So a bunch of pedos and evil-makers gather in ONE place every year and get drunk and no one ever thought to go be a useful hero and spaz out there? I don't get it. Why so useless anons?
Bohemian Grove happening next month - Where the true Heros at?
I've been.
And you did what? Served milkshakes? Cleaned the toilets?
non-member guest
Drone army will be onsite
how was it/what did you do there
Bumping in the hopes we get some insights from Wayne.
its just about drinking and letting loose. there are a lot of powerful people around but the special part is that membership levels the playing field. the point it to let loose and have fun.
>weaving spiders come not here
Do you actually think you saw the whole thing? I would imagine there are parts only certain people have access to. It's a huge place.
>ITT: Glow In the Dark Nigger Thread
You actually expect one of these autists to give the details of their trench coat gang or Rampage the Movie gear to go full suicide mission on the worlds elite?
Yeah, right good one Feds.