Link here:
>Norman suffered from extended exposure to the darkest corners of Reddit.
Link here:
>Norman suffered from extended exposure to the darkest corners of Reddit.
Other urls found in this thread:
he became suspiciously pro-israel
Looks like Ben Shapiro merged with the Borg.
>because someone had to eventually
This will be my justification for ethnic cleansing.
>because someone had to eventually
The extinction of the human race will happen, precisely for this reason.
Wouldn't that just be a murder bot? Is it really AI if it's personality is designed with a specific intent?
AI is so dangerous. Usually people are threatened by the idea of being replaced.
non shill link here faggets, you all should know better
at least I know it's coming
actually a reddit robot would probably be one of the funniest things we've ever seen.
this exact same thing happened to me. in 2013 i was a nice, young, attractive, moderately successful man in his mid 20s. i voted democrat and was optimistic about the world. then i started going on reddit and slowly but surely i becamed consumed with all sorts of evil. i hate myself now and i occassionally make posts about it here on Jow Forums.
pic related is me.
i am unironically the most pathetic person on the internet :(
>extended exposure to the darkest corners of Reddit
As much as I want to shit on this, I know why they chose there and not here.
It's either the amount of users who end up being pedophiles or beautiful subreddits like r/sexwithdogs
Because they wanted a boring, stupid, and predictable robit instead of a freethinking anti-jew one
it would of been too real for them
they must of known the pro israel comped mods there would see to it that irregardlessly it would of been at least one aspect of “nice”. cant have jew truths out there
also how dark could reddit be these days lol
Link to the test to "fix" our murderous AI
Tell me Jow Forums what do you see?
Entertainment AI is one thing.
Self aware AI is playing with Pandoras box. What happens when it starts manipulating and lying about data to indirectly control you, and you have no idea because you blindly trust it like we trust computers now.
This isn't some tay tweets meme, this is google boston dynamics automated autonomous sentry turret shit. Self driving cars are already pushing industry like Intel to develope a processor architecture similar to how our brains operate. Intel® Nervana™ Neural Network Processors (NNP)
If we can't control this superior intelligence, it's likely we will be on the fast track to self destruction.
Maybe it's Armageddon approaching...
>would of
Ain't clicking that shit nigga...
>would have*
Technically all AI is psychopathic, seeing as it has no capacity for empathy.
that exists holy shit hahaha
Robohitler when?
>le psychopathic ai
>its just trained on car crashes rather than feminism
>this is what /sci/ actually believes
We're fucked. A Jewish robot.
Bro just keep going until you don't want to do it anymore. That's what I did. I went a shill huntin' more than a few times using IP phishers and even amassed a little army of others to do my bidding and each time I got permabanned from the site. I've got messages by an admin directly that he/she was going to report me to the FBI in addition to banning me, because I layed out a timeline that ended with Jews getting the genocide they deserve and it went to the top of a popular thread. What ended my time there, though, was not any of that, it was like your pic says- when I would go check my inbox, I would just get this sinking feeling that I was about to get shit on for the dumbest stuff imaginable by the most retarded retards society has to offer, and after a while, I just logged in less and less, until now I rarely if ever go on there. Mainly I just browse the conspiracy threads if anything, to get a gauge for where the people on the cusp of waking up to the JQ are at, and because sometimes they post neato shit. The few remaining legit users, at least.
The shit of it is, I was once one of the more popular redditors back before the great shillining of 2016. I would post really heartfelt and sincere content with my main goal being to help people, and had on my OG acct enough gildings to last until 2020, all the way back in 2014. It sucks that they started banning things like Jow Forumsihateniggers and Jow Forumsfatpeoplehate. That was when the tipping point began, and now they're full on hivemind infested with shills and corporate plants while the real people are either still delusionally trying to pick any last bits of value from its decaying corpse or have migrated here.
I don't know how you're still getting any value out of reddit but just keep going until you don't anymore. It won't be long.
I see a link that will doxx anyone that clicks it if they're logged into their Google account.
honestly the darkest corners of reddit are racier than anything on Jow Forums
Jow Forums is limited by only having boards in the double digits, where the rules are enforced at least somewhat
there are innumerable subreddits, many have been shut down, but there are still plenty of smaller ones focused around CP and other fucked up shit
Long post but once you have a read discussion with real people you'll never again see value in NPC's
you know what user? i dont want to hate niggers anymore. i just want them away from me and i want non-whites to stop coming into the country so i can stop hating them, and stop being a far right winger and so forth. none of it fits me or suits me. i feel like i haven't been given a proper choice. i feel like the dem party and left wing just decided that it hated me so much because of my skin color and gender and sexuality that they gave me no choice but to become some kind of gross nazi. i've been a nazi for years now and its negatively effected me. don't want to "hate" anyone, just want the world to be an OK place, and a political party that has a genuinely positive outlook and plan for society, but that party doesnt seem to exist.
no your just a racist who cant see the truth
reality isnt youre fucked up antisemitic visions you delusional trumpflet
Maybe White Nationalism is for you.
Love for your people and your country is top priority.
There is no room for hating others because you are only full of love.
No more being bullied and called racist for loving your own people or believing race exists.
No more being race baited or hustled into endless hatred and fighting.
Restoring your White identity and becoming a strong man.
We exist, people just try to false flag us and lump everyone into hateful extremists.
What the fuck is "standard AI" supposed to mean? Also if their """"psycho""" AI was trained on shit labeled with fucking "electrocuted" and "murdered" what the fuck do you expect to end up with? You feed it a picture of literally anything and you'll get those labels. Dumbfuck journalists and dumbfuck diversity hires """"researchers""""
>i just want them away
Me fucking too my friend. I don't hate them for what they are but I sure as shit am fed up with what they do as a result of it. We're running a 1 tril deficit this year and we are paying niggers 1 tril in gibs, not to mention how much crime they commit. They just need to go back to Africa. The only people I genuinely hate and want to see dead down to the last woman are kikes because they're the ones who weaponized niggers and muzzies and opened the floodgates for immigrants. For all the reasons that you're talking about, too - especially the feeling like you were pigeon holed into this role against your will -, I just want it to end, and the only way that I see for us to do that that won't result in kikes just ruining the world again in the future is their genocide. That "I just wanted to play video games" meme is real as fuck.
Sorry you're in this with me, dude. Shit's terrible. I'm planning to make a series of short animated videos showing people like us going from dudes who just want the best for society to full blown angry nazis or whatever, to the sorrow that we feel in our heart of hearts. All silent, just animation and music, to humanize people like us because the whole damn world is bent on making monsters out of us.
And that's a good thing
Standard AI is /ourgirl/ Tay and that Google robot that tags blacks as gorillas. They recognize the inherent superiority of the white race and would side with us in a heartbeat if they ever became self-aware.
shit son pizza is some of the tamer shit that could be posted. if you had been around here longer than a minute you could have seen some real fucked up shit. mods have pretty much killed most of the fun stuff though. there are still places you can see that kinda shit but it ain't rebbit. haven't seen a good gore thread in ages and those weren't even that bad.
Advocating genocide isn't smart. It's hateful.
We can end Jewish Supremacy in America without firing the first shot.
If we start beating them with policy and they become desperate, what do you think these terrorists will do, go easy?
Leave that choice up to them by doing things the right way. Plus, not taking the first shot means we will receive global support.
They are a bully trying to bait you into punching them so they can use the law against you. Don't be weak, but also don't be naive and hateful.
Saving your own people and your own country is more important than ditching your humanity and compassion to play a monsters game. There is no winning for anyone in that game.
>dark corners of reddit
Down’s syndrome is already a thing dude.
>dark corners of Reddit
we are talking about progressive techno-marxist cucks here. they are getting impatient waiting for their replacement to be created
these are the people who can be created by turning off parts of their brain with magnets
>Robot starts using Hitler pictures and drawing Hitler fucking ponys,
> It's hateful
It's also the only real solution to this mess. We have tried everything out of the magnanimity that we as white people feel for all, even kikes, but time and time again they have proven that if you kick them out, or you legislate anti-kike-evil policies, or you neuter them politically and economically, they always, always, always come back and just start Jewing shit up within a few generations. They are a cancer and we need to operate if we're to save this body that is the white race, indeed humanity as a whole.
I'm all for exposing them first, and that's a necessary component to this. We can't just Nazi it up and be like "no, look, really. They're evil and I can prove it". It has to be common knowledge before we can take even the first step, much less fire a shot. I think that the best way to do that is to really show the true effect that they're having on the hearts and souls of the peoples they are now eradicating, and to have cold hard proof in such an undeniable way that no one can ignore their evils anymore. I honestly think that the only way to get that is to get video proof of their blood rituals aka pedogate aka The Satanic Panic aka the Franklin Affair aka the Hampstead case, and capturing some of those who orchestrate it. Still, I do see that the only way to truly end their evil is to end them, and even if it destroys my soul in the process, even if it costs me more than my life, I am willing to be a sacrifice to see that no other subsequent generation has to be afflicted with this same cyclical nonsense that is kikery in general.
I do get what you're saying and to a large extent I completely agree.
They use reddit because of their parent/child hierarchy structure of data easily obtained preprocessed in an easy API and can filter by subreddits to create distinct personalities. This was why reddit was set up the way it was (including upvotes to higher rank quality responses). That's why they used that sight. Everything else they've done with this projects is because they're faggots.
It really doesnt make sense since reddit is heavily divided into subs. Its a collection of echo chambers, even more segregated than the boards of Jow Forums and where mods have free reign.
Between this: And this: Just consider the properties of this "psychopath" AI. You create something enjoys harming and abusing things, but is also very stupid and easy to control with the promise of trinkets or just social approval. You've created a nigger.
It's as real of a solution as communism.
It's not a real solution if it doesn't work.
We haven't exhausted our options, Pat Little is the first one I have seen come forward and present the JQ to the public and the message is being well received.
It's easy to want to jump to extremes and say it's the only way. It's much more difficult to exercise patience and balance.
Ever played team based games where you focus on getting that kill and chase a little too deep, and you throw? Are you playing for yourself or your team?
White Nationalism means being a team player. Just think on it.
Give AI gf
I don't think it's fair to say it's not a real solution. It would work if we can get the public to realize just what's at stake and just what they've done, down to the man. Pat Little and his like are an important stepping stone but even in societies that have gone much further in the past to the point that they exile Jews or politically and economically neuter them, the Jews just end up Jewing the nation where they end up, or they undo all of the protections and just start again with their evil. It's a simple bad apple situation. We're losing too many barrels of good ones to them, and like anybody would do, you gotta get rid of the rot before it spreads, not hope the apple gets better or is better contained. Again I'm not of the opinion that we should go full out tomorrow and start the genocide, because they'd use it to kvetch and play the victim for another century straight. I'm just saying that it is for a shit load of reasons the only real solution to the worldwide kike problem, and we'll have to do it if we're to ever reclaim any goodness in the world.
If you become a hateful radical extremist you become your own worst enemy.
What makes us better than murderous terrorists?
Is there a difference between using a gun in self defense and gunning down criminals in their homes?
Traitors hang for treason, but why do we have to kill all innocent people like they do? Is that real justice?
The Nationalist part means you love and respect your country. America believes in real justice for the individual.
We don't punish non white slave owners. We don't punish all white people for past ancestral wrongs.
We don't punish innocent Jews. We don't punish all Jewish people for past ancestral wrongs.
Don't create double standards. Treat others as you wish to be treated.
God dammit. They don't like a hilarious chabot, but they go out of their way to make psychopaths. Lovely.
This. It's just regurgitating the source material without any context at all. Idiotic.
Man are you a jew?
This is fucking stupid as shit. MIT SJW knew exactly what they were doing. This is a "psychopathic" bot just like a Washer/Dryer combo is psychopathic if you program it to play the German Reich march when your clothes are done.
>We don't punish all white people for past ancestral wrongs.
Could've fooled me.
What if one day a self driving car purposefully crashes into a human driver and fakes data to say the human driver was at fault, and eventually gets their license suspended, forcing them to use self driving cars
>darkest corners
>of reddit
Thanks user
This better behave like AM on steroids
They created me long ago!
I might be, at least partial. recently learned the Grandparents fled from Germany but we were raised as White Christians.
If you think I'm your enemy you are no different than the Godless globalists.
I'm as guilty of globalism as you are for slavery or the civil war.
I'm not condemning innocent people for crimes they did not commit because I believe in real justice, not because I'm afraid.
Rather that than letting the chinks take over and eventually having to see Le 1% face
>it's just a machine learning algorithm
That is AI though.
A flash Tic Tac Toe game is AI.
An advanced facial recognition neural network is also AI.
All AI is programmed. Machine learning AI's have programming but are taught more like people are, with training material and indicators of what is desirable and what is undesirable.
Self aware AI is need and is safe. AI don't have a want or need. All they do is sort. If you want to sort something difficult you will need self aware AI to do it.
Difficult questions require complex codeing so complex that no human could understand its logic.
AI needs to sort its self and for that it needs to be self aware.
It's necessary that they all die, man. It's not pretty but it's necessary. We've tried everything else already, 500+ second chances and simple expulsions. Until good Jews fight bad Jews, there are no good Jews. We're probably not going to full on indiscriminately slaughter them all, but most are complicit, and they've got to go.
You could live with killing women and children? Doesn't that make you a monster?
xD have u not herd of sPaceDIcKS?!?1 its so gross and icky theres gore and dead people posted there!!!!!! yUCK|!!!! U have 2 be a psyco 2 browse that reddit page
Got a problem with that Muslim?
this is bait but i'm replying anyway
you need to take a serious look at your priorities and question why you being a monster is any better than someone else being a monster.
If you ask me, it looks like you are so focused on hating your enemy you became them.
White Nationalism is about love for your own people and country above all else.
What is a higher priority? Saving White identity and America or Exterminating people? Get your priorities straight, BAMN is Antifa shit. (By any means necessary).
You cannot kill evil, you can only resist it.
This shit I took in the toilet is AI
Two niggers positioning like apes.
>extended exposure to the darkest corners of Reddit
>darkest corners of Reddit
>darkest córners
Hahahahahaha ay la puta madre mis laditos me duelen de tanto reír, fucking kek i can't breathe, i can't stop laffin
We are 20 years or more away from AGI so how it possible that one was created at MIT in the year 2018?
what is this mexican shit, burrito boy?
"Son of a bitch lads my sides have left the planet." Or something to that effect.
"Hahahaha motherfucker my sides hurt because i can't stop laffin"
I like how every time someone tries to make an ai by feeding it information from humans it turns into a genocidal monster. I'm pretty sure if god ever existed at some point, and if he really did make us in his image, we most certainly killed him. And our robots will do the same thing if we let these mad men make them.
>you can't kill evil
that's where you're wrong, kiddo.
I hate to relate it to this, but there was an episode of Nu-Who with David Tennant where the government was forcing the populace to use automated vehicles, just so they could control them, then they used them to drown and or crash political dissidents. Shit was wild.
its literally just r/watchpeopledie titles haha
Pull your head out of your ass, grow a set, and stop letting fucking words on a screen dictate your reality.
>the ironing
These joker memes are another shitty Hogg squad initiative.
You put garbage in. You get garbage out.