Have you ever risked your life in an act of bravery to help someone you didnt know?

have you ever risked your life in an act of bravery to help someone you didnt know?

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Yes, many times and it payed badly, 137 died because of me and my mates.
Playing the saviour of the world with lliberal mind is a disease, butterfly effect and that shit.
Pic related, and the outcome was two of those 'refugees' assaulting bataclan.

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No and neither did that dude.

The guy who stood there dangling the tot over the balcony should be charged with child endangerment. The nog should be charged with tresspassing.

Yes many times. But because I don't have dark-skin, isn't a fag or have no connection to the leftist elites or interests I have gained nothing in return. Sometimes I get thanks in gratitude but nothing more then that. As a matter of fact, there have been unfortunate circumstances where I have been criminally persecuted simply because of saving a life or helping someone in a dire situation where no one refused to intervene except me. This is Canadian society in nutshell: selfish liberal narcissism and nihilistic culture-less cesspool where the good and the just are persecuted and the criminals and the 3rd worlders run free and wild.

I once kept a young girl from being molested.

I passed out.

yes I burned some typhus ridden jews.

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A few years ago I was getting on the 5 around 1am when I saw some dude jumping up and down in the middle of the road waving a cell phone. I legit thought he was trying to commit suicide.

Anyway, I slowed down and, when I did, I saw a body slumped over between the second and third lanes of traffic. I realized the dude with the cell phone was trying to alert oncoming traffic with the light of the cell, so I grabbed my maglite and ran over to him, handed him the maglite, and then ran over to the injured guy.

The injured dude was a motorcyclist who (as I later found out) was riding home drunk from a bar when he fell off his bike. His forearm bone was coming out of his skin as well as his femur above his knee. The amazing thing was he was still awake which turned out to be a bad thing because he was rolling around. After maybe 20 seconds he suddenly started squirting blood from his leg and I realized he had an arterial bleed. I grabbed his groin in an attempt to stop the bleeding but I couldn't so I manbeasted my t-shirt and made a pretty quick and dirty tourniquet. Probably the one thing the Marines taught me.

After that the paramedics arrived in an SUV and they applied a real tourniquet while I tried to relay his injuries that I'd noted (he was already passed out at this point). Shortly thereafter an ambulance arrived and the dude actually lived.

He was a member of the Henchmen MC and I ended up running into the dude later at a bike night. Kind of crazy world.

tl;dr biker had arterial bleed so I groped him until paramedics arrived

hahahah too bad we live in reality senpai hes a hero

you wont ever get your way

>risked my life
>helped a random person
surely, you're a fucking nigger if you don't help your fellow man. I'm not saying help everyone you see but if you see someone in need that actually wants to help themselves it's good to give them a helping hand.


A good majority of the people frequenting this board haven’t because they are angry, vitriolic people who pass it off as a consequence of being red-pilled. This place would do better with fewer assholes.

they are the minority and will remain the minority

if they want to steam their little heads off and make themselves sick with anger its just entertainment for intelligent people who are in control

>i-its not my fault im a failure!!
>its da liburals!!!

hahaha so many people on this board are so angry at people they think caused them to fail in their goals

you failed because you werent good enough

you gave me faith, thank you user.

To help some fucking haji with an RPG get his express ticket to paradise and his 72 virgins, yeah.

Calculated risk. I wasn't in his firing arc and it was a chip shot. Side to side through the brain pan, dead right there. Dude never felt a thing.

Shit, dude.

there should be an article for that or some record.

prove it or you're lying :)

Oh, please, we killed so many bad guys in Karbala Gap in May 2003 they just hung a Valorous Unit Award on the whole battalion, considered equivalent to a blanket award of the Silver Star.

Really, it was lopsided murder.

hahaha you lying fag how pathetic

Shit, I don't think ANYONE in the battalion got an award just for the Gap.

hes actually a hero, just u retards dont like him cuz hes an ooga booga. i disagree that he should have been granted citizenship though, that was bullshit.

Google Valorous Unit Award Karbala May 2003 and you will put enough pieces together.

I trust him over you. He just needs to get rid of the meme flag.

>speaking French and swearing on the Kuran

Really makes you think

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>This one guy out of 100 000 robbers, rapists, killers, terrorists, welfare leeches, etc. does something nice, so lets forget the rest and let more in to destroy our country!

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French tradition. They do the same for members of the Foreign Legion who earn valor awards before retirement which is when they normally get French citizenship.

>p-prove it for yourself!

even if that did happen it doesnt prove you were there

lying fag hahahahahah

Having bled on Crusade against the Islamic filth, I earned this one.

Not a particularly well known battle or that huge an award. We held the Gap open for 3rd ID who leapfrogged us into Baghdad, and they got a Presidential Unit Citation, a higher award, for beating us there. Fuckers.

you still havent proven anything how sad do you have to be to go to such lengths to lie ANONYMOUSLY on the internet? lmaoing at your life kid

Kike really pushing this story arent they, the dumb kid was already being grabbed by someone else

Yeah I once stopped a niggress from attacking a white woman

Are people really dumb enough to believe these proxy niggers?

haha yeah one time on a busy street there was this big scary looking guy restraining a woman & she was screaming for help so instinctively I went up and asked if the guy was bothering her, so then both she & the guy started shouting at me so I ran off lol

it's a fake

no, but ive saved the life of at least 3

if true, thank you for your service brave soul

>implying him or anyone has to prove shit to you
Dumb leafposters

if you make a claim you have to prove it. basic argument structure.

otherwise i can just say hey dumb shit like hey korean faggot give me $10,000 or ill hire my elite hitman to kill your mom

you arent gonna give me the 10k unless I proved it.