought that was when the daughter of Pol Pot (communist mass murderer in Cambodia) got an FB account.

wow a khazar milker cool sweet braphog
Every day it's the same but worse. This place is hell on earth.

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>im so fucking done with this gay earth

U sound gay

We can only hope

Why are goy so obsessed with me?
>Tries to divide and conquer entire world at the same time.

>World leaders
Or a Twitter that posts quotes of a religious leader gets a shit post from one of thousands of state employees using an embassy Twitter.
God how are you people this fucking retarded..?

>Can't see their own wrongdoing
Oh the irony


Fuck the kikes

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Jordan Carver, you lazy shit fucker.

you must be the kike-propaganda pusher-man.

Go get gassed.

P.S. only faggots communicate in memes.