No hymen no diamond

>No hymen no diamond
Although I don't really disagree with this sentiment, what is the solution?

I mean let's be honest here you are not getting a virgin wife in 2018 unless you're Chad, and even if you do, most men aren't. So what do? Is this generation simply lost? Sluts aren't going to magically become virgins and younger women won't magically abstain until marriage instead of getting railed by Chad.

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who want's to fuck a virgin

when the collapse happens, pedophilia will take over by necessity

well...pedophilia isnt the right word... but guys will be grabbing lolis to marry, whether they are attracted to them at that point in time or not. it is the only way to guarantee virginity.

MGTOW is the solution. It has been all along.

how is mgtow a solution?

chads dont mgtow, so youre just letting even more women get fucked and chucked idiot.

mgtow is so fucking stupid it hurts my peabrain

How about simply, No.

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any man who unironically needs to buy a rock to get a woman to marry him doesn't deserve to have a woman. any woman who would be offended by avoiding the diamond jew needs a harsh spanking.

i wish i could. as each year passes, it becomes less likely. feelsbadman

I don't give a shit at all if the girl I get with has had sex with guys before me as long as they were White

a single non-White, even Asian, and I wont touch her

It's a personal solution. Once you shed the need to live up to an outdated, misandrist expectation to lock yourself into a one sided government contract and provide for a reformed roastie, then you can focus on pursuits that that are more reasonable.

As for a grand, societal solution, nothing short of eradicating feminism root and stem would achieve that, but that's not going to happen. At any rate, marriage is a dying institution anyway. It's silly to try and prop it up with rhetoric. People don't act on rhetoric, they act on incentives, and there are fewer of them each passing year. Pic related.

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yes, please throw all your white women away because they had sex one time before marriage. that will surely save the white race.

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who wants to marry a whore

>getting married

Still baffles me why any man would willingly do that

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do mgtow disregard all women or just whores? why not still look out for virgins

>throw all your white women away
no, we just need to physically remove the whore ones

Who wants used products?
Do you unironically want a cocksleeve another man came into?

My philosophy is that if I find a fabled unicorn who isn't an impulsive, bratty, hypergamous, sociopathic piece of shit with borderline personality disorder, I will do what I can to keep.

I don't believe in unicorns though.


Broke with gf almost 2 weeks ago. Couldn’t handle how she told me she was conservative and wanted 5 white kids after also revealing her past to me of partying with millionaires and politicians. She has insanely good connections and a business, but I’m not there to marry for wealth and power. It hurt deep. She wanted to move out together and I had to refuse- it basically ended on that

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To have kids and a family/procreate. If you cant understand something simple like that then you are clearly a beta male and not meant to breed. Don't feel bad though overpopulation will be a top issue in future generations so you are kinda saving a sliver of humanity without spreading your digressive genes and adding to the world population.

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off to the camps INCEL faggot

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There is no solution. Marriage itself is obsolete.
Originally the union of marriage was merging two families together, with the kid being at the center.
Now we have an abomination of marriage focused on the bride and how happy she is.
Sorry to kill your dreams but marrying a virgin isn't going to stop her from taking the kids and getting a divorce, they all do it.

Most women lose their hymen before their virginity.


Haha you just cucked yourself

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You are aware that you can procreate without marriage, right? In fact, and this may come as a surprise to you, for 99% of our history as a species that's exactly what we did. It's why you're here today. Most of your ancestors were not married.

>b-but civilization
My friend, this civilization is done. You were born at the tail end of the decadency stage of post-enlightenment western civilization.


As long as you don't take dick every weekend without any restraint, I'm sure you'll be fine

..Um, you're a fucking idiot? Unless there was a big negative vibe coming from her, why cut it off like that?

Oh, is that what she told you?

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Not really. It goes further than that. We were not happy with one another. Constantly at war over small issues followed by withdrawal

My girlfriend is a virgin. Ask me anything.

They patched that loophole with the addition of Common Law marriage. Nice try.

>Who wants a brand new car?

I'd rather have a car with 350,000 miles, several previous owners and numerous unseen problems that may cause it to break down at any time and cost me a lot of money.

Accusing me of things and yelling. Wasn’t nice, only sometimes it was.

How blue are your balls? Are you going to make it until marriage or will you be weak and succumb to pressure?

We have reached a point where if you're not a Chad, you will have no choice but be either a cuck or an incel.

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How about you go take a nappie

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lol virgins are the worst fucks out there, i can't stand the incels on this thread, you guys don't know shit

Fair enough, but my state doesn't have common law marriage. I guess if it means that much to one of these guys, they could find a state without it and try their luck there. In any case, marriage isn't a biological requirement for procreation, but to here trads talk about it you'd think it was.

37 with 3 kids

Okay, this is epic

Virginity rates are actually going up

ITT: virgin incels

It's not about sex it's about stability. There is an inverse relationship with the number of sexual partners and various marriage statistics.

I'm not in the virgins only camp but I'm not marrying a bicycle

Among men

Distribute KJV Bibles to every household. Mandatory reading and study.

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if only you had kids with a virgin you're life would've turned out all right

Yeah she lost her hymen "horse riding" or doing "athletics" xdddddddddddddd

They just want a mother and father in the household and be a normal 50s nuclear family. They are living in the past and refuse to adapt.

Eh. It's not always fun. But we're both committed to waiting and don't do any of the stupid "almost there" stuff. Being chaste makes things easier.

It's been well over a year, so we'll make it to marriage (prob at 2 years).

Fuck off with this blackpilled bullshit you coward.

I've been married for ten years, have three awesome kids, and a loving wife. I'm a decent 7/10 because I'm moderately fit but I'm no Chad. If I can do it so can you.

Stop letting (((them))) determine your potential.

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If you know so much then how come all you can do is impotently repeat the word virgin in the vain hope that we'll all shut up? Put a little effort in. Give us some of the obvious Chadvice about leading women and finding church girls, like I know you want to do.

So much for 1st amendment rights. When do you take away 2nd amendment then?

She wasn't a virgin when she gave birth to our kids. I took care of that on our wedding night. Somebody needs to have the talk with you.
I know it's hard for you guys to believe it's possible but it is. Just don't encourage, indulge or settle for sluts.

How bout no 8 inches then Fuck off micropenis dude.

Here's the shitty part:

No man (aside from literal cucks) wants ANYONE to have ever fucked his wife. This is completely normal. I mean really, flip the logic. The opposite of wanting a woman who has never been fucked is wanting a woman who *has* been fucked. If you say both out loud, which one sounds more ridiculous?

But logic has little place in today's society.

So what was considered TOTALLY.FUCKING.NORMAL for thousands of years - a woman to wait until she married - is now considered stupid, short-sighted aberrant self-deprivation.

It's not, of course, but perception = reality.

So what do you do? If you insist on a virgin, you are looked at as unreasonable, unfair, and a bit weird.

And to make it worse, the only fuckers on the planet right now INSISTING on virgins and structuring their society to ensure are the piece-of-shit Muslims.

So the 'solution' - though it's really more of a workaround - is hope you luck out and find a virgin (they DO still exist, just very rare) or find a girl with minimal experience/damage. You basically just have to mitigate your losses at this point.

But NOT marrying/breeding if you are White is a worse option.

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This desu

Hold strong. It is SO worth the wait.

8 inches is in like the 99th percentile

How is something like a 7 incher small?

Yeah, and I make 300k a year as the head chef at Wendy's while my dad works at Nintendo.

No women too

I tell people that I want to marry a virgin but I'm not a virgin myself so they call me a hypocrite. How do I get around this?

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Being happily married is not an unrealistic scenario


Women lie about their sex counts all the time. Maybe try that? Seems to work for them.


Seems to me marriage is going to be abolished effectively. Men will not want the risk and women wont want the responsibility. Afterwards, our society will fall

im a really wealthy guy but because i spent 100% of my time on making money i neglected everything else (social life, health, emotional growth etc).

im a 28 year old who acts like a highschooler and still feels like one. i have not advanced beyond high school, if that makes sense. (arrested development is what its called?)

what do?

That depends: Did you break any virgins, or was that deed already gone when you got to them?

haha did you really I bet you kill it don't you, my chadvice is to stop lying to yourselves cause you can't pull hot chicks by calling them sluts, just fucking try a little bit like jesus christ go get some fucking ass

>If you insist on a virgin, you are looked at as unreasonable, unfair, and a bit weird.
By nobody that matters

Wanting what you want doesn't make you a hypocrite. It just makes you selective, If equality is the criteria, she should *exactly* the same sexual history as you, make *exactly* as much money as you, etc. Point out the impossibility of equality and emphasize it's about personal choice, not fucking math.

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Both times i had sex was with used trash. I was 17 and just wanted sum fuk so i didnt care

You've been married for a decade and have no idea how bad things are. Be thankful you avoided the social media nightmare dating scene. Thank Jesus for it tonight.

I am Chad

T. Known Boss

People want to marry virgins and fuck sluts.

Then you're not a hypocrite. It's only a problem if you pump and dump a virgin because that act creates whores.

gotta love being a chad just saying

There's hope yet for our society!

>my chadvice is to stop lying to yourselves cause you can't pull hot chicks by calling them sluts
Except I do all the time. I'm frank with women. But more importantly, to them anyway, I'm tall, good looking, and a homeowner with a good career, so they will endure virtually anything I say to them.

Terrible Chadvice. I wouldn't even call it Chadvice. I bet you think physically abusing women turns them off, too.

Keep telling yourself that, buddy

So I guess the mice experiment fags were right.

This may come as a shock but a virgin wife won't remain a timid rabbit forever. And you get the added benefit of complete trust and you are the first in everything you try.

Maybe if you would take the time to understand mgtow your peabrain might comprehend it. But we all know people like you don't actually want to do that, you just want to demonize it because "Muh white birthrate. NAWALT. It's your duty"

It has probably never been easier for a man tomarry a virgin

>all successful people are LARPing because I'm a loser

Not sure brother, but at very least this place should have given you an idea of where NOT to look for a woman

Entirely possible, and I'll be the first to admit that I have been blessed. That said, there are still bastions of sanity (such as, obviously, the church) but you're right, there is little else these days.

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>why not still look out for virgins
Because virgins are no guarantee for a successful, happy marriage.

>nothing is a guarantee so don't even try lol lolololll

Nobody wants to watch a shity YouTube video, make an argument or fuck off.

Thanks. We will.

what? im not one of those "man up and marry her" faggots. but its retarded to throw all women out with the bathwater.

Uh. . . How do you know is a good starting question.

Girls are not going around lying about being virgins

The issue is nobody waits until marriage so the nohymennodiamond rule is dumb from the beginning. The reason for marrying a girl with a low partner count is because she is less likely to leave, so the problem is obvious, girls leaving is the issue.

wtf Bilbo

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The road to abstinence is a two way street. If we expect females to stay a virgin until marriage, then we should expect the same from the males. One doesn't lose their virginity without the other. Also move the conversation from why you should wait from because your not old enough to it's an irresponsible decision that will have negative long terms effects financially to raising a family, physically to STDs, and mentally if you ever want to settle down.

But how does one implement this into the rest of society? We can't force anyone to do, (Or not do) anything without a fascist government. So should abstinence be promoted socially more? I don't see any other approach that would lead to it returning to the majority.