Hispanic girl on social media: spanish gibberish

hispanic girl on social media: spanish gibberish
asian girl on social media: basic posts like food or animals
black girl on social media: music/dancing posts, leftist/we wuz black empowerment bullshit
white girl on social media: GANG GANG, SOO WOOP, *marilyn monroe quote* ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME, YALL AINT NEVER WALKED IN MY SHOES

why do white girls always come across on social media as overcompensating try hards? pretty sure this is mostly an american thing

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It's all women.

it's just them up on the pedestal we put them on, making fools of themselves

Fuck this planet

Hella Lit

2D is master race stop wasting time on 3D whores

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I think PewDiePie shit on her

Anyone who willingly posts their face to social media isn't worth associating with in any capacity.

But why are you on social media and dredging through that shit yourself?
> Inb4 this thread is a social media

No this is the Trump playbook, the new rule of our time. "No press is bad press" is really true after all. The people who make the news, no matter how controversial the reasons, will dominate it and become the most popular in an instant.

>as overcompensating try hards?

That is what women are.

a mongrel who thinks she is white
fucking wew lad haven't see that before -_-. fuck this bitch

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she identifies as black ask her these questions
this isn't politic

woahvicky >>> cash me outside

shit tier opinion
cash me outside > lil tay >>> vicky

Woahvicky is a troll character based on cash me outside girl who actually acts that way unironically.
Of course woahvicky is better

>Social media
>Women on Social Media

You actually waste time reading this shit you turbofaggot?

no, shes legit mentally ill like dolezal
you're thinking of lil tay

What the fuck is zone6? Does she live in a video game?


What kind of faggot has a social media account in 2018?

>it's just them up on the pedestal we put them on, making fools of themselves
who the fuck doesn't you weird incel neet

dude she's *obviously* trolling

>no, shes legit mentally ill like dolezal
>being this retarded

>pretty sure this is mostly an american thing
You haven't been here very long then. There's tons of white woman twitter caps from all over the world that are the same shit.

I usually assume all males that use social media are narcissists or homosexuals.

thats why you have no friends aside from the faggots you play card games with gay little dragons or whatever on them

>that ugly cattle eye'd creature
You can steal the name but you can't steal the look half-breeds.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Woah Vicky. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of African Americans most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Vicky’s ditzy outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from Sam Hyde, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about NIGGERS. As a consequence people who dislike Vicky truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Vicky’s existencial catchphrase "Ayyyyyyyall," which itself is a cryptic reference to Obama’s Kenyan epic Dreams Of My Father. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Vicky’s genius unfolds itself on their phone screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a gang tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the black woman’s eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably higher) beforehand.

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Blah blah blah, where's the video of her giving sloppy head?

>Woman is the nigger of the world
Lennon was right, he just didn't know why



Please give more Steve Buscemi-loli

does this exist


The closest we've got at the moment is the shota version

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This. Marilyn Monroe quotes are the only thing that mostly just white women do, but otherwise all women do the rest.


this one's going in my cringe compilation

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This appears photoshopped. Like bad paste job of Taylor swift face up on a nude model. It is simply not the same.

Vicky is definitely marriage material. I would marry her and we will have a big family.

I was once dating this exact picture but even more so. It was awful, I told her to fuck off.

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Se doesnt look very white anymore, mentally and physically.

I dont have social media but back when I did I dated this really pretty girl, she had huge fucking tits it was awesome! The problem was every post on facebook had 45 likes by her guy "friends" and of those 20 would feel the need to put a comment in there of how pretty she looked. Any time she had free time and I was at work or school, or whatever she would be hanging out with these friends. These dudes would smoke her up with amazing bud all the time, it got really weird and although I didnt have proof I suspected she was cheating on me with one of them. Well we ended up breaking up and in one of our conversations during the breakup she even said that I didnt like or comment on her facebook pictures enough. She could have taken a shit and gotten 45 likes and 20 comments from other guys, meanwhile if i had volunteered my bone marrow for Malala I probably would have gotten ten likes, its fucking crazy. I even said that these guys are only doing it to get in your pants, none of them want to date you or even have feelings towards you like I do. Eh whatever though, that was almost ten years ago, and she still lives with her mom and looks really gross and no BF, meanwhile I am making 6 figures and banging tons of hoe's

Man up

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oh believe me, but looking back now. I was in the process of really getting my life together and setting myself on a path where I will be able to have a comfortable retirement. All she wanted to do was go out with friends, get drunk, and smoke bud. she had no priorities beyond what she wanted to do the next day. I was devastated at the time but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

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what color are your nipples dumb bitch?

bright pink

>eating kool aid

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They are against board rules.

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don't forget to remind the teachers that theres homework


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I don't know, but this is why I stick with Jewish girls.

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woahvicky posted her DNA test

she's 45% Nigger

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maybe because they have no identity because you have to oppose everythng White because it's Nazi

You can hear *her* laughing at the end of the clips.


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