There is no common cause between libertarians and the Right anymore...

There is no common cause between libertarians and the Right anymore. Libertarians should completely withdraw support from the Republican Party and completely disassociate ourselves from the Right.

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Good. Less faggotry.

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Age of consent is bullshit!

Republicans are pro-capitalism and we kind of need freer-markets and less government anyway.

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how much for your boi pussy?

how much for boi pussies?

Unironically love has no age limit

>Do as I say and divide amongst yourselves so that the left has some room to breathe
lol, no

the common cause is refuting the insanity of the far left.

Good, Libertarians are massive faggots. Heil auk Sæll!

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The Republican Party is the party of heavy tariffs and trillion dollar budget deficits. Why do you associate them with "freer-markets and less government"?

Yes, all five of you

Nice D&C faggot.

Now take the tie your dad left behind when he bailed on you and use it to kys


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The Left and Right are equally bad. There is no reason to prefer one over the other.


>and trillion dollar budget deficits.

Wait, what? It was fucking Obama that spent more money in a single year than Bush did during his entire 8 years as president.

When one has gone full blown suicidal, it doesnt hurt to lean one way or the other. It helps.

okay commonwealth bank

I agree, whites who want to protect their civilizations have nothing in common with the jewish libertarian ideology. We should temporarily work together until we've defeated the intersectional left though.

Lmao implying you fags were ever right-wing to begin with...

The budget deficit for the next fiscal year will be $1 trillion. The national debt will reach near 100% of the GDP under Trump if he stays for a second term. Explain yourself, Trump-tard.

the State spends money to hold elections. So lolbertarians shouldn’t be voting at all.

you're just now realizing this? are you even old enough to use this website?
>cronyism is pro-free market
I wouldn't necessarily say that, but the old guard of both parties each have their particular malignancies, and both are pulling the country in the same direction, (((globalism)))

The free market determines!

Libertarians already don't vote Republican. We vote libertarian or Democrat.


This is true, but you have to lean toward on or the other depending on the time and the circumstances. Right now the Dems are in a race against themselves to see how fast they can destroy America. 15 years ago it was the right who were the problem.

Or you could just identify as a left libertarian.

Used to. Won't ever vote Democrat again.

Libertarians are ineffectual retards anyway.
Your fairy tale ideology will never exist outside of a white ethnostate.

honestly i stopped caring about political ideologies, every ideology has flaws

Nice try kike.

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Tell us what you think Right and Left mean. I need a good laugh.

You shouldn't be voting. You're all just half assed bitches with a wishy washy grasp of anarchism in the first place. You can talk about taking down the state all you want while paying your taxes and shopping at places like amazon that is one of the biggest welfare queens in the world. You'll never be agorists because you're not intelligent enough to be. Instead of practicing revolution through counter economics and proliferation of the black market, most of you sit with your fast plastered to a screen and postulate on theories better men have proposed.

Ancaps, what a waste of resources.