Pressure The Queen to pardon Tommy Robinson

Alright goys,

This needs to be the next stage in our attack. The Royal Family having millions of their own "subjects" on their back to pardon a man opposed to Muslim rape gangs should be a no brainer.
If she doesn't do it, it's a win. If she does do it, it's a win. Forcing these win-win situations is where Jow Forums thrives..

In the English and British tradition, the royal prerogative of mercy is one of the historic royal prerogatives of the British monarch, in which he or she can grant pardons (informally known as a royal pardon) to convicted persons. The royal prerogative of mercy was originally used to permit the monarch to withdraw, or provide alternatives to death sentences; the alternative of penal transportation to "partes abroade" has been used since at least 1617.[1] It is now used to change any sentence or penalty.[2] A royal pardon does not itself overturn a conviction

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I'll bet you she doesn't even respond!! And once she doesn't this massive disrespect to her own people will only fan the flames against her.

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Lmfao the utter state of outer pol retards.
Okay let's have a laugh

1. Tommy Robinberg broke the law so he had been rightfully published

2. The Queen will not take a political stance and rightly so, it is her position to be unifying where division is present

3. The Queen will not undermine her judiciary just as she will not undermine her parliament as is well set in precedent and to break it would likely lead to Republicism

4. Lmfao at you brainlets sucking Tommys retarded circumcised cock

Get the pedos boys I’m out. KEEP THE LADLING DOWN
At least to a dull roar

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Stay cucked brainlet

Good, either way we win nameflaggot

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>savage bantz
>check flag

as always

Fucking kek

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How do you figure that you brainlet?

I even forgot to mention that the Queen doesn't exist exercise royal perogative anymore, the government does.

We need to flodo Buckingham Palace with letters and blow up their phones.. We also need to get some sort of petition going... If she or prior Monarchs have addressed certain kinds of petitions in the past then we need to go with these

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Fuck off, leaf

>prior monarchs
You'll be going all the way back 300 years to Anne you brainlet lmfao you retard

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I used to respect and admire England and Britain. I'd like to thank the queen and the crown for curing me of that faggotry.

She still can if she wants to you asbsolute faggot. She suspended Canadian Parliament twice in the past decade

She can, if you're a retarded brainlet and ignore that historical precedent is the basis of our law and you don't understand that the Monarch is in power on good will alone at this point and rocking the boat will see them violently outed.

You're such a brainlet lad, she couldn't even choose which flag to fly on her house in '97 Lmfao

Lmfao you didn't even get your own recent history right

Parliament was suspended by government who is empowered with royal perogative just as it is in the UK.
Fucking hell lad, you're a mess.

It's not their fault, it's the fault of the British people. We forced her to give up her authority to go against public opinion in 1997.

She's already used her powers to pardon several people including on the run IRA terrorists

We need to force her to nut up and do the right thing. Either she pardons Tommy or she shows her support for the corrupt establishment and pedophile Muslim rape gangs

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did a summer study at Queen Mary University of London in Mile End area. I was dismayed to find that no one in England spoke English. Also, I had never before seen a flock of fully covered women in black exposing only their eyes following 15 behind 2 men. Mind blowing. I don't understand how Engand let this happen

If she refuses to grant him a pardon and shows her support for the pedophile rape gangs then she should be removed from her post. Her Monarchy should be abolished same as happened to countless others before her

Yah, she signed off on it. Same as we will force her to do for Tommy

Lmfao no
The government did that you mong. She just signs off on it and not even in person since Queen Victoria. You're thick as fuck lad, "in the name of HM" just means someone with authority as delegated from the Crown, for example the British government
>Prerogative powers were formerly exercised by the monarch acting on his or her own initiative. Since the 19th century, by convention, the advice of the prime minister or the cabinet—who are then accountable to Parliament for the decision—has been required in order for the prerogative to be exercised. The monarch remains constitutionally empowered to exercise the royal prerogative against the advice of the prime minister or the cabinet, but in practice would only do so in emergencies or where existing precedent does not adequately apply to the circumstances in question.

Robinson is a zionistic anti-racist brainlet. Not only that, but he is hostile towards the British ethnic nationalists
mate, that Eddie trip loser is an alcoholic bum that raises a kid from his mulatto girlfriend. Don’t be surprised that said moron believes that the Britons can have some sort of unity with nonwhites
>We forced her
We? You are not British, mong. You cancelled the Celtic Race membership the very moment you placed your cock in a wog vajvaj. Kill your nigger daughter and then eat a bullet

The last monarch to actually "sign off on it" was Victoria you thick cunt
Lmfao at the state of outer pol brainlets

Trump just pardoned D'Souza, The Queen can do it for Tommy.

Lmfao how many times have I BTFO you, you LARPing faggot?

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>the US is the same as the UK
Wow... just wow...

>"The document, dated December 24 2000 states: “This is to certify that Her Majesty The Queen has been pleased to extend Her Grace and Mercy unto (name removed) and to pardon and remit to him the unserved portion of all the fixed term sentences of imprisonment imposed on him at Belfast on 12 June 1981."

Die slow flaggot

nobody cares abdul, it's not about that, this applies to your worst enemy. but you just think about your self and that only the ones who think like you. as if the law should only count for them, fuck you mudshit

Holy fuck man.... these filthy kikes are stealing my style.

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rule of law should only apply to those I agree with
>pakis everyone
no fuck off to your own country you lit inbred cousin fucker.

this is why you suck while we rule

Are you thick?
Are you retarded?
Are you brain dead?

Try learning about our operation of state before you make comments on it. The Queen doesn't make these decisions, her government does. It's such a simple point which is probably why you're ignoring it because you've been BTFO.

Fuck off foreigner, the Queen can't do shit and if she tried we'd give her the guillotine. It just doesn't work that way.

Tommy broke the law. He was warned ober a year ago and failed to comply with that warning. I like the guy and don't think he's a fash but he fucked up.

Nobody likes him, anyway.

silence, subhuman. your pathetic life is a brit/cuck/ wide joke. christ, you look like a cryptopaedo loser from the 90s US teen comedies. I mean, how come you didn’t kill yourself already? You drink daily while taking care of a half nigger kid. British my ass
>the law
The same “”””law”””” that authorises the gun grab and interracial marriages? I don’t believe in the British law, but I do believe in having a good laugh. I love when anti-racists and nonwhites suffer, so why shouldn’t I be joyful? Seriously you idiots don’t get that ahhh tommey is jailed rather properly
>rule of law should only apply to those I agree with

You can't even into propaganda, SAD

Oh look, no arguments. Eddie wins again.

you can't bend what I said paki
my point remains, you only want to help or well the law should apply to the ones you agree with and only them, not everyone.

Oh man the queen of England will definitely see all these disgruntled mouth breathers from Jow Forums and work extra hard to ask the peaople who actually run things to let serial pest who was doing his best to fuck up a court case free. It seems very likely!

I'm bored back to the Tucson trafficking general


Based roo

>Pressure the Queen to Pardon Tommy
>Queens minion writes it up
>Queen signs her name
^ Which has happened in the past. I don't even know what you're on about.
It might not be the Queen who draws up the proposal but getting her involved with the "Royal Pardon" will be huge for propaganda

(((Queen Elizabeth))) is literally a genocidal jewish freak who should be necklaced in public along with all of her lineage. You need a reboot.

if the law is not equal to all, soon there is no law.
>With laws shall our lands be built, and not with injustice laid barren
at lögum skal land várt byggja en eigi at ulögum

it is not the first time in history you see

Good, this is why we are going to torment her with this... This isn't fucking rocket science, wtf, I thought you guys were smarter than this

Lol no it hasn't. It works the other way around you mong. The Queen is pressured by everyone else, so much so that's she's given up actually giving her consent in person and it's now assumed. HM Gov is who you should be petitioning but you're a retarded LARPtard so it's a waste of time explaining to you how much of a waste of time it is.

A lot of these cunts will move to hell because it's warm in winter.
We had the same argument when parliament was about to vote on if we should implement Brexit after the referendum and the mongs started squealing that they don't have the right. People are retarded and constantly destroy our ancient institutions in knee jerks then complain that our institutions are gone

Again, you can't into propaganda. Last time I checked I'm pretty sure "the system" wasn't supposed to be covering up Muslim pedophile gangs for over a decade but here we are.
The system be damned, this is meme warfare. We will win.

Brainlets, she has no power. It's not her dictating the course of Britain. The reason we're fucked is because of our cultural revolution in the 60's brought about by us losing the second world war and the yanks essentially annexing us militarily and culturally. It has nothing to do with the monarch, she a corpse propped up by tourists and LARPers like a theme park attraction.


>if the law is not equal to all, soon there is no law.
cuck, Tommy is a natorious anti-ethnonationalist. He is my enemy.

According to the British “law” a person of fine millennia old Anglo-Celtic breeding and some half Lebanese rat are equals. Naturally I don’t believe in the British legal system, and I wish to see nonwhites and antiracists suffer the consequences of their own existence.


Listen, if you have some sort of insider knowledge on how to get Tommy a royal pardon then spill it, because it happened as recently as in 2000 for an IRA terrorist. So we know it's possible. If you have nothing then please fuck off.

Either way we will keep these threads going and engage in memewar

We surrendered to the IRA because we lost the war in Ireland and Tony Blair was a Catholic scum bent on destroying the UK through submission and devolution. the Queen had nothing to do with that and I'm sure it made her sick to her stomach, just as when she saw her own subjects turn on her like a rabid mob in 1997 and we told her to submit to Diana

>Its another pol falling for controlled opposition thread

This has got to be the six gorllionth time

So she has a history of submitting to the mob.... and you think that this little campaign stands no chance of working how...?

We have all the precedents we need here, her submitting against ehr will into signing a Royal Pardon at the behest of the mob.. That's exactly what we're going for

OP is a massive faggot

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You can buy those shirts in any giftshop in Tel Aviv you massive retard, that's where Tommy got it

I don't think lowering a flag is equal to an act of parliament somehow you fucking idiot. As I've said about 30 fucking times, government is the ones who have the power, not the Queen. We're functionally a Republic.
There is your attempt. Are you really so fucking retarded to think that people here haven't already thought about your retarded master plan of cry really loudly? He broke the law, he got locked up. It's fucking simple, but yet still to complicated for you.

He literally said on camera he's a Zionist you dumb faggot leaf

>The Queen will not take a political stance and rightly so, it is her position to be unifying where division is present

That’s part of her problem. She is allowing her country to be devoured by faggot shit and muslims.

Funny that you ignored these pictures

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So is Richard Spencer and God knows how many other people onthe Alt-Right ... It's the same thing as saying that you believe the Chinese should have China

WTF am I even talking about? Abdul detected. Ge the fuck out of the Netherlands you shitskin faggot

>she is allowing
No you massive retard, our electorate is.

>Zionist shills are fine

You're an absolute nigger

Also more white than you Muhammad.

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>Brainlets, she has no power. It's not her dictating the course of Britain.
negligence is criminal

I've already explained our operation of state repeatedly in this thread, it's not my fault you're a spastic

"I am both a Zionist and a White Nationalist"

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We need to get one of those Pardon letters drafted up for Tommy and has a dotted line on which the Queen or whoever can sign their name.

Post them everywhere, spread them on social media, etc...

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This. If you like Tommy Robinson, you are a retard and do NOT belong on Jow Forums. This site is not for lemmings who like (((RebelMedia))) and other trash.

We don't give a fuck about your divide and conquer bullshit you dumb Jew leaf

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Nah fuck this kike, let him get raped by the bunch of niggers in prison desu.

He deserves to get raped in prison for starting the biggest nationalist group in the UK, inspiring 100s of thousands of Brits to get up off their asses, and getting arrested for confronting Muslim rape gangs?

You should fucking kill yourself

dude is a false flag.
this shit is shilled.
it's paid opposition.
don't reply.
sage and out.

Define rape

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The BNP was the biggest nationalist group in the UK, this guy has done little but bitch about "radical Islam" while ignoring the root problem.

Stop getting angry at a man trying to help you, if you are even white.

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false flag for what purpose?
whats the end goal?
to mobilise people to take back their land and freedoms?

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Any shoop fags wanna work on one of these and make it look like a pardon for our tommeh

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>b-b-but he pretends to care for the goys
>p-plz don't shit anymore on my thread anymore
No fuck you, all he represents is divide and conquer, trying to push civil war in Europe like you Jews are doing in America.

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Civil war? Between the Muslims and the Brits? Every second that this doesn't happen it gets worse

You don't even realize the implications of a civil war do you, or maybe you do, but like I said before you're propably a fucking Jew

Royal Pardon for minor traffic offence

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>civil war
future looks bright
can we make it nuclear civil war before armies get more diversity hires?

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to get a list of fuckwits and shut them up
to generate controversy and overshadow any issues being presented
to delegitimise his supporters by having them presented as a special class of citizen for the average idiot to hate

sage it, fuckboi, go make an actual difference somewhere instead of trying to spring people from jail

Mass deportations etc would be the msot desireable but if the Muslims won't go peacefully then what is it that you suggest? Let them stay and have the UK become a part of the Caliphate?

How's it going rabbi?

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Tommy was the main difference maker you had on that God forsaken island and look at the garbage that is coming out of your mouth. Luckily there are plenty of people that don't share your mindset. Probably only Nigel Farage has done more than Tommy Robinson to uncuck your shitty pedo island

>Mass deportations etc would be the msot desireable

Yea if you're talking about Jews, deport them all back to "their" holy land.
Then we can finally have peace.

>to get a list of fuckwits and shut them up
just pick 4 out of 5 people in UK at random
>to generate controversy and overshadow any issues being presented
brexit is fucked, may is globalist shill, no hiding that
>to delegitimise his supporters by having them presented as a special class of citizen for the average idiot to hate
too much active and passive support, too late for that

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Sure, do that too. You
re an idiot if you think the removal of jews from Britain would magically cause the Muslims to stop being a bunch of inbred goatraping savages

Have a stolen meme for your reward
Seig heil

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well, we could openly talk about their crimes then, that would help

Attacks would probably drop by 70% if the Jews can no longer stage false flag attacks on either side.

The anti-white media isn't coming from Muslims. Things would sort themselves out if there wasn't a Jewish media establishment hellbent on demoralizing and stirring up hatred against whites.

If things don't get better after we kick out all the Jews, we can apologize AFTER the fact.

You seriously think the only reason we hate Islam/Muslims is because of terrorist attacks? We hate everything about them. Slavery is supposed to be illegal in our countries but here theyare with hordes of slave women with bags over their heads...
They're setting up shop in our countries and demographically replacing us, taking our lands and our treasures through welfare, so on and so forth.

The terror attacks should be the least of your worries. If anything they're a good thing because they make people hate Muslims more

Any shoopfags wanna shoop one of these to look like a pardon for Tommy Robinson?

>They're setting up shop in our countries and demographically replacing us, taking our lands and our treasures through welfare, so on and so forth.
Yea and who do you think is constantly advertising for this trough the media and who do you think is running the NGO taxi boats that ship them onto the EU continent.