Study history

>study history
>become centrist

did this happen to anyone else?

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>Become a retard

What do you mean by centrist?

99% of white people who lived before the 1950s would be called "far right" today.

So I suppose yes, I have studied history and my views would be centrist at any sane moment in history, whether than's England 1820, Australia 1905, Rhodesia 1945 or anywhere anytime before.


learning that being in the middle of the political spectrum pleases both sides

exact opposite

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>jewish professors
well this is bullshit
>reads locke
>tips fedora

>lit degree
>became racist
wtf happened.

>take Ayahuasca
>become a mystic
>Political ideology becomes irrelevant

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Show me one successful centrist civillization in history.

>study Jow Forums
>become baitposter
Good job faggot

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i think centrist is the wrong word.
i also study history and i understand what you are trying to say.
i think a better way to describe your mindset is that you are no longer an ideologue.

Well, given that literally any position other than rabid devotion entirely to either left or right wing gets you labeled a centrist...

nigger pls,
>take ayahuasca
>contact your ancestors and the deities who rule your people
politics? if you think that has anything to do w/ the third path, you might be retarded.

>study the west
>become gay the first time I read about OP

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>study history
>become an afrocentrist
i woke now crackers
also you cute, white boy

as you delver deeper into history, of any scope, you invariably come to understand that nothing is new under the sun and that the best way to live is in a non ideological fashion and instead stand for truth in every sphere you can.
live humbly, provide for your current and future self, your family and if possible your community.

>Study history
>Become libertarian
>Study present
>Become pic related

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Not particularly, but I am some hybrid of left and right politics, but I also developed my own school of philosophy. History certainly is a gateway to many things, some of which are basically full fledged fucking powers. History fags always seem to have a fucking edge over everyone else in debate, at least in the arena of politics.

This is a very astute point. Also, many if not most countries today are still extremely right wing, traditionalist and conservative.
Wanna know the real fucking punchline to all this though?
Ancient societies in Europe were actually some weird mix of hardcore right wingism and the funnest, most humane forms of leftism/socialism. With this in mind, as Europeans we can quite easily lay siege to feminism while still maintaining that high amounts of female personal freedoms are actually a "conservative" thing. Same can be said for democracy and gay rights oddly enough.

A lot of opposition to this, that is not rooted in pure rational observation (which also existed in ancient times, along side all the deviancy and weirdness they criticised - so add free speech and liberalism to the list) is basically Abrahamic, which is historically speaking, a new fad...

I'm telling you homos... the right wing future is going to be a really fucking interesting place indeed.

NatSoc is pretty centrist

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>your ether far right or centralist on how you veiw the world.
yep . funny how that works.

>study history
>hate jews

gas yourself

participating in extremism is perpetuating political team game mentality and creates violent individuals


No. Actually pushed me further left.

Yes, back when I was 12, then I took a closer look and learned about biology/psychology/instincts and figured out that humans are ignorant, selfish leeches that sabotage our collective morale to take advantage of the smart and strong minded.

I then realized that governments do the same and ended up as liberal capitalist. The weak must die to save the collective

this may be the best shitpost ive ever seen. brevity is the wit of the soul, afterall

Historical centrist is right as fuck you retard. If we were historically centrist we would be burning shit down right now.

Oh wait I get it......

Third position basically is.
I think that the difference between chad TP and virgin centrists is that modernity has given them a false sense of security in their "individualism".
The concept of sweeping judgements seems silly and unnecessary when everyone can be a free agent with some degree of success and security.
In the past the family was your "welfare" and "career" and "school". Trades often were passed on via nepotism, schooling was done at home and there were all hands on deck.
Kicking Jews out of countries might seem terribly unnecessary to "individualists" but when you realise that these Jewish business men who got caught dealing in slaves of contraband, were the "heads" of their households who were also supported and depended upon by their families, you can see why kicking out entire tribes was rational and ultimately necessary.

When you understand the tribal nature of humans and taste the crushing pressure of reality which reveals the limits of your strength and power as an individual, you will suddenly realise the fascist symbol more intimately: a bunch of individual sticks that bind together around an axe to become something more powerful.

This key lesson of civilisation is staring us right in the face and yet it still isn't obvious.
It's also kinda funny that fascists are LITERAL faggots.

>Study history
>Realizes republicanism was a mistake from the very beginning

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you just exposed your nose, mmmmbud.

It’s called low T, user. Speak to your doctor or medical provider for diagnosis and the treatment options that are right for you.

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No im literally Hitler now.

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>study philosophy
>become Fascist

u nostalgia'ing me?

>holy fuck what are they teaching these little retards

How so?
I just said the noses don't really belong to our true conservative traditions.

>centrists can't hold beliefs

where did this meme come from?

where did you go to college where your profs gave you a centrist view of history?

Mongolian University of Science and Technology

I already was but learning history made me all too aware of the dangers of radicals

You should study your dick with your mouth.


Sure but you have to swing the overton window far to the right to get to "centrism"

It didn't make me centrist, it made me move towards the center though. My 14/88 shit cooled down to CRx

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