There is no political solution. Read SIEGE by James Mason if you want to actually be productive.

Attached: Atomwaffen Grill.jpg (697x1200, 234K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's degenerate satanic trash, not National Socialism.


what is this siege garbage?

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8pol's response to leftypol stirner memes from what i gathered

Pdf link?

Read the works of Roman Dmowski, the Polish James Mason

> Selected works

Separatyzm Żydów i jego źródła (Separatism of Jews and its Sources), 1909.

Upadek myśli konserwatywnej w Polsce (The Decline of Conservative Thought in Poland), 1914.

Polityka polska i odbudowanie państwa (Polish Politics and the Rebuilding of the State), 1925.

Zagadnienie rządu (On Government), 1927.

Przewrót (The Coup), 1934.

Attached: 330px-Pomnik_romana_dmowskiego.jpg (330x248, 34K)

Attached: Four Women.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

knowing the ideas in siege might constitute a thought crime. Would you like to know more?

Kikery is not forbidden in britain

Attached: siege fad sheep.png (542x613, 730K)

no laws against LARPing, m8

Attached: READSIEGELMAO.jpg (1325x941, 653K)

Fpbp. Note that siege was originally published with the assistance of Michael Moynihan, a known satanist, and the artomwaffen are connected to the o9a and David Myatt, a satanic cianigger.

nice blog post, gib sauce on pic

keep your literal FBI plants off this board

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get this degenerate shit off of here

Attached: 27vnpi.jpg (202x249, 19K)

Satanism and National Socialism are at opposite ends of the spectrum

Hello alphabet organization


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Hello pajama nazis!

Attached: Vex's Mom Fucks Chinks.png (676x494, 177K)

Hello, AI


Checks out as a larper.