Trump personly chose his long-time friend as ambassador to Poland...

Trump personly chose his long-time friend as ambassador to Poland. She just said in front of Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that her main task, aside of getting sure that Poland is safe and prosperous, will be removing antisemitism from Poland which is supposedly caused by our Holocaust-law and persuading us to accepting refugees.

OK, now i finally stopped believing that Trump is right-wing after he nominated as ambassador for Poland a Jewess who speaks like Hillary Clinton.

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What is it with jews and ruining every fucking country

Eastern Europe and Central Europe need to unite
That is the only way they can protect themselves from the excesses of both Russia, EU and USA

We expected here that she would shill for Jews, but these refugees are a direct contradiction of what Trump was saying to us. He praised Poland that we dont take them. It is sick.

We just need to accept that the USA is ruled bh jews and bow down . Trump is the most pro-jewish president in history.. what do. It is not like USA needs Poland more than we need them so we are a vassal and beggar in this relation


poland will pay, JUST act now

She also said that trade between Poland and USA is too small and Poland must import more American products, but she didnt say that America should import more Polish products,of course. We will end up hyper-buttfucked, 5 jewish dicks in the ass, 3 in mouth, 2 in ears and eyes.

well its basicly with americans you lose, but thats ok because they have a senile old man as president that is cucking to israel wich is based

At least the comments are redpilled, people calling the US a Jew-controlled country and that if the US wants us to take in rapefugees their southern border should be open as well

Did Trump really build the wall? I really doubt it. He lied about everything except of what he promised to Jews during AIPAC conference

And the comments with fewer upvotes are about the Holocaust industry and Trump being a Jewish puppet

from the funding bill he has about 800 milion to fix fences and about 36 million to build an accual wall

His biggest accomplishment is opening the US Embassy in Jerusalem

Imagine a world where the US wasn't so fucking Israeli hebe kiked to redundancy

Do ambassadors even have any real power? Aren't embassies just fronts for CIA bases anyway?

now do you understand when we call out the donald? It's a fucking mess over here right now and everyone thinks it's hilarious because he is trolling libtards. It takes more than trolling to run a country.

shill shill shill

What is it with weak leaders who bow to Jews?


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The point is that it was personal Trumps choice. Thats why he chose his friend. At least thats the rumors.

And we'll see where that money actually goes soon enough. Perhaps you're right, Krautbro.

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Stop glowing Moshe

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Thanks Drumpf!

Yeah well poland can handle Ashkenazis
They did for centuries, most jews in israel are of polish Ashkenazi stock.
They know poland will call them out on their bullshit

Fucking Jow Forums, you've told us Trump is based, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


>longtime Republican

Based MAGA!!!

T-this is still 4D underwater sudoku then? ;___;

I always thought that Poland being ruled by Jews was just insane right wing conspiracy theory made by neonazis and other losers. But now when i see most of our elite from politics, media and so on, how they are happy and laugh everytime our current government is humiliated by Jews, i begin to have doubts. These kind of "Poles" who were clapping like crazy and smiling for example when Israeli ambassador humiliated us during Auschwitz liberation ceremony by telling us to remove the anti-defamation law as if we werent even an independent country. Would a normal Pole clap to such thing?

I swear people would be grabbing their guns if Obama even did a 1/4th of what Trump does.
I mean like the wars they did: americans ae extremely good into talking themselves into something, ith's always either / or watch it.
>literally decades of american aggression towards Putin / best fuckbuddy because Trump said so

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in estonia US embassies work to spread diversity and raise the numbers of immigrants coming into their country since the US pays to fly in or bring in all the immigrants to Estonia.

fucking americans, cant we just have a free country????

Looks good for Trump. Has no material effect on Poland. They can laugh at her.

It's pathetic. The exact same thing that happened with Obama is happening with Trump. Why the fuck are people so susceptible to cults of personality?

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cant you just block this zionist from coming into the country to subvert you?

I mean literally her mission is to destroy your country and your allowing that?

The praise and nice words are only there to get you to buy US weapons, host US bases, and box yourselves in to a real confrontation with Russia because Germany won't buy America's gas. Trump is a kike puppet and that means that Poland is on the hit list.

Send her back with a warning then. You don't need to deal with her. Say fuck her Trump, send someone based, anti-fucking-immigrant, look up which republicans fit the bill and put their names forward, Trump then has options. Right now he's just choosing people who aren't openly hostile in the same party. Most of his party are pro-Jewish cuckservatives who would invade Iran tomorrow if they could.

The intelligent thing to do in this situation is suck it up and stop being a US ally.

send that bitch packing, if her goal is only to destroy your country then she is not wanted as an enemy of the state. Or ya know and I dont know if Poland is too weak or not, just assassinate her, its that easy, either way sends a message to stand up to the J.

as you said, it seems to be a us phenomenon though, I mean look at merkel: I don't even know if she has twitter

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>The intelligent thing to do in this situation is suck it up and stop being a US ally

Never. We love America.

ZOG will push everyone until they're against Israel and even the US, eventually.

Trump is 200% team jew. He's not making these choices because of limited selection or anything of the sort. He was specifically activated to finally go through with his long-teased presidential run because Obama went through with the Iran deal and seemed to be dragging his feet or non-committal to doing anything in Syria beyond psyops and terrorist funding.

Can’t be antisemetic if there are no semites.

Then you love signing your own death warrant. You're the dumbest niggers on the planet and you deserve everything that is coming to you. It will be funny when Russia curbstomps your half-nigger country.

Oh, so melodramatic

seems like it Trump also hasnt taken out the FED which makes sense if he is just another puppet.

Leave us European KANGS alone, why you gotta be Haiti'n?

>Never. We love America.
Good answer user, then send a message to America to wake the fuck by assassinating this enemy of the state and help get both our countries woke to the eternal J.

We dont want to be left alone by the USA. Stop lying.

You didn't understand my post, you colossal brainlet. It's ok, I still love you.

There is no shortage of hostile anti-Trump pro-Jew republicians. Trump does have Jewish blinders on in many regards, it's up to Poland to inform Trump why this pick is a dud. There are other potential candidates Poland needs to do their homework and find someone the US and Poland can agree upon.

There must be republicans with a Polish background right?

She's a rich socialite gold digger, hahaha. Where is source about her promoting refugees, though?

that is what the US embassy is and has been doing in estonia. thats right on google, every pick so far by Trump sent to countries is meant to destroy them.

Similar problem here.USA amdassador keep shiling for fag prides and such.
WTF burgers?I assure you this shit do not win you any friends in this parts.

Fun fact: "Russian Interference" is actually a code word for "Israeli interference" our election was hacked but they're not calling out the true culprits.

well guess what country makes our voting machines and then you have your answer user.

Follow the money...



This is disturbing. :^(

>Digits check out
Aw fuck, I dont wanna be right.... but maybe that is what kek is telling me and us... fugg

i’m sure there are many with (((polish))) background

Supposedly they broke ground today/yesterday on the wall. I didn't read too much into it since I don't care until I see an actual fucking wall there.

Former chief of Trump's presidential campaign Corey Lewandowski is also our lobbyst in military matters in Washington

He has Polish roots but he attended to catholic school as a child, so i doubt that he is a jew.

>My top priority if confirmed will be to encourage American businesses to expand trade between our
nations. We must increase our exports to Poland’s 38 million consumers — to create American
jobs back home, and to ensure American companies are treated fairly on a level playing field.
>If confirmed, I will work to preserve and strengthen our bilateral political, economic, and security
collaboration, including on matters of NATO, Ukraine, Russia, the Community of Democracies,
the Three Seas Initiative and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

doesn't seem so bad.

what is it with fp always being bp?

USA is the only ally that we have, actually. If we lost it, then we would look stoopid without any allies whatsoever.

does merkel have a personality cult? from how understand things she was pretty good until the refugee thing, appart from the nuklear bullshit obviously

> America calling any European country nigger, let alone Poland

Orchestrate a oven-based accident. Think "Hansel and Gretchen", but with pre-beating and post-heating.
"I swear, she looked like a large lump of bread-dough. Also she smelled kind of yeasty."


Honestly I think Trump would still support Poland to make their own independent choices if asked personally, unfortunately he has a knack for picking some real stinkers for positions. I think it's because he's working with a smaller pool of potential people to work with due to him being an outsider, and a lot of his friends are Jew Yorkers in the real estate crowd. It's unfortunate but the truth is if you're looking for politically savvy people to hire the amount that aren't infected by ZOG is slim to none.

ignore the kike shills.
we love those who love us.
you can speak your mind and still be our friends.
not all of us are kikes or idiots.

At this point you just have to start moving your own money away from USD backed systems, hit this rabid animal where it hurts before it kills all of us.

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Poland had millions of Jews before war, just like the USA today. We understand that it is hard to act against their will, after they take over important posititions in the state. Like half of Poland belonged to Jews as property back then, Poles' only "property" was a job for a Jew and a loan to pay.

You ought to understand that Trump makes hiring mistakes sometimes.

Try getting him to take notice of the fact that her public comments contradict his rhetoric.

you are welcome

You only now realize that he is a zionist?

poland must stay pure blood!

Germans killed Jews only because they wanted Poles to work for a German and take loans in German banks. There was no place on this planet for two nations of "ubermenschen"

being called US ally means only one thing
there is no oil here

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Chinese are investing in Poland and we are improving our diplomatic relations. we will be fine

Oh fuck!

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there is no proof that this woman supports immigration that ive seen.

Thats not what I said, only thing I did was that Trump is a zionist.

A czy pan wie że Amerykanie zniszczyli Jugoslawię?

To w ogóle był błąd że częsc polskiej elity supportowała majdan. Najpierw - Janukowicz ma polskie korzeni.

Sounds like a jewish plan.

Best way to remove antisemitism is to remove jews.

Its in their blood/history. Why do you think they always get round up and kick out?

Americans can spend a day without deep throating a jewish cock.


Nie, to nie był błąd z punktu widzenia polskich interesów

>Orchestrate a oven-based accident. Think "Hansel and Gretchen", but with pre-beating and post-heating.

he would be replaced anyway. too much influential people needed him gone. It would happen with or without our participation so we could've aswell have some word about what's going to happen next.
we couldn't support him openly as it would damage our relations with US