Who is this man? He was at the White House event today and took a knee during God Bless America.
This fat, tubby, greasy, sweaty burger hero of a man.
I know the majority of the people on the lawn were WH staff, do we know who he is?
Who is this man? He was at the White House event today and took a knee during God Bless America.
This fat, tubby, greasy, sweaty burger hero of a man.
I know the majority of the people on the lawn were WH staff, do we know who he is?
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disgusting fat fucking slob
He took a knee because his legs couldn't hold his fatass up any longer
he is american sized
A Jew probably.
Has science gone too far?
I don't get it. They kneel before Trump, like in showing submission. That is no protest, it is signalling: we give up
the peak of human evolution
i thought maybe he dropped his ham sandwich.
but i see he's wearing his ham sandwich belt.
Whats his end game?
We call it "medium"
What a fucking loser. I hope he gets robbed and beaten by niggers. He thinks he’s contributing to the greater good to gain nigger points and hopefully have it lead to at least a handjob by some impressed female. What a waste, let reality red pill him. Or attempt to anyways
Self-hate is a leftist trait.
HA. I caught him too, I didn't think anybody else noticed.
Gloria Borger?
Rumor has it that it the woman who marched in the justice for Isaih
to eat the world.
Look at that fat gut hang over his belt. No shame. Poor guy probably had a spike in his blood pressure just kneeling and standing up again.
>bringing your NES switch to some boring thing
>hiding it in your pockets
>hot out
>start to sweat
>getting slightly dehydrated
>speeches keep going
>switch is weight down pants
>cant take it out and reveal soichild level
>body slaked in sweat
>pants start to slip
>hips actkshully smaller because dehydration
>QT turns around twice right when Im pulling up pants
>It looks like Im grabbing my balls but really just trying to pull belt over fat pad
>need to tighten belt but women staring
>take a knee
>become international news story
Praying he gets doxxed
a fat bastard who wants attention. you know le resistance
my favorite part is where he ran away before anyone could speak to him
Too fat and lazy to stand. I wouldn't want to talk to the cameras either if I looked like that.
Don't celebrate this 300# plus fat fuck
Is there any possibility that there could be someone protesting (kneeling during the anthem or something similar) for an actual valid reason, or do americans think that there is no such thing?
typical numale soiboi
these creatures deserve to be shot on sight
Hilarious coming from America's unused attic
does he even onions?
does he even s-o-y?
Fat bitch should be in jail.