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Fake and sage

nah. he's dead last with barely any votes except for a few racist yokel retards and idiots voting as a joke.

start coping, dumb fuck. your lame manlet lost.

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which parallel universe is this from? and why is Diane Feinstein still in second place in that parallel universe?

do people seriously vote in a 90 year old woman?

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A 90 year old corrupt woman who even still is dumber than all the illegal aliens that vote for her.

You can try my man but you will never know just how smug it felt the night Trump stomped Hillary's cunt into dust. I'll ride that high for another year at least

>"stomped" says the yokel retard who backed someone who lost the popular vote by an embarrassing 3 million votes and has the lowest approval ratings in HISTORY

so much winning LMAO

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I didn't even read your post but knowing you responded makes me happy