Why don't they like trump? they never really articulate their disdain for him

why don't they like trump? they never really articulate their disdain for him

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Lebron sucked too many jew dicks to become good taht's why ma dude!

Republicans are the White People's Party.

well, they're entitled to their opinions but they always hold vague beliefs and seem to just call him racist but can't ever point to an example

Because Trump is actually helping pull their friends out of poverty by repairing the economy. It's destroying the notion that sports and gangster rap are the only way "out of the hood."

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Because it appeases the left, and the right doesn't care about his stance enough to stop watching the NBA finals. He has to pick a side, and this is the more economically viable option.

because trump is burning down their babylonian black empire and king James is as corrupt as any pedo entertainer in hollywood. Souled out to the money men who manage the rosters and refs who call shots. They get swept and genocided because the lawless nigger behavior they perpetuate by ressurecting egypt culture with their spirit cooking symbolism. King James is dead. Long Live the Emperor. Not to detract from his greatness but M.J rings say who the GOAT is. Just like Brady and the eagles. Cheaters never prosper. Count the rings. Saturn Cult.

Le- Bron cosigned to satan.

niggas n' sheeeiiiitttttttttttttttttttttt, day beez edumacting youfs

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Because diversity doesn't work.

because babied princes like Lebron James have a vastly outsized sense of self importance. He's also a bully in league with the corrupt NBA so everyone else has to go along with it unless they want their career tanked. Lebron is a serious piece of shit, pulling all kinds of back room scandal and drama - it'll come out some day.

they don't have to articulate it. 90+% of the league, the people who cover it, and the people who watch it hate white people.

It's his social policies and his anti-establishment character that everybody hates. Just look at every country, if a politician is anti-establishment, radical, or different then they are ousted. It is just human nature, people are like sheep and don't like those who stand out or who want major change.

Take Jeremy Corbyn in my country, this guy was hated by basically everybody, even his own party - most normies still don't take him seriously. The reason why is because he is anti-establishment, want's radical social and economic changes, and is a Socialist, and i'm not talking about Social Democracy, i'm talking about the state owning the means of production kind of Socialist.

That's it really. People are like sheep and will follow whatever the media tell them. And the harsh reality is that the vast majority of people are retarded and don't think for themselves.

Source me on this.

haaha what? youre fucked br0. afaik lebron is probably the least self-absorbed superstar in the nba, he's just a lot of the times an absolute insufferable pussy on the court.

Same reason we elected him, he represents Whites

>want's radical social and economic changes
it's not radical to "tax the rich" and give more free shit.

Media, DNC = Build a narrative
Athletes = Paid agents of the media, DNC = Follow, propagate the narrative
Athletes = Millions of followers
Athletes = Glorified by the media as the epitome of coolness
Opinion of athletes = Plebs sharing that opinion because of reason stated above

It's a well designed system built in order to keep Gen Z part of the plantation. Once a freethinker deviates from the herd, it's crucified. See Kanye, Tom Brady.

The left conspired with the media during the election to spread a bunch of lies and propoganda about Trump being racist despite him never doing anything racist. They started believing their own lies and haven't been able to let go.

This...sorta'. Everyone on the left would be carrying on the same as they are now if any of the Republican candidates won. 8 years of Obama really screws them up.

Keep in mind LeNotenoughhelp comes from a single mother household and grew up in a shitty neighborhood.

NBA is lousy with over paid upper class blacks that are hard liner demoshits because they drank the kool-aid (grape) that republicans are all evil racists and the democrats are the party of the minorities. They are never actually directly effected by liberal policies since they have money to live in nice safe gate communities so it boosts their twitter dicks to be anti-trump. Since it makes them look like powerful wu-kanda forever black leaders.

Fuck 'em.

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Niggerball needs to die.

Trump is race realist. Niggers have yet to pay for the desecration they made as their false prophet broke the wooden yoke and sent them off to egypt to be castrated by the arab culture who first enslaved the African negro. full retard dindu sheiiit my a$$

>Trump is race realist
Yeah that is literally what the Left calls a "racist". ANY kind of generalization based on race is racist to them.

Keep in mind celebs literally have handlers, and take a wild guess ((what ethnicity)) these publicists and agents are

A better player in a better sport finna boutta get that invite after Thursday so who gives a shit?

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he white
he racis

>articulating anything

>why don't they like trump? they never really articulate their disdain for him

they're highly paid plantation workers. their (((owners))) force them to parrot kike talking points.
they have no mind or will of their own. their purpose is to keep blacks in a plantation mind-set.

Le choke is bashing trump, hem? Time to bet on the warriors...

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Its just a bunch of niggers. They would probably try to steal stuff from the white house when they thought no one was watching.

>go to game 7 in boston
>don't watch/care about niggerball but the entire crowd is booing lebron and shouting his name every time he does shit
>now see this

feels good. next time i'll bring a bag of tomatoes.

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He's a spoiled man-child that has been put on a pedestal his entire life and paid an immoral amount of money to play a children's game for other mental midgets to watch.

He has never once been challenged on a word coming out of his retard mouth, thus he's never had to once come up with a reason for any of the thoughts that he's absorbed by being part of the shallow social media world.

I don't even like Trump, but brainlets like this bastardballer do not deserve a free pass, nor do the rabid throng of fuckwits that adore him for being a crybaby whose primary job is to bowl into other retards then cry about it to the authorities (referees) around him.

The last shit I took provided more worth and mental stimulation to this world than LABRON BOI.

That's an inevitable result of mass immigration. In racially diverse societies, people tend to vote on identity rather than ideology.

He literally started a shitposting Twitter campaign for Putin.

If only everyone was open and honest then we'd have order. Instead we have all these turbo left whites fighting "racism" when they are completely blind to the fact their efforts will not be rewarded. The moment they are a minority they WILL be persecuted. In white westerns nations this means not as much power. In non-white dominated nations this means mass extermination and violent silencing. These dumbfucknuggets are marching towards their children's doom.

"Ooga booga weed, malt liquor, muh dick"

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