>What is the purpose of this thread? To raise awareness of the Rabbi hate speech that is the Talmud by posting hi-res photos of the hard copy published by Soncino. 10-20 pages each night.
And to encourage discussion and criticism of the Talmud and it's followers.
>What is the Talmud? The Talmud is a collection of tribal knowledge and opinions belonging to Jewish leadership. The Torah is supposed to be the word of God dictated to man, whereas the Talmud is the works, discussions, and opinions of corrupt men.
Drop your Talmud infographs, screencaps, findings, theories, etc. here. Let's get to know our enemy.
I'll be dumping hi-res pics of the Talmud, page by page, every night in the coming months and/or years. With the 3rd party archive sites it'll be easy to go and find them.
Which is important. According to their website, Soncino's Talmud has 4 volumes currently no longer in print.
soncino.com/product/the-soncino-talmud-set >Four volumes of the set are currently out of print including the Minor Tractates, Kiddushin, Yebamoth and Menahoth. We apologize for the inconvenience and are offering the set minus those four volumes at a discounted price.
But as luck would have it, they're among my collection!
>still reading your rape instructions in strange letters
Lucas Murphy
>interpreting bird shit
Bentley Morgan
Austin Jenkins
Your hate sustains me.
Christopher Howard
Well done bro, every night here with you
Colton Watson
Duck off subhuman kike
Levi Myers
>duck Thanks, phone-user!
Aaron Lee
whats in those tractates that made them (((shut it down)))?
Kevin Taylor
We're finding out together.
Charles Bell
Faggot you’re dumping a bunch a pages no one is reading, half of them in a language no one here can even read We ain’t finding shit you autistic retard this is you jerking off uselessly fucking join a gym and clean your room instead
Michael White
>SHUT IT DOWN Why do you care so much?
Andrew Moore
Yw, ultranon
Jason Roberts
Lincoln Ross
How about you learn Hebrew faggot instead of posting a bunch of ancient squiggles nobody here can read
Josiah Davis
Jokes on me, I’m the retard who keeps clicking expecting actual content instead of you being an autistic attention whore doing shit that doesn’t matter
Hudson Lewis
And you keep replying. Clean your room, user.
That's a good idea - the Hebrew side is unabridged and Rosetta Stone is easy to pirate...
David Campbell
>That's a good idea - the Hebrew side is unabridged and Rosetta Stone is easy to pirate... kek i can't wait for the buzzfeed article in five years >how i went from an anti-semite to converting to judaism after learning hebrew and realizing i was wrong all along
Luke Rivera
>A wife of three years and one day can be had by coition >A woman who sleeps with a beast may marry a priest - the act is but a wound >live sacrifice Nah, dude. Nah. I won't have any part of that. But to learn Hebrew and read the OG text - now there's an idea.
Jacob James
>spends 3 years learning Hebrew >finally feels confident enough to start learning Talmud >opens it >realizes over half is in aramaic and it's a completely different language that he also needs to learn Learn Hebrew? Nigga you can't even be bothered to read the whole thing in English, or even a full volume of it, and you think you'll spend the 5-6 years of intensive learning it would take you to even be able to start learning it in the original?
Mason Davis
Do your homework Learn hebrew Don't take anyone's interpretation as truthful. Depending on others for truth is the biggest problem today.
Joseph Nelson
>Nigga you can't even be bothered to read the whole thing in English How long do you think I've had this Talmud set? Why are you still here?
Camden Wilson
please tell me which full volumes you've read so far
Adrian Watson
>You haven't read any of them so stop posting them. None yet, and I think that's acceptable for only having them for a few weeks. I DO have a job, user.
What's in here that you don't want me to see?
Evan Cruz
>buys talmud >realizes it takes up a whole bookshelf >realizes it is written in two difficult to learn languages >what to do what to do >joins a yeshiva >maybe if I larp as a jew for a few years I can finally understand this book >joins yeshiva >after 10 years of study finally understands 5% of talmud >knows the rules for kosher avocado toast
Stay away from Libbre David, user. That shit will fuck you up.
Nathaniel Morales
Charles Baker
Is it even understandable in English? The yids rely on semantics and trickery.
Poast anything related to Ashkenazi sacrificing Christian children though please. That type of thing happened. Even the muzzies know of this. I won't be dissuaded.