YOU HAD ONE JOB! What do we do about the adult illiteracy problem? Apparently it's a big enough issue in western countries that when I was in high school, it was mandatory to help some autist who couldn't read a sentence.

English has it easy. No genders, no wildly different past participles, no outrageously stupid language rules (eg: Chinese represent police as 警察 with 警 meaning "alarm" and 察 meaning "monitor". Often individual characters give you no meaning on the actual word.) and no accents. Other languages have upwards of thirty or forty letters and for God's sake Chinese requires you to memorise at least 3000 characters to be literate.

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I'd love to see the racial data

too much genders to remember, there's not time for reading

>14% can't read
>14% were born in Latin America
La coincidencia? I don't think so

Here, we push people through school. Teacher's don't want repeat students because they suck and it makes the school look bad so less funding. Black people unironically cannot read at an alarmingly high rate. I'm too drunk to write more and it's like 5:30 am but there's literally nothing you can do from a policy standpoint to fix this. These students have too many real life problems to succeed in the classroom bubble and those problems aren't going away because there are always losers in society.

Whoops forgot source

And without POC factored in?

yeah it's going to be mostly whites anyway, country's 78% white

It's not about how hard it is, it's about education. Farmer from the south got no need to read shit, so he never bothers. The number of letters they need to learn is irrelevant, they wouldn't do it if there were only 5 letters.

Also I believe most illiterate people are probably whites, even when you consider that they're the majority. Or maybe beaners. But definitely not niggers- they live in urban areas so they're more likely to get some level of education. Feel free to debunk this notion though.

Sure you can, just make them repeat every grade until they've learned the stuff they're supposed to learn. No kiddy gloves.

Just like the obesity rates?

But that'd be racist

>5 year old article
Fuck you

you are wrong, on all accounts.

only 18 percent of African-American fourth-graders were proficient in reading and only 19 percent scored as proficient in math, according to an analysis by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation released Friday. The eighth-grade numbers were even worse, with only 16 percent of African-American students proficient in reading and 13 percent proficient in math.

By comparison, the report said, the national average for proficiency among all students in fourth-grade reading was 36 percent, while it was 40 percent in fourth-grade math, 34 percent in eighth-grade reading and 33 percent in eighth-grade math.


The next american to post in this thread reads under 5th grade level, assuming you're all adults.

Probably mostly spics and nigs

Thanks to teachers unions you can't fire shitty teachers.

You're giving me numbers of people who are going to school, whereas my argument was about those who never got any education ie those who got homeschooled, for example.

I remember in 9th grade we would pass the book around and everyone would have to read one paragraph, a lot of the kids were struggling some couldn't read at all. That is when you find out you have to be in AP/IB English, not because they were difficult, but because they would probably be regular English classes anywhere else where the kids could actually read.

>19% of high school graduates can't read

How the fuck do they pass?


Literacy is overrated

you can get scribes who will write and read exam papers for you here in england, if you're not retarded just dumb

Sometimes schools will just pass students that don’t deserve to be passed if they’res enough of them since they want to look good to the government. A few years ago DC public schools got in trouble for almost half of their graduating class being passed despite poor attendance and grades. It happens a lot in urban(Black) schools.

Hannah Hays

Half that number is easily explained by illegal immigrants. The rest by legal immigrants.

Former teacher here. You’re absolutely correct. “Students of Color” are likely vastly over represented relative to their racial makeup of the General population. The entire idea is just completely backwards now, the students are completely blameless. You can no longer say that “Little Darnell has difficulty reading because there are no responsible adults in his life to help him with his homework, also he’s just stupid.” The (((diverse))) members of the school board instead sees that “Darnell has difficulty reading because Mr. user has failed to educate him.” All these kids have what’s called an IEP, an individualized education plan. Which is basically a way for little niggers to get away with whatever they want, it hamstrings teachers into passing illiterate retards to make the racial achievement gap look less severe. “Darnell requires every test question to be read aloud. Darnell is only required to complete 15% of his assigned homework for the year. Darnell is allowed to drink malt liquor between classes. Gibs Darnell his diploma.”
Now repeat this, ad infinitum, for every little dindu in every school. Niggers should have to go to their own schools, where they learn how to break boulders into gravel or something. Or they can go be illiterate in Africa, I’m sick of them being here.

make education voluntary instead of compulsory and shunt the kids who fail out

>its the niggers and beaners we white americans are all aryan half gods
T. Typical mutt

But I almost didn't graduate, and was harassed constsntly by my course councilors, due to lack of elective credits.

>muh racismz

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i would just LOVE to see those numbers broken down by race and public vs private schools.

>people in the US graduate high school without being able to read

what the fuck

>there's literally nothing you can do from a policy standpoint to fix this
privatize education

>you can get scribes who will write and read exam papers for you here in england

Learn how to reply to multiple posts at once you absolute Turk

didn't know the thread was dead, i was reading post by post

The chinese invented movable type in 1000AD but it was fucking useless because there's too many characters to typeset pages efficiently.

Gutenburg transformed the world within a couple hundred years while the chinks were still trying to get a single book published.

Chinese is a joke

Dead thread or not- you need to reply in single posts. Makes the superior elite Jow Forums experience better for other users when reading through posts, and also delays hitting the bump limit (not that this post would hit the bump limit anyway).
Doing multiple replies is only acceptable when the board does not have IDs, so you can pretend to be different people arguing multiple arguments at the same time.

because they won't do the exam otherwise or they just say they're dyslexic , i went to a shitty school only about 30% of our students passed english

How the fuck does anyone graduate high-school if theyre illiterate? What kind of a mud hut Mickey mouse-highschool allows that?

Totally wrong, whites are barely the majority in violent crime statistics, if you exclude spic "Whites", blacks would probably be the plurality of criminals.

This, in any case, there should be no illiteracy problem amongst whites, niggers and low-iq spics can't read, big surprise.

I've never met a White or Asian adult that can't read and write English. Just saying you might want to take into account the large number of niggers and beaners in the US.

Niggers, obviously, no school wants to house overgrown niggers in their classrooms that cause trouble, so they shoo them out even if the niggers are illiterate.
No child left behind probably tried to fix that, however, a good proportion of niggers are genetically too dumb to learn to read, so the policy failed.

"The stats back up this claim: 85 percent of all juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate, and over 70 percent of inmates in America’s prisons cannot read above a fourth grade level" This might as well be racial data

Not graduating them would be raycist. I'm sure Finnish highschools will start doing this too once they realize nogs don't graduate

And the kike media will never show you those numbers. That being the case we all know what the numbers are.

Because illiteracy in the West means people who don't read a lot and have difficulties understanding complex abstract concepts.
Unlike in shitskin inbred countries, where it means eating cowbshit for dinner and diddling children.

>Niggers should have to go to their own schools, where they learn how to break boulders into gravel or something
The movie Empire of Dust demonstrated that niggers are even incapable of breaking boulders in gravel when given the machinery to do so.

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I know someone who is smart but severely dyslexic and has to voice dictate his university stuff using special software. I remember he got a scribe for his school exams and ended up passing with flying colours.

But yeah, in most instances it's for the retards.

Americans are literally retards. lmao

Le burger education.
No wonder talking to burgers online is like pulling teeth.

>can't read, literally
>can't write either
>graduate highschool

How is this possible?

hat's how many illegals are here, and why we are so pissed; they making us a third world country.

Burgerland is lime one big drive through.
The customer is always right.
Even if it's some dumbfuck nigger ordering an education.
You deliver with a smile and crawl up his ass.
Le burger education.

Yeah let's keep burning money in public schools though

>are you smarter than a fifth grader? the show just shows that no were not smarter than a fifth grader

Everyone goes to school. If you are poor it's free daycare and meals for the kids. Kids who are actually homeschooled tend to be quite educated, but lack social skills. And for you notion about the uneducated backwoods hicks, that's not really true. They still go to school and are functionally literate. Anyone who might fall into your group you're imagining would be so small in numbers it wouldn't make an impact and likely wouldn't be captured in this data anyway.

still an obviously propaganda thread

No wonder there are so many burger posters that are absolutely clueless about very basic shit.
Common core should be destroyed, has Trump ever mentioned it?

the literacy rates of the races who comprise the bulk of farmers in the US aren't low enough to suggest that farmers have poor literacy, and realistically there's no reason to expect them to since
homeschooled kids are actually competitive with the most educated of their private schooled peers

it's worth remembering that even in the early rural years of the US literacy was still over 95% among freemen, even for women

It's a problem because they have lowered the bar on standardized tests to bridge the achievement gap, and because of "no child left behind' which basically means to schools they dont get paid for a repeat so the administrators will flip an F to a D and pass the buck.

To solve, dump elective classes and sports, and teach Montessori style. Shorter days with a bigger focus on education. If you struggle in one subject then you are stuck there until you get it without holding you back from advancing in another. Also mandatory uniforms -- popularity contest is over. Be cool in your own free time because you come to school to learn.

There's no point in trying to lower adult illiteracy. Schools simply need to redistribute funds more effectively.

Not all have IEP -- some play sports. They get clean attendance and passed by administrators on those merits alone. I will admit that the IEP my wife has talked about with her students sound ridiculous. What blows my mind is not the inner city students bussed in with IEP. Not the ESL students. It's the in-district kids in affluent districts taking at-risk reading classes.

>there's literally nothing you can do from a policy standpoint to fix this
Execute violent criminals and offer other prisoners a shortened sentence if they undergo sterilization. Problem solved within a generation or two.

Proving once again the fallacy of liberalism. The more money you throw at atheists and sodomite apologists the stupider your country gets.

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>It's the in-district kids in affluent districts taking at-risk reading classes.
You don't learn to read and write without actually reading and writing. I'm gonna sound like an oldfag here, but social media consumption doesn't promote either reading or writing skills. It's bite sized, easy to digest and shit out, vapid bullshit. You need to read and write increasingly longer texts to improve at reading and writing. That isn't being promoted, so of course they aren't learning it.

now how many are non-Whites?

>19% of high school graduated can't read
American education in a nutshell

This statistic is misleading. The full statistic is that 32 million adults cannot read a newspaper, which is written at an 8th grade reading level in English. So there are 32 million adults that for various reasons do not have an 8th grade mastery of the English language.

A large portion of those are simply people who do not speak English as their first language, which should be a relief if you were just running under the assumption that 14% of people are just stupid.

As for the 19% of high school graduates, the same problem arises but it is mixed with the fact that 13% of high school students receive help for serious learning disabilities and another large chunk are on learning plans for other special needs. Then there's shitty programs like Teach for America that put astonishingly unqualified people in charge of the most at-risk children, compounding the problem.

I'm not saying there aren't problems, there are. But the world is not just full of dumb people running around and without knowing what a stop sign says. It's a very complicated situation and teachers often do their best with minimal resources and an increasingly ungrateful and entitled parent/student dynamic.

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>19% of high school graduates can't read
how in the fuck do you graduate if you can't read?

This is mostly due to low IQ rather than bad schools. If you have a low enough IQ, there's a hard cap on reading comprehension. You'd probably be horrified to learn exactly what the hard caps are for an IQ of 90, 80, and 70.

>14% of Americans are black
>14% of US can't read

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Thats because of diversity.