Could California make it illegal to move out of the state?
Could California make it illegal to move out of the state?
Constitution says you can move to the state of your choice.
I was scrolling down the catalogue pretty fast and this looked a lot like bacon. Upon closer inspection, it isn't.
>shows color coded map
>doesn't provide a key
>ask some retarded question that may or may not relate to unreadable infographic
2/10 apply yourself next time.
It ha a key. It lacks a title. Your other points are valid.
>Could California make it illegal to move out of the state?
They could impose a moving out tax that would be so costly no one could afford to move out.
>Could California infringe upon the 2nd Amendment?
>Could California ignore federal law by aiding and protecting illegal immigrants from the federal government?
>Could California make it no longer a felony for a gay man to knowingly and intentionally spread AIDS to unwitting sexual partners?
You tell me.
I wish
You need to kill yourself desu. You are too fat to live.
Human rights violations aren't cool
I've never been to California, but if you were to exclude the people, it honestly so beautiful. Nice weather, nice scenery, various types of climates and landscapes, beaches, trails, forests...
It's sad that people can shit up such a nice looking place.
California could just tack on punitive taxes even on people leaving the state like New York State or property tax fees like what Illinois is going to do
The tax departments are like the Gestapo.
Jerry, Beccerra, and de Leon wipe their ass with the US Constitution because apparently they missed that lesson in law school.
People and the government elected yes. I'm from California and it's awful just trying to talk to people half the time in a normal manner.
There is always Jow Forumstard talk about California 'separatism' and you take it with a grain of salt... but it's actually getting pretty weird for reals now. Who know how this plays out down the line.
The thing about California, is both the wealthy elites and the masses are largely on the same page with their views.
The Entertainment business is hugely Jewish and anti-goy-American, the tech Business is very Jewish too, and staffed heavily by immigrants who are globalist in outlook.
When you get this sort of high-low alignment against tradition Americanism, it doesn't look so good, because a lot of American whites are leaving the state and the demographic situation in California is pretty much irreversible at this point.
In the longer term, you'll likely see the same thing in Texas.
I absolutely love the state, but for the people and the government, like you said. I am seriously thinking about moving away but I don't know where I could go that has such a rich natural environment and climate like here.
Who should I vote for?
The key is black text and the background is transparent. My image viewer displays transparent backgrounds as black, so I can't see the key. Fortunately it's legible in the thumbnail.
This is why we need the state of Jefferson.
I will laugh my ass off if they build a wall.
OK, sweetie, glad to hear all is working now. Where would you like your participation medal sent?