IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY REGISTERED YOU CAN STILL VOTE! >For the first time in a statewide election, Californians can now register to vote and cast their ballot on Election Day through a new process known as Conditional Voter Registration — even though the deadline for registration has technically passed. But you can’t register at any polling place. See the full list here and search for a polling place in your county that allows Conditional Voter Registration (marked by an asterisk). You also need to submit a conditional ballot if you registered to vote after May 21. mercurynews.com/2018/06/05/what-time-do-polls-close-california-primary/
only HIGH ENERGY SUPPORT is allowed in this thread, jewish butthurt is for tomorrow.
Jaxson Ross
Patrick Little Chance
Jacob Phillips
A smart one who understands that to break the back of the Jew you have to break his coalition. The Jew has no power that Gentiles do not give to him. Destroy the Jew-led coalition, destroy the Jewish diaspora, destroy the Zionist entity.
I'm a straight up alt right racist Nazi and I'd rather give niggers money that would be going to Israel any day of the week >Kikes are worse this is a fact
William Ramirez
Like he's actually gonadotropin it and not using it for votes.
Julian Hall
Niggers were tame for three hundred years before the Jews took power.
sure are a lot of (((glitches))) when it come to ballots.
Joshua James
Call your local polling station and see if they let you change your vote. Some do, some don't.
Oliver King
I'm in San Bernardino. Where can I find info on local officials? I am down for the statewide issues, but am in the dark as to who I should vote for locally. All I see are shitty signs all over town and nothing of substance.
Ah you're either a cuck of the highest degree or you've learned to hide your power level so we'll you forget it exists sometime. t. Uplandl
Mason Martinez
Only demoralization shills and brainless cannot understand such an obvious victory.
Justin Davis
Someone from Cali! Get a pic so we can see whose name is missing!!
James Rivera
Your arrogance will be your downfall brit, he got 0% and he will get lower percentages, nazies aren't gonna win your religion belief in christanity is a fucking meme! And milleilinals are turning into witchcraft, I wonder why....
Connor Powell
fucking BASED
Nathan Reyes
Fuck nvm, California polls don't close until 11 p.m. Eastern. BUCKLE UP BOYS, ITS GONNA BE A LONG NIGHT TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT
Xavier Howard
You see what I mean you people support a dictator that genocided my people and my grandparents went through it!
That sounds very civnat of you. I’m against giving money to the kikes, but that doesn’t really mean you have to pretend to care about other races
Aiden Jackson
decades ago david duke came on the scene, had a bit of impact
nice looking guy, well spoken
but americans figured him out: unhinged, conspiracy mongering, unreliable, dishonest
bye bye
Caleb Ward
damn this bait is so freaking poor it's a pain to watch
Julian Flores
Alexander Green
If this guy gets in the top 2 it's going to be absolute mass redpill awakening time. We need to get this guy a suit of power armor or something for protection because the kikes WILL try to JFK him.
Id too would hold out a helping hand to nigger before a Jew. Help your goddamn selves kikes.
Matthew Sanders
I thought Guillermo del Toro was a typical spic liberal pretending to be a Republican, I'm a brainless I know.
Cooper Sullivan
Grayson Martinez
I am not even fucking baiting, I am telling the truth, little is a anti semite and must be treated as on, he is a threat to our existence and even whites as well. You have to understand Little and rumors were going around he is a sexual degenerate.