I have fantasies about being emperor of america

>My first task is to establish an elite praetorian guard who are fanatically loyal to my vision.
>second task is to kill all nonwhites and genocide white women, replacing them with artificial wombs
>third task is to make great architectural monuments, public works of grand proportion like pic related
>i do away with money, focus on becoming totally self independent. By this time other nations would watch in horror at the femgenocide we committed and withdraw support
>i would put the best minds to work toward expanding our technological building prowess and military tech
>i would use free energy in the form of vibration frequencies which the earth emits, an unlimited supply of energy, no need for coal or oil or electricity. Thats what the ancients used, sound.
>after building the greatest culture, army, and superior chad populace, I would conquer the world and establish paradise on earth, and i get to wear a cape of roastie skins, because i deserve it.

Would Jow Forums support me?

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Posted from mom's basement


I literally am in my moms basement too. Fancy that

I'd vote for you
We'd be like those Easter Island retards: destroying all our resources to build stupid shit while our world crumbles around us

I'm past the point of accelerationism anyways

I too, but atleast I don't expect to be the Emperor of muttland

Futuristic babylon ancient architecture with modern twist and stormtrooper all male society of bloodthirsty incels?
Count me the fuck in.

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I'll fire the shot that kills you if you. Husband and wife are the bedrock of family. You're no better than the retards who made "single mother" into an admirable quality rather than a slur.


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two lines of green text in and im sold
ALL HAIL user ID: IlQngS9W
>ALL HAIL user ID: IlQngS9W
ALL HAIL user ID: IlQngS9W
>ALL HAIL user ID: IlQngS9W
ALL HAIL user ID: IlQngS9W
>ALL HAIL user ID: IlQngS9W

You are born for anonperor.
You die for anonperor. For the glory of virginidom!

But seriously though. White girls have destroyed all our great civilizations from Rome to egypt to greece and now to every white country in existence..
They dont have "roles". They have only holes.
They are a net loss to every society, they betray us at every opportunity and ruin the things we worked hard to build.
If we can replace them with artificial wombs, you would have to be the biggest cuck in the world not to do so.
What is more valuable? A pussy, or immortality and spiritual transendence/ your country and your lineage?

day dream =/= expect
Clean your room


if the definition of 'crimes against humanity' was slightly broadened, and the west reintroduced capital punishment, we could unironically be living in a world like that.
its easy to blame niggers or kikes, but really it is our problem for not dealing with them.
imagine a place where any form of crime, from a petty pickpocket, to a corrupt judge or politician is sent to the gallows.

would it still be worth judge kikeberg taking that $60k cash 'incentive' to let rapist tyrone off with community service?
would abdul still sell meth to afford his new BMW, if it means he could be snatched in the middle of the night, never to see his family again?

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>Removing all women
>Not putting women on concentrated high-estrogen diets so they don't rebel
Spoken like a true fool.

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The more estrogene they have, the more toxic they become. Femininity is a disease

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I like your idea of focusing on independence. Self reliance would keep the people safe.

This. There is literally no reason to keep white girls around once artificial wombs become widely available. Then OPs vision might actually be possible

I clicked on the thread for the cool pic, but I guess I'll respond to your rambling as well
None of your goals have any process or thought put into them. You just say what the end result will be with no thought on how to get there. Emperor doesn't mean omnipotent. You'd be deposed within a week

Curses! Truly mine statement has been besought in fore of when I embarked it upon mine world! Prithee mercy upon my shortcomings, o wise one.

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We would have to have some kind of a cultural rebellion or awakenkng like in natsoc germany weimar era.
Get our emperor in there, and with his muscle he establishes control. It would be pretty easy, we just need the people to make it happen, or to want it to happen.

>Genocide white women
Fucking incels and manlets will never learn

Simo hayha was 5'3.
Napoleon was 5'5
Alexander the great was 5'0
Most roman emperors were below 5'8.
Erich hartmann was 5'7 hitler was 5'9

Meanwhile obama is 6 foot. Trump is over 6 foot.
Manlets are badass world conquerors. Lanklets are corrupt weak cucks.
A Bloodthirsty manlet emperor is what our world needs cuck! You will be the first to go on the day of the measurer

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I want to rape the emperor
>Ywn sneak into his bedroom, where he thinks he can let down his imperial demeanor for the rest of the night
>Your erect cock starts to engorge at the sight of the scantily clad supreme leader, in nothing but boxers, so innocently unaware of what's about to happen
>Quickly pounce onto him, he attempts to grunt out a cry for help but his impressive frame is nothing more than water weight compared to your strength
>Ywn Spin his face and force it into the pillow, pulling down his underwear in a graceful motion, and forcing your leaking cock into his hair tinged asshole

Your fantasy might not mean that which you think it means.

I occasionally have a dream, even day dream sometimes, that I speak to a person about themselves and they fall to their knees and declare me their King. I then pick them up and tell them that my subjects kneel to no one.
It took me a while to realise what this meant.

I want to help people, make a great and positive difference in their lives, to be recognised for that help, to be strong and to have strong friends that in part I have helped make strong. It’s not actually a power fantasy, it’s the desire to help people and benefit from that help. Its reciprocity.


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You have my vote brother. I will defend thee with my life.

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But of course these men will still have a sex drive, have you come to accept that there will be a whole lot of gay sex going on? And don't you feel that under the circumstances you've put forth that genociding a perfectly capable population of servants would be a complete waste? You could have large camps of people building border walls and infrastructure as well as working the fields. You are going to make your own people do this work?

First of all, many people want to be emperor. Just like at work this morning, this new Chinese dude didn't know how a breakfast line worked so he just walked in front of everyone and scooped food into a to-go box. Now if everyone just walked up to the front of the line and 'cut' in front of everyone, we'd all be rushing to be emperor. Why should you get to the front of the line?