Whats your opinion on Albania Jow Forums?

pic of godlike flag

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If you didint convert to islam i would like you guys

i literally have no opinion of albania

there is a considerable amount of christians in albania

>if you didnt convert

really couldent do much against it, we were forced to convert by turkroaches, europe didnt lift a single finger to aid albania :(

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some look like whites, others dont.
no strong opinion

I want to visit your country this summer with some friends. Any recommendations what to see and how to behave in your country in general?

Albanians are retarded monkeys with IQ < 60, shitskin and are mudslimes

Nuke it asap

damn kebabs...

dont Worry, in a few decades turkey will be a third world nation and Albania will be highly developed due to EU

My exposure to Albanians is limited to MemriTV memes and GTA IV. Based on this my understanding of your country is that Albanians are the one people all Balkan nations hate.

You guys do have a badass flag, however.

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We were same under ottomans and yet we didnt change kek

>feels good being strong

Attached: FeelsGood.webm (854x480, 970K)

>badass flag
Literaly worst color combination you could possibly choose.

Are you a muslim?

Go from Kosovo please. We will be fine

I have a basically no opinion. I don’t hear much about Albania in the news. My ancestors weren’t from there so I never read much about you guys. I’m just going to assume you guys are cool based on your awesome flag.

Vexilogically, its better than your flag.

Stay in city (Tirana being anything close to civilisation) if you want to leave with as much organs as you came in with.

Albanians are very laid back, you shouldent have a problem. However, please dont insult the country infront of Albanians. They go apeshit and will start threatening you with cutlery.

The coast in Durres is amazing and there are many resturants and hotels over there that are worth going to.

Northern Albania is full of mountains. If you're more of a nature person, then go up north.

Central Albania is a mix between mountains and cities.

Southern Albania is very nice. There are a shit ton of pools, and beaches down south. I reccomend traveling down south.

Everything in Albania is cheap as fuck, a full meal costs 3 euros in Albania.

Traffic is horrible in urban area's and cities. So be careful about that.

TLDR albania is a really good poorman's vacation.

It's better than yours, I get your countries have problems and stuff but it's pretty sad to be this salty in an unrelated thread.

You must be retarded or color blind.

Hec, why not both.

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little racist, but based

Organ harvesting was a thing in Kosovo after the war.

Organ harvesting did not occur in Albania. Gtfo

No seriosly i dont have much grudge against them but those colors are eye sore.

It cant even compare.

I've heard that its a ok place to live and has a lot of shit to look at. Plus their women are high tier.

Great flag, but people so shit that it DESERVES to be an Italian colony.

Yeah go in Lazaret, if you have balls for it. kek
Even your police and army gets btfo there.

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>Whats your opinion on Albania Jow Forums?
Actually moderate Muslims.

Just compare to Russia's "native" Muslims (that's not counting millions of illegals in Russia)

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Everyone has their own preferences.

I think your flag is pretty nice. It has the best of both worlds. Colorful and a double headed eagle.

I would rank your flag in terms of coolness second to Albania

One of my friends is Albanian and his whole family is pretty bro tier, cool place

Not as good as the Welsh flag.

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How is Lazaret relevant to Albania?

You flag is the equivalent of my state flag. Sure, I have a lot of pride in it, but its not exactly pleasing to the eye.
>any flag with a seal on it
>badass outline of a byzantine eagle

It's not a hard choice to make.

Attached: 150506120819-09-best--worst-state-flags-super-169[1].jpg (1100x619, 98K)

Subhumans identical to gypsies

Dude seriosly your flag looks like commie flag that ggot smuged with some black paint.
Why you couldnt used other colors ffs ?
Would`ve been much better.

>take Poland for eg.

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Less is more

my friends went Drac last summer. They stayed in a resort close to it. They complained about the water and the sea. They said it was relay dirty and the water stings your eyes if you go in it

>are you muslim?
No I am not.

Regardless, the muzzies in Albania are considerably white


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It is in Analbania right ? How do you call a country that doesnt have control within own teritory ?
Central Americas have plenty of them.

Im talking about colors autists.

We also have one

Looks better in that regard too

The water doesent really sting your eyes in Durres

Also, that filth is from Kosovars. We've managed to keep the water clean this summer.

Again, another reason why I reccomend southern albania. The water in the south is very nice, and the sights there are amazing

First 3 word popping in my mind:
muslim, mafia, balkantier


I have no idea what the fuck Lazaret is. I thought it was some place in Slovenia.

I dont even want to know how you dress up desu.

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Doesnt know biggest drug producing vilage in Analbania where police gets regulary btfo.

Nice, i know you ignore your criminal activities but this is too much.

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>rip off Roman Aquila
>make it edgy black and red like the SUFFERING IN MY SOUL
>godlike flag


See Kosovars always the problem

Simpler flags just look better, most of the time.

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I don't know if it's an Internet thing but I noticed Albanians are consistently better posters than their neighbors by virtue of being much calmer and collected. You'd almost think they weren't a part of the Balkan shitshow since they usually aren't as butthurt as other Balkaners.

Oh the weed village!

Yes, I do know about that. I didnt recognize its name.

We maintain a good amount of authority there. Albanian special forces are deployed there to make sure that nothing happens. There really isnt much conflict between those weedpeople and the police. They dont harm Albanians so I really dont give a shit about Lazaret. Southern Albania is very safe. You're not gonna get shot in the middle of nowhere.

Cmon serb-bro, why the need to get butthurt?

Southern slavs should make peace with their animosities and hang the jews in their willow trees together to build a feeling of comradeship.

Another abomination. jeezs
Looks like someones first time in mspaint.

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Thats one way to put it

Easy, have a Serbian and a Canadian passport

For a while I was an albaniafu and listened to albanian rap constantly and pretended I was an albanian diaspora gangster
I havent done that for a while

Offline I don't know much about Albania other than they're pals with us so I have nothing bad to say.

Try it, its great!

seems like a place i'd never want to go
as a kid it was all "ethnic albanians" shootin it out with croats or serbs or some shit i don't understand and don't give a fuck about

so yeah, backwater bumblefuck with people shootin eachother. sounds crappy


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Let's throw all the shit we possibly can onto the most generic color combination. Uh, cool Serbia. Go back to backstabbing you mud-gened faggot.

remove kebab

I found some quite interesting articles of your news where they blast them with mortars and shit whenever they want to get in so they
are in peace when they bribe whole MoD to not go in there. kek
Heard they have more arms than your regular army units.
Thats a topic for another day ofcourse, this time is about that flag color combination abomination kek

Thing of habit , sorry.

>generic color combination
>color abortion
pick one brainlet
>Go back to backstabbing you mud-gened faggot.
wut are you implying there, who did we backstabb?

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This. Red-white-blue tricolor is so played out it honestly looks like shit. Albania has a top tier flag along with Kazakhstan and other countries, tricolors can't compare.

That is a rare occurance. We only bring out the mortars when they charge the cops too much for weed.

I have no bad experiences with weed-village people. They havent hurt any innocent people so my concern for them is minimal. Suprisingly, Albania could greatly boost its economy if we legalized weed.

What more need be said

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Amen burger-brother!

What a legend.

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Bulgaria desu

>mud gened
90% of nation bares turkish names and is muslim. Gee i wonder who made you.

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Bulgaria has a respectable flag too desu for tricolor standards. Where are you based Balkanite?

I know it's great to pretend I'm an albanian ganster, that's why I did it
Are there hookers there waiting for me if I go on vacation and try to assimilate into the criminal underworld?

I'm not Albanian I just can't fucking stand Serbs. You're a bitter, angry people and you can't win a war to save your fucking life. Everyone save for Russia thinks you're a country of impotent faggots

bunch of ricers

Yeah that one time our brainlet king got drunk.One and only time.
While Bulgaria at least 3 times got us, at least it isnt max on Balkans, noone can top croats on that matter. kek

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*gets shit pushed in every decade for being aggressive and insufferable*

Are you referring to Albanian's in that case?

You were speaking to an American, am I not correct?

Assuming that you are referring to Albania, no Albania was not created by Turks. That is a ridiculous claim. Arberia(Albania) Existed a long time before the Ottomans came. A similar case applies to Bosnians. They have islamic names because of the conversion. However, they were not created by the turks. That is ridiculous.

I'm English I just can't stand serbs that's why I'm here

Came here to agree with this

What's the opinion on the Serbian tourists? I'd like to visit Albania one day, and also i've heard that it's pretty safe for Serbs, because you have kinda different mentality from Kosovo Albanians. There's anecdote that some local absolute madman travelled to Skadar(Skodra?) with Kosovo is Serbia t-shirt, and nobody gave a fuck about that kek. Also, i'm not planning to provoke anybody kek

Seems like everyone in the Balkans is united by their hatred of Serbia lol

Are they the kikes of the balkans?

Now that I look at it, it does look like a butthole, doesn't it? New one better?

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We dont really care, you're welcome to visit our country as long as you buy our stuff.

I would recommend some history books about that not winning wars, you can crack open it on 19th for easy mode.
>Everyone save for Russia thinks you're a country of impotent faggots
by everyone i mean only me and my bias onion.
What can i say, too many crocs in too small puddle.

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Looks like an injun nazi flag

But what if I want to join the jihadies and start killing you degenerates will you still welcome me?

Phhhh more projecting from diaspora.
Keep em coming i can fling more shit back.

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No, that is gay and that is a sin.

Please do not murder us

you retard this is pol

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You are healing your color senses, keep it up.

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t. Kamen Borisov

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But you guys are degenerates and dont follow Sharia as your rich sheiks tell you to, so why not?

They run some good coney island hot dog joints in Detroit.