Official sperg-right purge thread; GET IN HERE

We are officially purging all alt-spergers and seigetards from the right-wing

Patrick Little is an example of how delusional alt-sperg retards are nothing but a liability to right-wing politics.

People like Little, Paul Nehlen, David Duke, and Arthur Jones only discredit the talking points they discuss, which is a problem because these are important issues.

Every single white nationalist candidate is the same. They have weird twitches, have no money or power behind them, act literally autistic, present different ideas in ways that are completely unpalatable to people who are not familiar with them, and they also love to dance like clowns in front of the leftist media's cameras.

These types just give everything the left wants on a silver platter. They want a cartoon caricature of a delusional neo-nazi, and then these morons give it to them

>b-but they'll call you a nazi anyways!!!
>the sperg cries out

Delivering these ideas and criticisms coming from a powerful, articulate, and well-funded person in a palatable way is not what they want. They want the caricature of the mentally ill dirty neo-nazi pathetically shuffling around in a cheap suit praying he doesn't get punched.

The sperg-right is the same problem for the right-wing that SJWs are for the left-wing. They are both loud, overly-emotional, purity-spiraling, and bizarrely anti-optics. They are a liability for their own movements because they take the positions of their movements and then present them in ways that become normie-repellent to the masses.

Purge normie repellent sperg-righters and seigefags. They will be our version of SJWs going into the future.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good goy.

Im no cool yknow.

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Adolf Hitler said that success is the most earthly judge of right and wrong.

All these neet siege faggots prove Hitler's point succinctly.

If you claim to be a fascist and are successful as fuck people will take you more seriously.

Hitler seems radical now but he was completely optics-driven

He did what appealed to the German masses at that time. People who want to fucking seig-heil and nazi LARP in 2018 USA are fucking retards, if Hitler were alive today he would be disavowing this shit immediately

Sperg-righters don't want to win, they only want a violent revolution tomorrow because they see no future for their own lives. The long-game sounds too painful for them

They are also too shallow to understand the difference between optics and compromise. They see the two as being the same thing

spotted the sperg

Ultimately the goal is to win. He did was what necessary at the time to win you are correct.

All those siege atomwaffen types turn out to be into weird sexually perverse things like child pornography and gore. They have all kinds of occultic trash and satanic imagery in their hidden little clique

>Create sperg thread
>Have the audacity to call others a sperg
Nice one sperg.

Your argument might hold some weight if not for the fact that the SJWs won the last culture war.

How fucking stupid are you? You do realize that minorities are literally going to make it quite literally impossible for republicans to EVER win, right? You know what, enjoy the democrat rape that you're going to experience for the rest of your life you fucking autist.

Sage in all fields

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>How fucking stupid are you? You do realize that minorities are literally going to make it quite literally impossible for republicans to EVER win, right?
And you think Sperging is going to rally normie republicans around this fact?

come back when you have an IQ over 23

everyone is sick to death of neocons

So... what is it that you propose?
Sure good optics are important but it seems tome like you want people to join the republicans which makes zero sense...

SJWs were the foot soldiers of 1960's leftism

Leftism won the culture war, SJWs were the first wave of shock troops to seal the deal offically.

If liberals would have kept presenting their arguments in well-mannered ways with good looking, well-dressed people, the war would be over. We'd be full-blown marxist.

If feminists presented their ideology calmly, while in good shape and in a subversive nature, they'd be much further ahead. There wouldn't even be a right-wing opposition at the moment, none of this would exist

SJWs are what stopped them in their own tracks, it gave us something to finally attack. They finally didn't have plausible deniability for the first time since the 60's

And you think compromising will? Republicans are already too fucking brain dead to ever break out of their propaganda sphere. And what do you suggest we do? Vote Trump the rest of our lives so boomers on facebook and twitter will praise us?

I agree user, we need to elect common sense conservatives. Do you think it's too late for Mitt Romney to run in CA?

can i get a quick rundown on why you retards are starting to call each other boomers?

>getting kike/niggersplained

fucking hang yourself boomerpede

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>all these shill threads

>SJWs were the foot soldiers of 1960's leftism
>Leftism won the culture war, SJWs were the first wave of shock troops to seal the deal offically.

Both true.

>If liberals would have kept presenting their arguments in well-mannered ways with good looking, well-dressed people, the war would be over. We'd be full-blown marxist.
>If feminists presented their ideology calmly, while in good shape and in a subversive nature, they'd be much further ahead. There wouldn't even be a right-wing opposition at the moment, none of this would exist

And here's where you lost the fucking plot. You are suffering from severe cognitive dissonance. The Right HAS BEEN the clean-cut, well-dressed, eloquent and well-reasoned side of the argument all along. It does fucking nothing but make the Right look weak and toothless. The masses don't want that shit, they want strong leaders, and the Left gives the illusion of being strong leaders by being aggressive and pushy.

>SJWs are what stopped them in their own tracks, it gave us something to finally attack. They finally didn't have plausible deniability for the first time since the 60's

No, what actually happened was that a lot of White people became reactionary out of absolute necessity. The sobering reality of the demographic situation hit like a truck and self-preservation finally kicked in. We never should have allowed it to get to this point. One big failure like Trump slipping up and losing in 2020 will be the death knell.

>if you're not sperging then you're a full blown neo-con boomer cuck
>there's no options between these two

Okay, try using your imagination for a second. Just imagine let's do it together

We need to do a takeover of the republican party, we need to send in redpilled nationalists. At the moment, we need people who's platform is just a bit to the right of Trump. Not TOO much, but just comfortable enough for republican voters at the moment.

Something like
>heavy emphasis on economics/working class
>heavy emphasis on immigration reform (for the purpose of economics of course)
>vocally anti-globalist
>make implications about Israel being a subversive foreign agent who leads us into wars in a round-about way (discuss how this hurts our economy)
>possibly discuss how feminism hurts our economy
>discuss how 3rd world low-IQ immigration hurts our economy
>discuss how the future of demographics mean that our constitution is in danger
>American flags and Americana memorabilia everywhere to make boomers feel warm and fuzzy
>inch around founding father's real beliefs slowly

At this point in time, we need to take Trumpism and push it to the right incrementally. Not just go full Euro-futurist fash and then call republicans cucks when they don't want to comitt genocide tomorrow

You also have to bring EVERYTHING back to the economy. That's all cuckservatives really care about, the economy. If you convince them that something is good/bad for the economy, they will rally behind it

>having a strategy is compromising
This is what shallow and insecure people believe, like SJWs and sperg-righters

90% of what you imagined will get you labeled a "nazi"

>The Right HAS BEEN the clean-cut, well-dressed, eloquent and well-reasoned side of the argument all along.

"The Right", meaning William Buckley-tier conservatives have lost since the 60's because they've been lying cowards who take it up the ass from the highest bidder, not because they were well-dressed.

I'm not saying we shouldn't be viscious either. I think we actually need to become more aggressive than what Trump is doing

We should be creating and funding groups that do nothing but attack leftists and leftist organizations 24/7, as well as produce anti-lefty propaganda.

We should call them God haters, commies, degenerate freaks, parasites, and pedophiles. Because that's what they are and that's the truth.

But it should be done tastefully, sort of how Trump does it tastefully a good portion of the time. But we need to take it further than what Trump is doing

Also, liberals HAVE maintained plausible deniability up to this point. they've always said "What you don't care about the poor?" or "You hate black people!?" while also staying thin with good haircuts. They've been optically winning until recently, while also being visicious

>heavy emphasis on economics/working class
>heavy emphasis on immigration reform (for the purpose of economics of course)
>vocally anti-globalist
>make implications about Israel being a subversive foreign agent who leads us into wars in a round-about way (discuss how this hurts our economy)
>possibly discuss how feminism hurts our economy
>discuss how 3rd world low-IQ immigration hurts our economy
>discuss how the future of demographics mean that our constitution is in danger
>inch around founding father's real beliefs slowly

umm... sorry to tell you but there really isnt much "in the middle" the platform you just said would instantly be labeled "alt right" and "nazi". Would be great if we could slowly inch the republicans to this direction but population demographics are changing much to quickly and we definitely do not have the time for this.

>90% of what you imagined will get you labeled a "nazi"

That doesn't matter. They labeled Trump/trump supporters nazis too.

What the left says doesn't matter, it's what the republican base thinks that matters. We need to get them moving further right, they need to radicalize incrimentally. But they need to feel justified and safe doing it.

The reason they didn't care about the media calling Trump a "nazi" is because he created a platform that was comfy enough for republicans to feel justified in rally around

Like what I said here
Getting labeled a "nazi" by the left doesn't matter anymore, nobody cares. I don't even think the left really cares that much desu

What matters is what normietard republicans think, we have to radicalize them, and to do that we have to know how they think.

we also need to present the left as being genocidal maniacs who are not acting in good faith, which is easy to do because it's true.

Yes it does. The republicans arent going to vote for someone who everyone says is a nazi. You are assuming that none of the media, none of the drama will get through to any of the republicans but of course it will. These labels will hurt us no matter where the label comes from. We can't delegitimize the left if we ourselves are delegitimized first by the media and probably even some republicans.


The right wing is pathetic and philosophically deprived, playing an I win You lose game. If you want to campaign against mass immigration today and continue falling back being ineffectual like the right has with it’s empty threats and cries of this is the final straw, since the 60’s, then go ahead. If you want to actually push the marker of normalcy to the right wing and take the intellectual and political initiative, then learn to reject wholeheartedly the very concept of this thing as a normal and salvageable society. Dugin’s 4th Way is another good read to deprogram you from and deconstruct the system and control grid, we most of us unknowingly live under, laughably arguing over this or that petty grievance.

Nazi? Racist? Good. Let them call every white an enemy of the people, until they’re starved of everything but transsexual negroes and the children of petty bourgeoisie, attending their camouflage s lectures. Come out and speak with conviction against the very System of modern society and liberal democracy itself.

Do not pine for the 1950’s, when the first generation kissed the ring, and their children were given the carrot, while we know only the stick. You see a dying man and say “oh if only we could go back to when he just coughed and wheezed”. The man may have gone to work and gotten out of bed, but the rot was already within him, and he was as much destined to die then as he is now in his bed.

We must clog the neoliberal pipeline with philosophy until they starve.

It depends if there's plausible deniability

If you're dog-whistling nazism, republicans have the common sense to pick up on this and drop you. Which is why these stupid white nationalist runners are worthless

Republicans rallied around Trump because he had plausible deniability. He was introducing nationalism back into American politics (which was moving the republican party further right), but he still had plausible deniability for any accusations of nazism. He mainly focused on jobs mixed in with anti-globalist sentiment, but he used nationalism as the cure for the economic problems which was genius

So basically, maintain plausible deniability while moving the party further right in increments and always cite "economics" as the reason for moving further right, then push more right-wing social reform once in office

reddit thread
you have an entire website where you can be a gay cuckservative Republican boomer. fuck off

Accelerationism doesn't work and is dangerous

I agree with dropping the 1950's shit though, the 50's were cucked/kiked. Right-wing should focus on religious neo-traditionalist futurism instead

sperg post

you have an entire website where you can be a self-loathing autistic cunt. It's called stormfront. Fuck off

This has nothing to do with the Atomwaffen. This is solely about waking people up and intellectually mobilizing them to the folly of the entire concept of modern society as a viable or desirable state of human existence.

If that’s scary, then you should be on the Left, clutching your Nintendo Switch and apologizing for international corporate and monetary totalitarianism.

lol he and the brown shirts used to literally battle in the streets against Communists, you're a fuckin tard.

fuck off back to redit cuckservative, we've been here way longer than you

>openly anti semite candidate nets 30k votes without any media backing and just Jow Forums memes

When was the last time this happened? Usually you run against jews you don't even get a 1000 votes.

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I don’t actually advocate for acceleration. Neoliberalism is a zero sum game, and has to do itself in, I just think we should arrest the destiny of our society before we have to suffer the harsh reality of capital outweighing real output by thousands of times. That’d be the real war.


Ah yes, another cuckold porn connoisseur.

kill yourself! if you acquiesce to the normie you will become no different than they are. Stand your ground, time is on our side. As for being outspoken and flamboyant, it worked for Trump

Firstly, trump really isnt alt-right and is continuing policies that directly oppose the ideology. Secondly, Trump is a billionaire and has very very large influence in the media from his show and wealth etc. Lastly, if you want to slowly move people towards white nationalism/the alt right then Trump was an awful way to do so. Liberals are now probably going to win the next two or three elections so attempting to use him as a model for a "longterm plan" is an awful idea. Time is not on our side so even losing a few elections could seriously end all possibility of an america that aligns with our ideals.

I didn't even say anything about Atomwaffen except my meme, and you aren't waking anybody up you stupid spergtarded cunt.

Did I say we shouldn't be beating commie faggots in the streets? Events like the battle of berkeley were great and Charolettesville could have been great too with just a few things tweaked

>we've been here longer than you
no you haven't you're just mad because I don't want to sperg-LARP with you. People like you are literally worthless and are a liability to white people/right-wing politics

how did Patrick discredit ANY of his talking points?
he's eloquent, good looking, young, honest
jewish media straight up lied about him
you will never hit mainstream if you are shy afraid faggots. jews will always discredit you, but that's not the reason to let them be.
fuck, this board is full of shy people.

You blew it talking about the imaginary left/right shit.

yay, lets MAGA until you are a demographic dud. how delusional.

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Ah yes! A fabulous LARP!

Hold strong my white brethren. We won't need the normie scum in the future when we all crush the strongest empire in humanity with a militant up-rising that we haven't even started yet


To clarify the second point, his influence is one of the main reasons he was able to not instantly get delegitimized by the media. Otherwise he wouldnt have had a chance.

You forgot to say read siege.

>People like Little, Paul Nehlen, David Duke, and Arthur Jones only discredit the talking points they discuss, which is a problem because these are important issues.


I’m more of a 4th Political Theory guy, but Siege is the Kybalion of actual anti-establishment, right wing revolutionary theory. It’s the quickest and easiest way to say “this is why the right is a joke this is who needs to die and the whole system you’re operating within needs to die with them”. And this is one way in which the left are far ahead of us, is in a coherent critique of the liberal democratic and neoliberal global system which we all love under. We need to mobilize the people in formulating our own truly revolutionary alternative, or give the left a monopoly on opposition to neoliberalism and go down with the ship like the pathetic apologists all mainstream American conservatives ultimately are.

Trying to talk to people about optics on/pol/ is like trying to teach a newborn calculus. I agree with you but it's pointless to discuss this stuff here.

Fuck you op. I have 1000x more respect for someone like Patrick Little than I do for anyone else in the (((Alt Right))) who shills against /ourguys/

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>he's eloquent, good looking, young, honest
He literally seems autistic and spitting on an Israeli flag just looks weird to random normies

>jewish media straight up lied about him!!!
They did a hit-piece nobody watched

He's a retard

At the same time, to even think about the nature of fascism, you kinda have to not be not in a good place

agreed buraz!

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It’s also pointless to discuss right wing politics from a philosophical perspective. I like my soap boxes but most people here are Twitter maga 57% 19 year olds.

>You blew it talking about the imaginary left/right shit.

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kill yourself

You’ve not thought much about the nature of this society. At its very heart, the logical conclusion and stated conclusion after the fall of the Soviet Union into a Unipolar world, is the end of humanity as diverse and independent groups, and, eventually, the end of humanity itself, into a post human society.

Again, zoom back camera.

Sperg-righters hate to admit this, but Trump has done more to radicalize right-wing politics than anyone in the last 100 years or longer

He has stated that we need to move further right, defended charolettesville protesters, keeps saying that we "won't apologize for our ancestors forging America", and tons of other nationalist stuff. Plus he actually won.

Republicans are getting a dose of nationalism injected into their veins. They are NOT going back to neo-con shit after this, they only want more. They like the way this feels, you can tell.

This is moving closer to ethno-nationalism.

>continuing policies that directly oppose the ideology
Ehhh not really. This is a sperg-right claim but I don't see it

His immigration reform cuts down on 3rd worlders, he stated he wants migrants from Norway, he's deporting beanshits, he's stated that Mexicans will NEVER vote republican multiple times, he wants to kill drug dealers, and those are just things off the top of my head.

If Trump can't win the next election and get more of his policy plans implemented, then nobody can. But republicans have gotten a taste of this stuff now, and that's what is important

I don't know what happened

It didn't used to be like this. People used to be pragmatic, now they are "muh feels" purity spiraling sperg-right cunts

>still no wall
>shitty little travel 'ban'
>DACA amnesty
>Israel first policies
At least kanye likes us. it sure is good being on MAGA train. Choo choo!!

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The absolute state of Jow Forums *SNAAAAAAAAP*

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>accusing "redditspacing"
Only insecure r*ddit migrants say this



Yeah you have to deal with congress and an extremely hostile deep state

Thing don't happen over night under our system, unless you're a complete shill for the deep state

fighting wars for israel?
Trump is basically the highest type of influential person you can find and even he still has to bend down to israel. Do you seriously think that some random candidate with significantly less influence will be able to change this let alone get elected?

Trump did good in mainstreaming right wing opinions and reversing the red tide from the neomarxist left. He’s also done a lot to delegitimize opposition to what was always considered a matter of course and the norm, up until neoliberalism ossified post Cold War into the inertia we know today. He’s brought some sanity back American politics. The business as usual of Bush Clinton Obama was certainly anything but same and healthy.

I mean, they’re still trying to sell Facebook ads by muh scary Russians as the reason they lost, for fear of legitimizing in the open opposition to their neoliberal card house.

If we redpill different groups of elites we can make it happen

the JQ is just beginning to enter mainstream consciousness a little bit. We can begin electing anti-Israel candidates, maybe even start an "independence movement" from Israel or something

It's all VERY possible, but it's only possible because Trump moved the overton window further right. It doesn't matter if he himself is pro-Israel, it just matters that the overton window was ripped 5 miles right

But I digress. He’s a stepping stone, and the actual goal should be every bit as ambitious and overarching as the left’s, complete societal arrest and revolution and a scrapping of neoliberal global capitalist imperialism.
Imperialism and rec


Basically what I am trying to say here is. The alt right won't have a political candidate any time soon and probably never will. If you consider demographics you will realize that inching towards an alt right candidate is impossible, furthermore if you consider who controls the government you will realize that it is impossible either way. The purpose of the alt right is not be a political party but rather to spread political ideology directly to the public without the government. This is done in the hopes that eventually enough people will follow this ideology that ideally peaceful separation can be done. Liberals will win probably the next two elections, and by the time a possible republican can be voted in the demographics will have shifted enough to put republicans in the minority. No point in playing a game we have already lost.


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Try it. We are the militant part.

It's always the same retards.

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Keep poking the bear jew.

anyways I need to sleep... night.

Reminder that only 10% of presencts have reported in and there's a whole 90% of them left which have Jow Forums votes (hundreds of thousands) that were photographically evidenced today. I know you saw them if you were on the /plg/ earlier today. It was overwhelming. More than any non-Diana candidate on the list right now. They're just holding back those votes because they got overwhelmed. Trust when more than 20%-30% of presencts come in you will see the massive jump of Patrick Little. Victory is not out of our grasp, we just had to press on and we have. We overwhelmed (((them))) and they're scared so that's why they're taking their sweet time counting our hundreds of thousands of Patrick Little votes. Second only to Diana because she has the normie liberal base. But in November it will be a different story because Patrick Little will have a massive platform to spread his ideas against Jewish rule. I do believe there were a LOT of photographic evidence so they can't even ATTEMPT to destroy the votes otherwise they are criminally liable? Come on. Hundreds of thousands of ballots photographed and they know they can't just burn them because then they would be knowingly going against what there's evidence of online. They're gonna count our votes. Our hundreds of thousands of photographed ballots will be counted. And that's not even counting the anons who didn't photograph their ballots. I would estimate maybe 200,000-300,000 votes for Patrick Little by the end of the night, surpassing everyone but Diana. Honestly I would be happy with any number as long as he comes in second. I hold my faith he will. The amount of ballots I saw in the /plg/ were too overwhelming and numerous for me to ignore. Hundreds of thousands cannot just be misplaced or burned, especially when there's photographic evidence. We have them cornered, we overwhelmed (((them))). now they have to let our voices be heard.

Okay, the "alt-right" is a media-inflated group of retards. But if you mean Jow Forums-tier talking points like various brands of nationalism spreading to the masses, then I agree. We need to redpill people in power, and redpilled people need to rise to positions of power in their field of work and things like that.

We're never going to have someone call themselves "Alt-right" or something, but we will continue shifting the paradigm to the point where even libshits have to signal some sort of nationalism just to get the swing-state vote

In this way, YouTubers, podcasts, and other propaganda efforts are effective. Look at Kanye endorsing candace and Peterson, that has surely sent people down a rabbit-hole of e-celebs and ideologies.

>No point in playing a game we have already lost
I completely disagree with this. We have not lost yet and we can still win.

I have 0% intention of just "seperating" and handing various groups of God-hating degenerates portions of America. We will find a way to crush the leftists and take back the territories that are already lost to other races or leftists.

We need a "manifest destiny" mindset where we have a divine right to conquer and control the world

>People like Little, Paul Nehlen, David Duke, and Arthur Jones only discredit the talking points they discuss

>if you articulately disseminate your ideas, you lose

dumb kike, you arent even good at shilling

I created that fucking meme and I'm a proud wigger nationalist.
Take a nice bleach shower, faggot.

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>bleach shower this is...the power...of the sperg right

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Beats being a Jew like (((Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer))).

if you're going to larp as white, you have to learn to keep your eye on the ball and think long term. patrick did good and so did paul. the fact that they even ran is a breakthrough, its something we haven't seen in 30 years or more.

we'll keep trying, and we'll keep chipping away at their hegemony just as they once did to ours

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Yeah, we've known this for years but good luck shutting these hick retards and opportunists up. Smart and successful people don't have the balls to go out there because they have shit to lose, so we're really stuck with these clowns for the time being unless people are willing to take the heat.

Anyone that talks about jooz is a fed

>>b-but they'll call you a nazi anyways!!!
>>the sperg cries out

He said punching right and also getting bike locked by antifa. You're a pussy.

The Holocaust happened. Innocents were tortured and killed. I love how these retards make jokes about Jews in the oven then deny the Holocaust happen. You all know it did. Stop supporting genocide you sick fucks and just kill yourself

You must be over 18 to post here.

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The right needs to stop trying to send signals like it's a fucking dating game and say explicitly what they mean.

>I'm totally one of you goys, listen to me


Baby boomers were a demographic born after WW2... The were in their 20's during the hippy movement. The self entitled "ME generation... but Jow Forums doesn't know that. They call anyone over 30 a boomer which is a total misuse the term.

>pic related is a millennial but Jow Forums calls him a boomer because Jow Forums consists of misinformed teens

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These threads are made by the shills in their dying general over at /ptg/. They are more desperate than ever to shift blame away from jews and niggers.

Optics are important, but not always needed. We need more people awake about the modern jewish problem, the history of it all isn't so expediently needed to be known, but it does need to be eventually known that Hitler was right, he did nothing wrong and the jews deserve the oven they thought up 3 generations ago.

The long game is fast becoming too unlikely a winnable scenario. If the number of immigrants to all white nations is ever increasing, with an ever increasing brown/black/yellow birth rate and an ever decreasing white birthrate, Global warming, regardless of cause, and endless wars are going to continue forcing sand niggers out of their desert shit holes, and they ain't fleeing East or South... Etc Etc. Eventually the only way to secure the 14 words is going to be to fight. And that time will be in our's or our children's lifetimes, I say in the next 20 years if we're lucky, but probably in the next 10 "the melting pot" of America is going to boil over.

>Sperg-righters hate to admit this, but Trump has done more to radicalize right-wing politics than anyone in the last 100 years or longer
The election and the backlash did sure, he himself hasn't done shit.