I'm trying to understand why the grand-children of thieves and murders somehow think they have claim and ownership of...

I'm trying to understand why the grand-children of thieves and murders somehow think they have claim and ownership of something that was never there's to begin with. Why do Boers and other Whites in South Africa think they deserve to be there? They're colonisers and should be deported back to Europe

Attached: south africa.png (580x387, 3K)

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The Zulus having a legitimate claim to SA is like the Japanese having a claim to Missouri.

I’m trying to understand why a bunch of low IQ subhuman niggers that were too stupid to not get colonized by a bunch of traders think that they deserve anything that the white man has built in the land which was practically surrendered to him at no cost.

Anyways can’t wait for nigs to piss whatever civility that country had left down the toilet and get raped and exploited by Chinese dicks like the rest of Africa

Well user, just take a look.

Did the niggers build the roads, skyscrapers, and infrastructure you see in SA?

Have you seen the land get reclaimed in Zimbabwe since 1980?

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Yes, they did, as labour mostly, but that's besides the point. If the situation was reversed you would be arguing that the whites return. Why is it ok for whites to colonize but not other races?

>If the situation was reversed you would be arguing that the whites return.
That's literally what's happening in my former home as we speak.

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There were almost no blacks in South Africa, within current borders, when we arrived. The only black people were the koisan and they and they pretty much have no rights today
Also not a single one of our ancestors were thieves. We're not Australia. Some of were given land by Britain

your former home was not rhodesia, unless you are very old now. i have family members from there and i still view them as colonizers in the wrong because it's simply truth. i do prefer rhodesia than zimbabwe, i think they shouldve transitioned slowly to black majority rule and not just let some socialist nig run the place.

White people were there before most of the black population there today.

>retarded republican

What a surprise. You're probably a neocon too.

>There were almost no blacks in South Africa, within current borders, when we arrived. The only black people were the koisan and they and they pretty much have no rights today


>the grand-children of thieves and murders
You're obviously speaking about the blacks, because your describing them.
Aint that just a little bit racist of you,
u uneducated fuck ?

the nig is simple and believes violence is the key to success. it lacks any capacity for higher thought. blacks in some parts of northern africa understand they are not the same species but that the nig is a distant relative more similar to a ape. nigs outnumber black 10 to 1. its safer to assume at all times your dealing with a nig as they appear the same on the outside

as a result there is the question as to why any sane person wants to live in south africa. who the fuck goes "you know what im going to live with the apes like that jane goodall bitch who died mysteriously one night in the presence of apes"

niggers in South Africa are literally immigrants. Besides, all blacks should be killed anyway

>your former home was not rhodesia, unless you are very old now.
You're right, I was born in Zimbabwe - which is what both of those articles refer to.
>i still view them as colonizers
I prefer "arbiters of civilization"
ZANU Was a mistake. Even if we had Muzorewa or Sithole we'd be so much better off, and I might even still be there.

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They built the country, the niggers are the ones stealing it and burning down civilization, agin.
>i have family members from there
And you support the Zimbabwe niggers taking over? What the fuck i wrong with you?

yeah you're gonna need to provide evidence for that my colonizer bucko

Europeans arrived in the 1400's. The Bantu which make most of the black population arrived in the 1500's. The majority blacks try hide this information about the Bantu and Khoisan to stay in power. The Khoisan aren't even recognized as a people by the Bantu, cause that would mean they recognise them as the rightful people of South Africa

>The Bantu which make most of the black population arrived in the 1500's.

what the fuck, that's not true. they've been there since prehistory

they built it

you need to read more.

>anti-Boer Republican flag shill

So you're not even being subtle anymore, and just going straight for the "Boers need to GTFO" argument, now?

You're definitely a nigger or a kike. Probably a nigger, because you're so brazen and lack a more cunning approach.

you realize whites actually forced the migration of many blacks right? you aren't even speaking facts right now, plus the 1500s is not the primary period in which SA was colonized

I hope you all voted Patrick Little for US Senate. He promises to end shitty quality bait threads like this one. Vote Little win big!

It's almost unbelievable how deluded you people are. I live in South Africa and am currently the only white person in most of my uni classes. How come I've never been bullied? Where are these hordes of racist black people who want to kill me? Sometimes it feels like America is on a whole another level of racist.

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because whites make wherever they go BETTER. Look at the rest of Africa. The whites saved South Africa from that fate... until now.

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>transitioned slowly to black rule
Why? Why do you think these blacks are competent?

>not even in the cape by 1400 AD
Face it memeflag. The Bantu genocidal warpath brought them southward till they found the Boers moving up. The Battle of Blood River shows that God is on the side of the Boers, as is history. You lost buddy, time to join the right side.

>what the fuck, that's not true. they've been there since prehistory
Time to throw out your entire argument - you don't know much about this, do you?

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If you're gonna make a claim like that at least set your proxy server to south africa you troll/shill

>I'm so South African I'll hide my flag

He's not a Republican. He's a nigger shill who posts anti-Boer comments constantly. I've seen him in multiple threads for months.

you're arguing that SA was a blank canvas and white people just came in and built cities? that's so absurd, it's not even historical either, as i pointed out the migration, there was people already living in SA.

So how come the Bantus, were able to push out the native niggers and then claim it.

show your flag you rich white fag

show fleg

Yes the people who were living there were the Khoisan, then the Europeans arrived and then the Bantu which make the majority of black people in South Africa.
You are definitely not A South African university student. If you were you would hate black people unless you're doing an indoctrination arts course. The black university students are the worst of the bunch

We should have a race swap. We trade all our North American niggers for African whites. I would be totally for this.

The land was literally unoccupied when they arrived brainlette. Saged.

The west cape was only populated by nomads that blacks aren't really related to.
The agrarian blacks to the east were themselves organized into empires and conquered many hundreds of years later by the voortrekkers.

This is how it is in the cities.
But leave the cities and you will see.

70% + of SA is black yet whites own 70% land. Unfair. Also, no you're talking fucking shit, blacks were there before euros.

we could put all the niggers in north america and have voluntary whites move to africa and within a few generations you'd have oxford studies on how the swap was muh beads for manhattan.

lol get rekt, shill. Are you trying to red pill yourself? You chose a dumb argument today that validated whites' claim to South Africa. congratulations.

They settled land no one was in and if the whites are gone, the Bantu will genocide the Khoisans. Congrats, you're an immoral jew.

fuck off aussie shitposter, convict

little lost :(

It's a common misconception that white-owned farms are overwhelmingly inherited from ancestral colonial captures. This isn't true - about 74% of white-owned farms have outstanding mortgages, meaning that they are business enterprises bought fair and square by entrepreneurs in the recent past.

This fact, coupled with the possibility of state-sanctioned farm expropriations, has scared the SHIT out of banking institutions holding these mortgages - after all, if the farms are stolen, those outstanding mortgages ain't getting paid by the new 'owners'.

The big 4 banks in SA are lobbying hard to slam the brakes on farm expropriations, because they stand to lose money to the tune of billions, straight up - and that's not counting Zimbabwe-tier economic knockon effects of a government suddenly not protecting individual property rights over land (Hint: It's the first sign of a failed state).

T. bank drone

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I agree we need to get that black population down so its even.

>they were there since prehistory
>actually telling others they aren't speaking facts
Holy shit, you're retarded.

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just so that everyone agrees on facts, when was SA colonized?

I wonder who built the schools, hospitals, roads, homes and everything else the black people of south africa have today...

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Fuck off memeflag cunt.
White Colonization was the best thing to have happened to Africa.

Yes blacks (Khoisan) were the first, but they are peaceful. The Bantu (the very aggressive and entitled blacks) which, as I said make a majority of blacks in South Africa, arrived after Europeans. This is even in our education system, even though it seriously skimmed through and never mentioned ever again.
It's all in the link I posted. But your justing baiting and I'm done biting.

Oh lord that's wrong. SA was trying its hardest to stop the black coming down. They couldn't live in the cape until the white man built a civilisation for them to leach off. It was a big thing with the black slowly moving down destroying each country as they went.

There was still hope for that until the anti retroviral drugs were introduced

Cool, another thread with international poese talking shit about a topic they have no fucking clue about. I really love these. Really gets the hatered stirred inside me.

Its obvious bait boet. Hierdie dom poes wil kyk hoe i kaffer sy vrou naai

Pick up a book you dumb fuck

Africa is a big continent and South Africa was vacant land. Whites just so happened to settle there first. It isn't like America where there were red and brown people running around pillaging and eating each other's hearts.
The Boers did have to fight off the British though.

Because all blacks are the same right? It's not like they have tribes and don't hate each other. Oh wait that's right they do, as seen in Rwanda

Liberal cunts always think they can guilt the victors in history to give up what they earned
>h-how dare you take a vast land like America from the natives and build one of the most free and blessed nations on Earth, one that has millions of people desiring to visit or live in it? you racist nazi!
if we didn't take this land someone else would have
either be grateful and work to make sure everyone that is here legally is taken care of, or piss off and find a new country
its that fucking simple
this applies to many countries in need of a little reminder

>We're not Australia. Some of were given land by Britain

hows the welfare?

I'd love to see rhodesia a country again

Kind of like the colonizer Bantus?

How the fuck did you get into leafland? I thought they didn't want any racist whites "fleeing for their lives?"

>meaning that they are business enterprises bought fair and square by entrepreneurs in the recent past.

that makes no sense, if that was the case it wouldn't be so unequal.

>majority of blacks in South Africa, arrived after Europeans.

there's no evidence for this


Why did you even make this thread if you have no fucking idea about South African history in the first place?

The Boers have been in the southern half of South Africa far longer then the Bantu (ie almost all blacks in South Africa) have been there. There are the Khoisan people who are indigenous to the Cape but there are very few of them left and the Bantu hate them and don't see them as real blacks. The Khoisan were also never enslaved and generally were just in trade relationships with the Boers and mostly bros, hence why the Bantu hate them.

The Bantu have been in the Northern half longer than the Boers but they are not indigenous there either, the exterminated the former African residence and after that, they exterminated each other. Actually, the reason the Boers settled where they did in the North after being pushed out by the British from the South was because the Bantu had been exterminating each other so much that the land was pretty empty.

The Kohikhoi were there when the Dutch East India Company arrived at the Cape in the 1600s.

Im sorry SA, this board is flooded with shills and retards. Stay strong and dont relent, you got alot people who support you here and when shit breaks off, we’ll try our hardest to help.

It took my 2 years and i spent everything I owned. After watching a nig assault my wife and verbally abuse her while the police watched and did nothing, waiting for me to retaliate and then arrest me I knew i had to leave. Oh they also threatened to lock her up because she was racist. That was after she was assaulted.

I don't know the details on the ground, but I assume that the distribution of expertise in farm entrepeneurship isn't randomly distributed, and skews heavily towards whites in SA. Also presumably more whites have good credit with which to take out the large mortgages required for farm purchases.

Here's a free history lesson bro.
Actual arable soil and "land" aren't the same thing user.
Have you seen the high veld? It's not technically a desert because it gets quite a lot rain but it may as well be since absolutely fuckall grows there aside from savannah grass and those funky afro trees because the soil is so shit, before modern farming techniques and the various gold rushes the only people who lived there were neolithic hunter gatherers.
You know why despite having shit soil the high veld is so dense? MINERALS SON, gold n'shit, diamonds, all that good stuff. It's why so many whites live there because they actually got there first half the time.
What's that whites got there first? BS surely?

Nope, the vast majority of black inhabitants of central south Africa are in fact recent arrivals themselves, have you ever heard of the Mfecane?


Aka the crushing/the scattering/ that time Shaka Zulu genocided 2 million Africans.
Those "ancient" land claims are looking a bit shaky now aren't they?

The Khoisans are some of the last remaining peaceful native South Africans.

I ask you: do you know the difference between them and the Bantu? Who, between the Boers and the Bantu would you support?

I'm betting you know jack fucking shit about the situation South Africa faces.

>Zulu expansion means blacks weren't there before whiteys.
>he doesn't know what difaqane is

Do you know when the Bantu migrated?

Lol your an actual retard.

Excuse me, I asked you a question first. Fuck off with your redirection and answer mine. Then I'll answer yours.

meant for

Gas yourself, jew. You're factually incorrect about everything youve posted.

Pic related should give you an idea of what that great Afrikhan Genghis got done.
Pretty impressive actually it's a shame his brothers had him killed.

But anyway, if you actually look at the history of the region you soon realize there are no right or wrong answers here, yes the blacks were hard done by during apartheid and yes it's bad that whites are being lynched in their farms and getting their shit stolen. But you know what's worse? Having it all perpetuated by state endorsed LARPing.


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Bantu were there before the Boers. The Bantu largely mixed with the the ethnic groups I named.

Are you really a racist who thinks all blacks are the same and don’t understand the completely different history and cultures between them and the Bantu, and their relations to the boer

stop talking to me convict, at least the other guy wasn't just shitposting.

Still doesn't answer my question.

You truly are retarded
Oh the irony

What's your question...?


>Bantu there before boers
Lol nope. They were up north. Keep spouting horseshit. It's hilarious.

>something that was never there's to begin with

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But user Bantu really weren't there first.
Look at pic related, does he look Bantu to you? Notice if you will his eye folds, his skull structure, his different shade of skin tone.
It's like comparing Central Asian Turks to Mongolians, lots of differences but they get lumped together because muh race.

Khoisan are NOT bantu, in fact they're not really anything much these days since they largely coalesced into modern day Coloured peoples.

Why do you think the apartheid government was so hung up over internal passports? They were paranoid that itinerant Bantus would overpopulate outside of Natal/Transvaal. Look up the demographics I'll wait.

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It was the same question I asked here Do you understand the differences between the Bantu, the Khoisan and how they each fit in to the current political climate?

It’s not a complex question but you keep avoiding it because you are full of shit

Yep. He's a racist that wants to genocide the peaceful Khoisians. Basically an evil nazi monster.

>should be deported back to europe
so you're saying europe is a white homeland, and that we must respect racial homelands? So in essence, that non whites should be deported out of europe?

also, blacks never lived in 100% of africa

yes i do i've already demonstrated that i did and i'd support bantu over boers as euros are colonizers as previously explianed
prove it... i just explained in detail how they were
mate it's 6am why you are posting about Transvaal at this time

>blacks never lived in 100% of africa

>Why do Boers and other Whites in South Africa think they deserve to be there?

Because they were the first there you utterly dumb cunt.

They were in the north and the boers settled the south where no one was. Yes, you're s factually incorrect genocidal nazi that wants to kill black people.

Conquest is a legitimate way of acquiring things.