What happens here?


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fakkin kangaroos m8

they should use nukes to make an inland sea.


Wanzer development

It used to be a forest, proto-niggers burned it down.

More like wanker development.

Largest rock in the world. Nothing more and nothing less.

go on

thats not very interesting

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American ICBMs

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They used to hunt by burning down large swaths of forest, extincted a bunch of animals and plants.

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A whole heap of space to keep us further away from you cunts.

Kangaroo rape

Abbos burned the forest to chase out game to hunt. Fucking stupid nogs.

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>When you finally see it

That sound extremely wasteful

Emus everywhere. do not enter or you die.

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Pine Gap? Not much, its all underground. A bit of this a bit of that. Some experimental stuff occasionally that never really pans out. Sometimes it does. No aliens. But some things from next door call occasionally.

>No aliens. But some things from next door call occasionally.

You fucking what

Well there's Alice Springs there, and uh....
lots of bush and sand?

A LOT of Camels. Camels are numerous and are a pest that you can hunt. Camels and their meat are one of Australia's top exports to the ME. That as well as sand! Australian sand is far better for construction.


Child abuse and alcoholism

Ey ey ey ey... that’s my snake, I trained it, I’m gonn’o eat it!

Two days ago I saw a rig that could haul that tankah. You wanna get outta heah, talk to me.

>"Pine Gap" Undergound U.S. Military facility
>Mt Ziel Facility - No one knows who or what resides here. Extreme UFO hot spot.
>Chinese Nuclear testing.

Alice Springs, Pine Gap, Ayers Rock etc.

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Nothing, it's a fucking dessert.
Abbos were too dumb to hunt so they burned the rainforest down. Now it's the Outback.

We assist you in spying on the whole world, probably a primary target if there's ever a nuclear exchange, its your eyes and ears for half for a good portion of the globe.


Also a big rock people visit, and lots of abos, thats about it.

Is it still run by that satanic chick.

Have you seen the wildlife of Australia? What doesn't kill you instantly lays eggs in you to reproduce.... Yeah, sure, walking/hunting in an aussie forest... i would have done the same thing.

The Jews are planning something on Ayers Rock, that's why they're trying to pushed for a ban on climbing it.

That's funny because the tribes living in the Amazon don't clear cut burn the forest down to hunt. They are smart enough to understand the forest is their home and is necessary for the promotion of life.

shit ton of nuclear testing

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Rape and domestic violence.


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Dingoe toork muh BAYBEEEEEE

It isnt true.
Inland australia did have a sea and different environment millions of years ago, abos have only been there 40,000 tops in which time the environment hasnt changed much.
That said abos did or do burn scrub to flush out animals which is where the half truth story comes from. It is actually beneficial as many plant species including the eucalyptus have adapted and use and rely on the fires to reproduce.

There's a walmart and an abbo casino there now

Is this an AI looking for responses? The consistency of random locations seems unnatural. Inb4 autism



why would they use a woman for human comparison? They should use the average sized man instead of the half-children of our species.

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A central node for US spying (not kidding)

>Pine Gap

>it's beneficial because one plant species survived
How do we know the koalas didn't start the fires to breed supereucalyptuses

Koalas are so fucking tired all the time because of the toxins in Eucalyptus. If they made it any more Eucalyptus-ey they'd be killing themselves.

See all those lights in inland Australia, nobody lives there, they're natural bush fires, and has always happened.

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Spooky shit happens there

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Does pine gap have bunnings

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Death, a big nothing and more death.

for you

cryptids eat abos

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dead tourists

sure do m8

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You mean nobody lives there except for koalas

I bet the tourists go there but the locals go to the big brown dirt mound in the background.

Chinese territory.

That's a big rock

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it's the biggest dessert on Earth. Could solve the starvation problem in Africa

is land cheap as dirt out there?

>t. KIDF

I think its mostly crown land and some given back to the abos to extort companies who want to dig up metal. I cant imagine if theres any for sale the chongs dont already own it


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Thar be Dingos, Babbys beware

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Why didn't the Aussies ask the camels for help against the emu

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Aboriginal metropolis

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saw on on a stop sign last year

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Is it comfy out there?

Go on


basically more fresh water then the great lakes

Paying abos to stay away from civilization

emus too powerful
>asking an arab for help

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yeah definitely not just the abos trying to flex their PC-machine muscles again for more gibs


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Imminent death.

jus abo stuf

The Jews are space lizards right? What if Ayers Rock was their original space craft that crashed into earth. The Abos were an advanced civilization, destroyed by Jews. They were turned stupid and primitive.
Now the Jews are worried they're losing their grip on the world, so they're preparing to bring another ship in.

This too.
Probably to keep people away from the US spy facility

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It's fucking hot m8 better of in country vic or nsw

You know lots of people sleep on this, but you guys truly are our best ally. You've joined us in every stupid military fight we've fought since wwi, help us with all sorts of shady shit, and you've adopted our maccas cuisine. Thanks cunt

US nuclear testing

Someone agrees, apparently. Checked.

>you cunts
What does he mean by this????

Are the kangaroos doing the raping or the other way round?

Feminism has far reaching tendrils you mysoginist bigot.

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we had to get our revenge somehow

Real talk and memes aside are emus really that big of a nuisance