Sup Jow Forums. I’m gonna kill myself in an hour or so. Anyone interested in a stream? I have 30 oxycodone...

Sup Jow Forums. I’m gonna kill myself in an hour or so. Anyone interested in a stream? I have 30 oxycodone, 60 xanax and a bottle of cheap vodka. Would use my gun but my brother and his wife are gonna find me so I don’t want any gore.

Lemme know.

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things get better user

Don't die please.

Shoot and kill black people before you kill yourself.
Or just kill black people and don't kill yourself.

Make the world a better place shoot some black niggers with your guns waffle House style.

don’t be a faggot

don't do it faggot.

Shoot up your local ACLU or Jewish center.


>I'm going to take a bunch of Imodiums and pretend to die.
Gun or GTFO

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What a waste of good drugs.
Get an animal to look after, I've currently got a puppy and I've barely time to think about all the shit in my life.

This, not taking out some earthly problems just before ending yourself is such 80`s approach to suicide.

Don't do it, desu. We love you and need you here. Life is shit but you'll die eventually.

dont do it

but if u do stream it

That will literally be painful user
You don't know what kind of misery you'll put yourself thru

You'll end up surviving and living as a retard
Don't do it, the Republicans need your vote in November, if anything, stay alive to vote, YOUR VOTE COUNTS user, YOUR LIFE MATTERS

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listen to his digits, autistbruh

wrong board faggot
do it

Definitely don't die, if you truly are screwed in life, why not just abandon life and become a homeless/gypsy roamer. See what you can get away with since you don't care anymore, just don't harm others and see where life takes you.

link to stream, nerd.

This some nigs killed a black friend of mine today so I want them all to die

You don’t have the balls.

wait until e3

Why cheap vodka ? Are you saving money for later ?

make your death a political statement or get the fuck off Jow Forums


This. You’ll be shitting in and pissing in a bag. Crippled.

sounds like they are sorting themselves out.

i took 2 oxycodone to see what they’re like now i’m hella happy and my friend is gonna let me try heroin. this stuff is a life changer

Those drugs will damage your organs fool. There are people on the waiting list for good kidneys, liver, lungs. Come on man stop wasting good organs.

You think just because your brains aren't coating the wall makes it any easier on your family who finds you? Don't do it user. And if you absolutely feel like you have to, do it somewhere they won't stumble upon your corpse. Leave them a note as to where to find you and what to expect. Stop being such a selfish bastard and maybe you'd find a reason to live in the process.

Look at all these plebbit and newfags telling him no


If you have such little regard for your own life at least do something useful like go to south Africa. Things are in the processes of kicking off their.

>being this doomed

watch this video before you do and realize this is your potential fate. also this GIF

If you don't succeed you may end up a prisoner in your own body. For the next half century. With your brother wiping your ass until youre 80. Also, sam doesn't want you to die either. we need our people even if you're in a shitty position now. I escaped NEETdom, anyone can. it might get better in a week, it might get better in 2 years, but it will get better if you hang on.

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Can't can't make it chief, my toenails need cutting.
Happy days tho.

if youre gonna become a druggie pls just go back to plan A

Bruh... This is some weird stuff.... The drugs that were about to kill you saved your life...?
Mr. macky was wrong? drug aren't bad?

God you're fucking worthless. You can't even kill yourself right.

Heres what you have to do user: Fill your social media with muslim quotes and so forth then jump on a plane to Europe and shoot that Merkel bitch or Theresa May. Triple points if you get both.

You're going to be dead for a long time. I'd spend the next 50 years meditating in the woods, or fucking whores in Thailand, than skip it all and embracing eternal nothingness. Experiencing qualia is a pretty cool phenomenon, and you might as well get the most out of it that you can.

>Sam Hyde picture
Thats fake user, dont fell for this hoax threats

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>not putting link to stream in post
OP is a faggot

just start naming the jew.

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do a flip faggot

don't do it lad

so suprior
so smart
so classy
so white
so top gun
>so cringe

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Please dont, I really dont want to be unable to post on Jow Forums for 10 hours and for images to stop working after the site comes back online

Can you even OD on xanax? Oxycodone will definitely kill you though.

This, but jews instead of blacks

Lmfaoo you pussy ass white boys taking ur selves out baka

>go camping.

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>I care enough about my brother and wife not to gore shock them, but not enough to not off myself
Suicide? What are you a faggot?
And what? You want to stream this faggotry in the hopes that three people stumble in and you delude yourself into thinking it meant anything at all?
You want fucking meaning, you little bitch? You can't find it? Life is meaningless? No, you just don't fucking deserve it. Clean yourself up first. Keep your fucking domain clean and in order. Put down the fucking fork and pick up a fucking book and some weights. Get a job and don't be a little bitch about it. Devout yourself to it when you're there. Pick up the bible and be a true Christian. People will be drawn to your newfound excellence, and will genuinely smile at you, and you'll genuinely smile back. Then, maybe, you'll have earned meaning.
Don't come back to these fucking boards until you've at least done all that shit.

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dont kill yourself or you go to hell.

Livestream shooting yourself with a shotgun, or fuck off like the faggot you are.

dont do it.

Before OP commits suicide I just wanna say that he'll stiĺl be a faggot in the afterlife

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>5 AWPs
Win game, by close combat AWPs.
Literally my first ranked game in CS:GO 2Russians 2Polish 1Bulgarian. It was the funniest shitshow ever.

Why is this faggot OP still alive?

Naw shit feels better later

theres no fiery jew torture world for people who want to check out early

>le edgy tough old man rant

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Don't do it. Less anons means worse world, do not leave us in this Fight.

Besides, these drugs and alcohol might wouldn't kill you - you may become a vegetable who may be consious but partialy paralyzed. You will be only making problems for your family and loved ones. I've seen similar cases - future psychiatrist here.


Do a flip

Don't do it, you'll be fine. Better days ahead.

If everyone on Jow Forums tells you not to kill yourself you probably shouldnt.
Think about everyone who was Alive and now dead, everyone that could've been born but wasn't, you're doing a disservice to those people by pretending life isn't worth living. That YOUR life was too hard and "must ragequit" don't be a pussy. There are quadrillions of dead cunts who would such an aids dick to live another minute, this isn't about you.

>how to get free (You)s on the shithole known as Jow Forums

Life's not that great user. End it.

Listen guy you’re gonna have to sit through what feels like hours of body twisting trauma and regret
Just use the gun faggot why do you care about the gore if you’re not around to feel anything about it

I’ll send you .05 bitcoin if you send me all your drogs