Just voted for this guy. He is winning by the way, I have insider knowledge and saw that he is 78% of the polls...

Just voted for this guy. He is winning by the way, I have insider knowledge and saw that he is 78% of the polls. You heard it here first.

Attached: 1528234585917.jpg (4032x3024, 2.59M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump. For glory. Come on man get out and vote and attack for freedom.

I actually give a shit so im doing the good old democrat method of using dead people in my family to vote for him. Just voted for him 6 times today

You will eat shit and die fuck you faggot. Cock stain no good submissive bitch.

Enjoy prison.


I hate kikes and I’m more scared of him winning than losing.

Kikes leaving America for Israel en masses marks the beginning of the end times, trust me.

Its copypasta. I've seen it in two threads already. Exact same spacing too. Designed to piss you off I suspect. And get (you)s

I just called the station and informed the appropriate people about this. They said that they are going to "look into it". Say hello to your new buttbuddies from me, kike.

t. Jew

Don't worry then

You have nothing to fear

I promised 15 wetbacks a job loading yard boulders for my business if they voted for Patrick. They all did including their female beaner counterparts.
Two can play your game, you walking soap bar.

I have alerted he autorities, stay where you are

Once you vote, look at the ROSTER STREET INDEX to see who hasn't come out. Get some phone numbers and call them

hahahahah i fucking believe this shit. This is what happens when your government is retarded as fuck and dont ask for ID for vote.

I cant believe this shit, you need id to buy a beer but you dont need it to vote. Fuck the US.

In my country at least you need to organize your fraud.


O shit

on the ballot here he was at the end of the list.

Didn't Little himself say to get a paper ballot because we can expect massive democrat voter fraud (again)?

When do polls close?

I'm comin home!

Attached: munuhwarface.jpg (620x454, 29K)

Whatever. When you are celebrating the kikes leaving America I’ll already be so deep innawoods I won’t even smell your corpses.

HA! That wasn't actually for you. It was actually for this fag here

what did i miss fellas?

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All your dead relatives just left purgatory and went straight to heaven.

What was the post ?

the worst kind of filth

Stale pasta about where user LARPs about throwing ballots away

i can only assume someone committing electoral fraud of some kind with the purpose of hurting candidate Patrick Little

Bumping to kill the kikes

Whoa. Cool digits

Wait, you guys don't have to give your ID when you vote? What the fuck?

Diebold is an Israeli company, demand a paper ballot

if this guy really wins, im going to be surprised and impressed.

I thought it was just you retards shilling for that dude. Well done fags.

oh yeah that takes me back to 2016

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This is a LOW turnout election. Any candidate who can motivate a base to go to the polls has a better chance.

Your vote for Pat today counts twice as much!

The commies arent going to have a full turnout at the voting booths, get your asses down there we can actually win this one!

Don’t let let the shills dissuade you go out and vote CA!

I would think that since so few people even vote in these primary state elections he has a good chance. I went out and voted for him, Trav, and then Republican down the line, first time I've ever bothered with a small election like this.

I'm gonna laugh my ass off when he gets BTFO
>thinking you have a chance in California in the current year
This is what believing your own propaganda gets you. Enjoy the incoming public humiliation

>Ling Ling Shi

Jesus its over

>Voting Digital
Well your vote just got discarded.

I'm just amazed you retards think this guy actually has a chance of placing well. He will get 2% of the vote at best. Also, even if by some crazy chance he DID place well, do you realize the enormous damage it would do?? It would just play into SJWs' narrative that all conservatives are Nazis. Use your fucking brains, anons. This guy is an asshat and won't even get 10,000 votes


>That would be 'discriminatory' against black people who are too poor to have an ID.

So, because it's assumed blacks are too poor to get an ID (racist, in itself), we open the floodgates to let all sorts of vote fraud happen.

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yeah because democrats need to be able to bus in illegals all over the place, can't have trivial things like ID's getting in the way. It's discriminatory

No way. Don't tell me this is also the case with the presidential elections also aren't you required by law to have an id?

are there more than 10k Jow Forums users in CA?

5 more hours until stormfag ownage. Getting my salt mining equipment ready. Its like Christmas eve.

Oh the guy who was joking about working for the post office and throwing away all the mail-in ballots for republican voters? That was awesome.

Yep in Cali no ID required.

yes to both counts the US is so fucked.

Probably more like a few hundred.

What the actual fuck, that's just retarded

but we are Nazis, redditor

>required by law to have an id?
Also yes so these laws are fucking retard because every nigger has ID to buy booze and shiet.

Hundred thousand more like it

>Don't tell me this is also the case with the presidential elections also aren't you required by law to have an id?

hell no, Democrats scream REEEE RACISM at every attempt to institute mandatory government issued IDs for voting. all you need to vote is a signature.

blacks need IDs to get welfare and buy malt liquor, of course they have ID.

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Welcome to Dat racist tho.

Good! Let this shit show end. God bless Patrick Little. God bless Jow Forums God bless us all. It has started and there is no stopping it we as a hive mind have put our brains together to end this shit show of the modern world no more. The truth is better than gold people and with the truth comes the love of all creation.

Give him a vote from me; I can't vote because I'm not American. Thanks.

probably this.

Attached: FRAUD.png (1880x714, 140K)

Your ancestors are smiling down on you brother.

Welcome to Commiefornia

Probably not — I was as liberal with that estimate as possible. I bet some dumbass cuckservatives will vote for him just because his description on the ballot is "civil rights advocate," kek

Nah, if there's going to be a new civil war, better in should kick off in California, and then the New York area. The sooner the Jews are expunged, the better, and I'm pretty sure there's never been a nation in history that hasn't improved due to their removal.

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No, others in the Republican Party would make clear distance between them and him.

It would be extremely dramatic and make for more CNN-tier shit reporting.

he's already surpassed expectations. you can have the icing, we've already got the cake

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An E-6 in the army doesn't have an ID?

>Wtf I killed brown people and now I can't even vote for making white bois into sexy girls

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He hasn't surpassed shit until we start getting vote counts. Polls mean nothing, do you hear Hillary bragging about her high poll numbers followed by electoral defeat?

This, are leftists really this stupid? Nonsensical cartoon.

>the worst kind of filth

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he would have to have military ID, which is accepted as government issued ID everywhere. proving my point that people against ID for voting are fucking retarded.

im about to vote ballot is in hand but im having secon dthoughts about little now im thinking some anons are right he is controlled opposition to smear conservatives as nazis in the media

no, this is california. you can vote too if you just fly here for vacation or decide to stay forever. california, land of the cucked.


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It is true, because lefties stamp their feet and cry racism whenever someone tries to fix this little loophole.

> not knowing Little will make Trump and the GOP look good by comparison
Dude don't be a giant faggot and just vote Little


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im gonna go with erin cruz

So is little?


Yet people are still assblasted that Hillary 'won' the popular vote, and then got BTFO by the electoral college- so they want it dismantled. Any mention that illegal aliens and dead people were voting for her and it's all:

>that's racist, where's your tinfoil hat?

Attached: voter_id_states.png (412x378, 29K)

Ok kike. Fuck off now.

>Non photo ID required (strict)

So does that mean if the only Id I have is a photo id then I can't vote?

Hmm not sure what happened there.eant to reply to

The end of kikes, maybe. They've woken the sleeping giant, and he's pissed. We're more than that. We're like Majin Buu, or Cell: Even if you take out an arm, or you cut off our head, we'll just regrow and keep on coming at them. They picked the wrong fight and we're about to show them that, hard.

>the jews ITT losing their shit
Did you think I was joking when I said I was going to kill your families? One more second to midnight kikes.

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Nuked my post because I fucked up the formatting.

>if the only Id I have is a photo id then I can't vote

It just means that the forms of ID they accept do not have to include your photo (birth certificate, social security card or so).

Dude those are next level digits you got there. Man I hope this guy wins. The kvetch would be heard around the world.

BLUMPF and his merry band of evangelicucks are egging it on. Seriously.

He said he was throwing away Patrick Little ballots.

He'll get less than 10% of the vote.




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We've already won, kike. Even if he loses, he's still in the minds of countless anons and there is a very real, very large appetite for any man who will name the Jew on the public stage. We all know your evil fucking tricks, and we have evidence galore. All we need now is to retake one of the many platforms by which this kind of information is spread and you're fucked. You think that you're not evil if people can't talk about it, but that's just your Satanic souls doing what they will. You lost this fight a long time ago. You lost when you decided that evil is just aok as long as it benefits you.

They are a lecherous, tiny(1.8%) population that holds values diametrically opposite to yours as a white right-leaning man. Them leaving would be a gift from god.

lol kike, take off your meme flag you evil fucking piece of shit

Attached: typical jew.jpg (560x752, 70K)

approximately 6 gorrillion of us

I did a paper ballot, but I put it in a box and received nothing back.

Of course our (((mods))) would delete that.

That's "en masse", American friend. When they leave you'll perhaps find it in you to put the breaks on the excesses of your minorities and become an UNMISTAKABLE America once again. It's possible--smaller, perhaps, but fully American. I'd like to see America come back within my lifetime.