Do you ever think its weird how the left and media rarely ever call for Jow Forums to be taken down?

Do you ever think its weird how the left and media rarely ever call for Jow Forums to be taken down?

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Other urls found in this thread:

1. Half of them don’t know what Jow Forums do
2. 50% of those who do know what Jow Forums is, want it taken down
3. The other 50% come here to shill & be shareblue

We're a containment board

because it's easier for them to plant evidence and blame it on this place.

Posts and IP's are all logged anyway, why would they?

Also because the Jews think they can manipulate us if they harvest enough data, but the thing is that this place is a bullshit detector.

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>Do you ever think its weird how the left and media rarely ever call for Jow Forums to be taken down?
No, that would be a violation of the first amendment faggot. You have to be 18 to post here.

I just regularly read articles like this where Jow Forums is blamed for everything yet no one seems to care.

whhaaatever another board would be created

Yeah this. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard NPR cite Jow Forums by name as the biggest threat Merkel's chances of winning.

They tried to blame Florida on Jow Forums. It didn't work and backfired. They tried to meme this "incel" meme, didn't work. They tried to push Paul Nehlen, it didn't work. The Alt-Right failed. The Alt-Light failed. Every e-celeb controlled by Jews has had their careers wane because they have chains. They tried to turn us against Trump but that was an obvious failure.

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People talk about it. Think I even seen a petition once to call for a Jow Forums ban b4. Either way I am also pretty certain that for atleast Jow Forums I believe it is illegal for some Europeans to be on this board. So long tho that 1st amendment applies and servers are located off shores somewhere they can't really take this site down.

Whatever the Turtle wants to remain, it remains

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>Jow Forums gets nuked in 2014
>other boards all whine because Jow Forums breaks containment and is now everywhere
>Jow Forums gets nuked
>Jow Forums breaks containment again and now the whole internet is rife with JQ posting

Thank goodness for US law applying to Jow Forums, you know? I hope it's one nice thing we can do for people in countries where they might not enjoy the same protections on freedom of expression.

yes I wonder this constantly

I do wonder how many autists this place really does keep contained and what it would be like if it was gone.

All I know is that the Israelis hate this site and are responsible for it turning to shit and that Trump and whoever else know the power of this place and wanna keep it alive.

No doubt research firms and intelligence agencies like it as much as viral marketing operations. I don't think they would want to see it shut down when such a large number of people lay out relatively unvarnished opinions in and among all the trolling and funposting. Also doubtless useful as a place to seed stories or drop breadcrumbs with plausible deniablity.

lol true, I also throw up mostly cause people still don't understand how the internet works. I wouldn't be surprised if let say UK decided to ban Jow Forums from being viewed over there. There would be other ways to skirt around this.

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The real redpill is that Jow Forums is controlled opposition.

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MSNBC just made this the other day. It's pretty fucking hilarious because they try to exlpain Jow Forums and fail miserably. They say that the problem with Trump is that his followers love "authenticity" or something to that effect.

It doesn't keep me contained at all, family, friends, work, everyone gets red pills and learns about the jews. They all just think I'm crazy now.

What works is memes though and we control the memes. The meme/message surpassed the medium two decades ago.

This place helps the left more than the right. Actually in many ways it deals damage to the right while appearing not to do so.

Jow Forums will deny this it's very ranks are filled with the very individuals that wish to undermine you.

Their problems is that memes need to be made with truth and love and all our enemmies have no souls so they always lose.

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Most of them write it "Jow Forums" and can barely navigate our web 1.0 UI
Some of them unironically ask this question

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if they did shut it down we could just take over somewhere else

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Kek, this is a honey pot mate. You’re talking to CIA niggers. They round people up once a month, suicide them, then start all over again.

Yeah i love the fact that the whole site is rather archaic compared to modern standards.

I think its safe to say we played a big part in Trump winning.

This is one of those "If you kill your enemies, they win" arguments.

because >we are contained here
if (((*they*))) take down this place >we will spread everywhere

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do u ever think its weird how things happen

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It's true though. I frequently use Jow Forums to interview individual posters to try to get a better sense for how people from different places or in different situations are looking at the world, and relatively early on in the Trump campaign I was honestly surprised at the intense reception he was getting, especially in, say, the South, where you'd think normally an obnoxious rich Manhattanite with a big fat accent would not go over well when meanwhile the early rallies down there were off the hook. I routinely got some variation on how one user put it, that he is everything they hate about yankees but that he doesn't talk down to them. I was hesitant to believe the authenticity explanation at first, but I think that's a big part of it.

I know that was a key part of what sold me on him in the long run is that he was certainly a master troll, but that for all I could get out of him and footage from the past, that he honestly wanted to take a swing at trying to pull off something good for the country.

No. It would undermine a carefully crafted image they wish to maintain: that they are champions and protectors of liberty. Sure, they are also mass manipulation institutions that operate entirely in propaganda. They'll just frame every political outcome preference of theirs as a "rights" issue, no matter how absurd or flagrantly subversive, and the goyim will dutifully accept that premise and even fight for this newly conceived right.

It's a fucking experiment
We are Guinea pigs

>arguing that the largest free speech community should be taken down

Are you a journalist? Do you know Trump's master plan?

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obviously I'm referencing free speech and all that, but I forgot to connect back to it

Jow Forums will be a top 100 website in the next 2-3 years in the US and already is a top 250 globally.

(((They))) need to contain us somewhere. And its better to be somewhere easily observable

It's all for show. Looking stupid is a good decoy.

As you know.

They have multiple times.

(((they))) are about to face judgement...

No, I'm just a guy who found Jow Forums soon after its reboot to be a good place to spread information about the banks and all kinds of things Jow Forums generally knows about these days. These days I find it useful as way to better understand what's going on in the world, since using the media alone is such garbage.

>plant evidence
everything they blame us for is real stuff though
or do you not want spics and niggers to hang from trees?

I suppose you're trying to prove your own point?

media is stuck trying to explain what's happening in the past or the present. Jow Forums tries to explain what's to come in the future.

>spics niggers


no, Jow Forums is a honeypot.

That is intramadasting

Never thought of that. Then again I don't think I've ever heard of the media mention stormfront before

Jow Forums is controlled opposition

Yeah duh, Jow Forums is subverted to shit

In 2014 this was the birth place of anonymous before it tarded out. Jow Forums USED to be considered the final boss of the internet. Governments and corporations around the globe were terrified....called us giant killers.

We turned the US election, that was the last time Jow Forums will be allowed to flex its muscles.

>LOOMY NORTY and intel groups really do keep tabs here, its more than just a meme

This. My mom thinks I'm obsessed with Jews.

Hate to sound like a shill or blackpilled, but maybe that's why Jow Forums wins every fight but seem like it is losing the war.
Not advocating lies. Jow Forums is nothing if not honest, especially when it lies.
Jow Forums needs more ops, less bullshit.

Is this empirical data?


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It's full of shit like Jow Forums always has been, but it routinely scoops the MSM, and it's fantastic to be able to get a live feed or word from somebody who lives next to something that's going on or knows somebody who does or whatever else.

Like, where else would it have been as easy to get a general reading on the Russian elections and get input from some of the various factions for an English-speaker? Stir up enough conversation and you'll start to provoke enough voices to get a sense for what bears directly on individuals and how they view the different internal factions and issues. One guy even posted a nice cock shot for me, and then you can see what his living conditions are like, how old he is, what his sensibilities are. This place is a treasure trove.

>We're a good place to defame the right with
>They only know of us because of our semi mainstream status
>If they shoah us we'll just move to better hidden places and they will take another half decade to find us
>The police have easy tools specifically made for them to dox posters, freeze the site and download archives
>It's rumored the servers were moved to an NSA farm and pay for themselves

why would they
we are their tool

My guess is you can't push something to be shut down if it's not easy to demonize it to the masses. Everyone knows what guns are, nazis, anti gay people etc. It's easy to slander people because people know that stuff. How can the media talk about this place? Just the words "Jow Forums" and "Jow Forums" would confuse normies to the point where they just stop listening. This place is hard to get normies to notice and because of that hard to demonize.

Jow Forums is full of shit with gold mixed in between though. Media is full of shit on purpose to keep people mind controlled.

Jow Forums knew about Mueller working for Trump a whole year ago.

Jow Forums is controlled opposition. By posting here we play right into the hands of the JIDF. Did you not know this, user?

Why would they shut down Jow Forums?

There literally is no reason. It's an open public discussion board from all around the world just like reddit and twitter. You can find exact phrases and words "fuck niggers" on every social media platform, Jow Forums is not special.

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>very ranks very individuals

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This guy gets it.

If they shut down Jow Forums then they would also have to shut down reddit and twitter and every other social media platform.

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Kinda but no. There is little proof that anything of interest comes out of Jow Forums other than bikelock guys investigation and HWNDU flag captures.

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>Do you ever think its weird how the left and media rarely ever call for Jow Forums to be taken down?
>le nightly gaslight thread
>stop redpilling each other you filthy goyim!

I'm still wait and see on that one. Mueller is one very dirty fellow, and it remains to be seen whether and how he might or might not have "flipped."

One of the fun parts of the Trump style is twisting the plot line after enough people thought they knew what was up, whether by premeditation or by making up a new way to weave an old thread. Strategic ambiguity or whatever you might want to call it. Draining the swamp, to whatever extent he might be able to oversee, is a sufficiently large and complex operation that we really have only barely begun to see the drama play out (and it would need to play out for the psychological benefit of the American people) if it is going to wind up being drained substantively. No doubt this is a key component to keeping Mueller in whatever amount of check he is might be kept in.


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They didn’t have to try and turn us against Trump. Trump did that himself. He’s a kike puppet.
>inb4 muh 64d chess

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a significant amount of people think "racism" should be a crime. And mysygyny and all that shit

Not enough to draw a conclusion. It's just the next plot point in an ongoing drama.

You're a shill at this point. I wish I could see your face when the indictment is unsealed and simultaneously your fate becomes sealed.

Not really.

1. Most normies still don't know what Jow Forums is or have ever even heard of it.

2. If they have even heard of it or seen it mentioned, they still don't go and see it for themselves. So - out of sight, out of mind.

3. For those who do want it shut down, maybe some realize it wouldn't work anyway. If Jow Forums was shut down, another website would quickly replace it, where people could post anonymously and freely, without PC standards or censorship. If the Internet is going to remain open and free, its impossible to shut down sites like Jow Forums. The only way to do it successfully would be full on Chinese style censorship and control of the internet.Which would not be acceptable to most normies in the USA or the West in general.

Oh, you're one of those
>if you doubt my convictions you're a shill
types. That's unfortunate. The lively debaters of the sort we had particularly early in the campaign when it wasn't quite an all-Trump board and a lot of the Bernie people hadn't yet realized they were targets of a Clinton D&C op were really better.

It's particularly out of place to make these kinds of presumptions when we're dealing with a legal process that depends on making a determination after all the evidence and proceedings have been gotten through.

not much time left

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This. Also Jow Forums is known to be 90% retards, 90% fatasses, and 90% incels. Not really the type of person to be scurred of. Also well known that here's like 50-60% trolls. They come here, see how riled up the tards get, and then use the good ones to troll other forums.

i dont think Jow Forums actually matters. The place seems like it does because it has such a jarring cacophany of crime thought but how many people even post here, or are redpilled by lurking?

There is no coherent message either, it's just a bunch of quasi illegal beliefs thrown in a blender, most of which contradict each other anyway

I hope not. This shit has been dragging on for too long imo. I'm particularly interested to see if Sessions was a mistake or not. I rather liked him as a pick early on, especially after watching the confirmation hearings.

> not knowing this place is run by jews in 2018
>You probably think trump isn’t controlled by Jews.
> probably thinks both parties are opposite instead of working together to divide the American people

Im particularly interested to see whether you pick the rope, jump off a building, or just shoot yourself.

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Fat digits

Why would they close the 4chins? This is where the internet goes to solve problems and live virtuously. I love you all and want you to be happy.

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Calm down, lad. Jow Forums is a board of love and peace.

I'll make popcorn and funpost if it turns out Jeffy was part of some neat-o elaborate plot all along. It's always been in the back of my mind as a potential outcome, and anyway it doesn't seem practical to kick him out so that congress can slow-walk a replacement and send the whole thing into disarray, so one would imagine a deal would be being brokered even if for whatever reason he wasn't quite as good a pick as he might have been.

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They're afraid to kick the hornet's nest.

Who is he, though?

are you saying real Jow Forumsacks don't say "spic" or "nigger"?

lel are you that one guy who goes nuts and calls everybody jews and shills for no reason?

I need to get some sleep, but when it comes to rope and all that, my position on force escalation has been clear for a number of years. Earlier, I referenced the banks and going all the way back to when Jow Forums was rebooted, so let's say as the Doom Paul memes were just starting to fade.

2. Treason/Sedition
3. International war crimes tribunal
That's where I'd like to keep it, but I'm not in a position to stop
4. Special ops type wet work teams who know where and how to do what they think needs to be done

and the other 50% are afraid of us

we r leejun

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Mods are compromised and shoah any type of project that would further the cause, for example pol was going to make a bunch of fake coupons and release them into black and poor communities after the starbucks success but mods shut it down and anything else that could gain ground in redpilling the masses which is what is needed to shatter the false nartives and mind control, and force people to wake up. This is not a place for freedom of speech and ideas if it ever was, mods are liberals and kikes.

This. Ive been coming here since 2006.

I would have to leave my basement and actually do things.

We'd scatter throughout the internet if they shut it down. This is a containment zone.

they spend all their free time here, that's why they think everyones racist and shit

Even back in the hackers on steriods days Jow Forums had established not wanting to be too much of a hub for that sort of thing due to being too big and popular to deal with the ramifications. That's why the effective model has always been to take organization past a certain point back to satellite chans or IRC or other sorts of more ad-hoc constructions as necessary.