This pic says two people are drunk and have sex then the man is a rapist. Y not both? Discuss
This pic says two people are drunk and have sex then the man is a rapist. Y not both? Discuss
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If Josie can't consent then neither can Jake. Put them both against the wall. Or are women not equal?
so every time 2 drunk people have sex both of them are rapists. i am a rapist.
So Basically Drunken Sex Counts As Rape Now? Which Cuck/ Leftist Organization Is Behind This....
Only the females consent matters. But being drunk doesn't void consent, being passed out does.
Who's finger when it who's ass? That is the only way to settle this.
I had that seminar in college a couple years ago. Everyone thought it was retarded and nothing changed. I am actually glad I went to a Catholic College.
Also literally everyone's comment on the logic was retarded.
Looks more like Jackie and Jose
this reminds me of the frat guy who left the girl behind the dumpster. they were both drunk right?
I just realized this poster was possibly photoshopped. I imagine the original said
Jake was Sober
Josie was DRUNK
I've never seen the original so I'm not sure how true this is.
not according to american university guidelines
because women cant be expected to be reasonable and man is the brain of the couple duh
same reason you cant expect negroes to get jobs so it falls upon the white man to provide for them
If jake is sober why is he drinking a margarita
University policy and criminal court are different.
The university can kick out a student for the crime of being male, but he isn't going to go to prison unless the girl is passed out.
>Or are women not equal?
They aren't and everyone knows this. Equality is just a code word to guilt men into handing over money and to stay out of positions of authority.
I've passed out and had a girl give me a blow, then ride me. How is that not rape?
Women are children.
They don't like to admit it, but sometimes it slips.
>Be responsible
>Yes, you, the male
Nope that was the original I was in College when this shit started.
Roasties aren't responsible for their own actions. Anything they do wrong is your fault. Apologise.
Consider this: Most rape victims are repeat victims because they put themselves in situations to reenact the trauma.
Also most men in the Drunken party sex have no idea the girl feels raped because most rape victims get the "freeze" reaction and dissociate when it happens. They literally shut down and go almost catatonic. She basically goes limp and sort of plays dead like an animal there for offering no resistance, naturally the guy thinks she is dtf because she isn't saying no or resisting.
It has actually happened to me before. I didn't have sex with the girl, but I finger blasted her (whiskey dick) she didn't resist at all and seemed to be in to it. the next morning I got a call from her bff and she was talking about going to the police and that she was shaking and crying about it. Turns out she was sexually molested as a child, and this happens to her all the time. I think there was a facebook/hitthat page with over 200 guys on it.
She still claims to this day I sexually assaulted her.
A good rule of thumb to avoid false rape like this.
>never have sex with a chick who is drunk if she is passive in the act. Meaning she needs to be on top, sucking your dick, be involved actively. If she is just submitting, get the fuck out of there, in her mind that will be rape.
What country is that. USA?
There's so much in favour of women there it is very close to being Sweden.
BTW GUYS /POL GOT A HAPPENING TIP OFF EARLIER - looks like swedeykin was full of shit, if you caught all that 4 hours ago it's 12:40 in Sweden right now.
Why can the incels of Jow Forums not stop advocating for rape?? Who here is going to stand up and stop rape from happening?
Yeah ok, way overblown statistics of regret.
Yeah I agree, just don't fuck a drunk dead fish.
>Only the females consent matters
How can a drunk man know he has consent from a drunk woman? The assumption is always that men are in control, even when drunk, but women can't control themselves in the same way. They aren't equal.
nope, that's the original version.
however, there was a pretty big shitstorm, and they took them down just a few days after putting them up.
can't bother to find a source again, look it up if you're interested.
>Yeah ok, way overblown statistics of regret.
Are you in denial about rape culture, user? Are you a rapist in the making or already a rapist? Do you know how much rape there actually is and how often this horrible crime is perpetrated?
>>never fuck a drunk chick, seriously unless she is on top and sucking your dick. Orherwise if you know she can be crazy or looks crazy, dyed hair any of that shit. Abort mission and tell her to gtfo unless she starts saying fugg her
Bitches want the cock. Fuck those whores when they whine afterwards. Smack them in the face with your cock and tell them to get the fuck out, you filthy cunt.
Just because you can't consent while drunk doesn't mean you can't be held accountable for your actions. Inaction isn't the same as action. And yes, it could've been Josie but in this case it was Jake. It's mostly guys who rape and who need this reminder.
It's possible it's called reverse rape
Or maybe she gets a strap on on..
I can't believe this was approved. The poster basically declares that women lack any responsibility for their actions, which is a crazy double-edged sword.
>Lets ridiculously expand the definition of rape!
>Oh look! Only 3 percent of rapists spend even a day in jail! How awful!
Something something women don’t hold institutional power
Rape= gender + power
So basically women can't get DUI's either?
32,000 women got drunk and fucked and got pregnant and maybe 500 of those were real rapes.
Lmfao, I was a hardcore degenerate who fucked many leftist women without knowing they have a boyfriend. When they get caught they lie and say they were assaulted/raped, but don't want to go to the police. Its a fucking game numb nut. Most of those leftists that cry rape are just regretful whores.
>I can't believe this was approved
stupid feminist makes a stupid poster, that a committee of stupid feminists approves
what's so unfathomable about that?
The girl will say no or pull away if she isn't down to fuck. Men are just expected to be more responsible in the situation, I'm not saying it is fair or agreeing, just stating how it works.
If a guy wakes up with a whale, he is made fun of and not a victim. If a girl wakes up with a whale she is a victim and the whale is a criminal. Stupid, but that's how it works.
>in her mind that will be rape
Good rule to live by. I just don't buy into the excuse, but it's a fight you only want to have on paper/msg board.
>>Lets ridiculously expand the definition of rape!
>Being this much in denial about rape.
There is so much nonconsensual sex carried out by virgins such as yourself. It's disgusting and an international crisis. You have to stop it.
Yeah technically she raped you.
Rape stats are fake news I'm glad I'm gay
Bitches are crazy
how can you blame him? it takes two to tango. what if he had 6 drinks and she had 3?
How can a woman rape a man? Is that biologically and physically possible?
>the same women who make fun of virgins are the same ones who make fake rape accusations
like pottery
women are whores
government is pimp
pay up or get broke
Actually that’s not how it works
No court in the US would convict a guy of rape because of that
This just how fucked up colleges try to work
Like anyone wants to bang those women.
>casually shilling
>while sipping tea
>be me
>cop pulls me over, broken tail light
>can't smell booze
>calls 3 more cops
>can't smell booze
>refuse search
>refuse breath/blood
>automatic DUI
>be gf
>drive up to SAME COP a week later
>ask for directions
>open container
>ADMITS to drinking
>gets let off
Brock Turner knows this to be the truth.
Exactly. Except some females, many females in Josie's situation, have sex, regret it the next day for who knows/who cares, then say they were raped. Women won't deal with this, won't even talk about it. In my opinion they would get more support from men if they dealt with it.
>Like anyone wants to bang those women.
This right here is why I'm ashamed of my Cuntry.
How can virgins carry out none sexual sex? They are hardly virgin if they rape women
>He raped me with his eyes! Lock him up!
>Mam... that is not rape...
Idk if you look at what happened to brock turner its basically that
National yearong scandal
Both walk out drunk
He fingers her in the alley and it's like he cut her head off. Didn't even get to fuck her. I'm not even sure he put the finger inside.. But it's treated like he cut her head off
nigga look
To be fair. Fornication needs to curbed one way or another.
Exactly. It was a year of me hearing about this guy and I thought he was some monster and I finally and went and looked what he did and I was like wtf
Non consensual sex*
>none sexual sex
idk? You explain it to me
Were you a dick to the cop or something?
and why did you refuse?
Thats a shopped article lol.
They usually don't regret it until they tell a friend and she says "EWWWWW", that's the point it becomes rape.
Also, once a girl makes a dumb claim it marks her as off limits to other guys and she will be ignored in the dating scene.
>Y not both?
Because women.
See ---> Auto correct
shouldn't be having sex before marriage
In court, silence = consent.
In that if the judge asks if you agree to something and you say nothing, you have consented.
Just sayin
Report her for rape first, problem solved.
or get drunk...
I hope this is true.
I've heard a lot of horror stories where guys get fucked over. but that might be just HR departments and colleges ext.
any first hand experience?
Fairly certain thats the college I graduated from. Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC. Judging by the logo in the corner. The college is really leftist too its disgusting. Those memes about professors indoctrinating their students is all too true I've come to find out.
White women are so egar to twerk all day but have zero ass to do it.
Just don't go near women at fucking all.
Why are you trying so hard to make rape acceptable?
Coz the guy wants to fuck and l girl seeks love, but guys knows alcohol lowers inhibitions and he can't dodge the rapist bullet, be he uses his knowledge for his advancement and he can be sentence because of malicious behaviour
>I just realized this poster was possibly photoshopped
Definitely not photoshopped
that's not the point at all. its just crazy how both people in the poster are drunk yet only one is responsible. how would it be different if itt was gay/lesbian couple?
I was falsely accused once. Luckily I had several witnesses who heard her say how she was gonna fuck me that night. When we were done we went back to the party and after she was around her friends she started crying. I was like wtf and she said "you raped me". Oh fuck here we go. Interviews with a detective, arraignment...... It got to the day of the trial and the DA turned to her and said "look, if this really happened I'll fight tooth and nail for you but if it didn't I need to know now". And she finally confessed to making it up. Now I think if someone cries rape someone needs to go to jail. In my case it would have been her.
>gay/lesbian couple
Lesbian domestic abuse is well documented and gay men are degenerate perverts.
Wanting to get laid is not malicious behavior. If he spikes her drink then sure. It's natural biology to want sex.
why does my ID keep changing?
>looks like a Mexican
>touching a white woman
Santiago is lucky he didn't get lynched to be quite honest.
Women are basically children, that's why.
Deep down, feminists know this.
That truly is a rape free hambeast zone.
She didn't tell you about the cock sucking part?
user I..
Because gender is a social construct.
>tfw no equality
Reminder, you are now in violation of company policy by being over the three post limit for shills. Management is watching, please shill more responsibly and in accordance with company policy.
>I imagine the original was photoshopped
>offer zero evidence to back up my claims
Tbh, women are already drunk. Alcohol just makes it worse. The question is, why are women raping themselves with alcohol? It’s terrible!
>This pic says two people are drunk and have sex
you mean people actually do that ? like naked and stuff ?
Can I, as a theoretical based black man, claim I was raped by a white man, when my boss turns me down for a raise?
I mwan, he holds institutional power and I am clearly an inept nigger being held down by white people social constructs designed to keep nigger poor and working for peanuts.
Sex should'nt be mandatory for rape. I feel raped when I leave a KFC and I'm not given an extra chicken breast for being an oppressed POC. Rape is just a word coined by white people anyways, to describe the exploitation of niggers like me.
So is English. I feel raped by this very thread. Fuck you honkies.