What went wrong with California?

What went wrong with California?

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Autists are throwing out ballots for Little

Tonight? Nothing, everything went as would normally be expected. Incumbent won in a deep blue state, GOP held on to most of its strong holds pretty easily. In general, Reagan fucked us over by inviting the Mexicans in.

No enough Nigga Nazi's

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Why could no one challenge an 84 year old woman for senate?

Par the course for CA. Feinstein has, curiously, won by a landslide the entire time I've been voting. No rival has even come close to challenging her. Of course, no one cares to ask about this.


But really...



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Cuckservatives cucking in the form of Reagan giving illegals amnesty. It immediately flipped the state blue forever.

It's not fucking rigged you spastic. Did you really think that with zero organisation, zero name recognition, zero friends in the republican party he was just going to come out of nowhere and win? Morons like you are why we're going to lose.

easy growing
can sleep outdoors
Simple. They turned into natives, lazy, indolent, stupid

Repubs blew it, should have called on all Rs except Bradley to drop

Unironically rigged. Feinstein is literally a criminal War Profiteer. Her husband has jewed the CA tax payer out of $100bil at this point. Yet she always wins in a landslide for the past 26 years.

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Remember that rigging elections is not a conspiracy.

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(((you know why)))

>Why could no one challenge an 84 year old woman for senate?
everyone hates her guts in CA I'm pretty sure all her votes are fraud

>no one cares to ask about this.
everyone hates her guts and young people in the state are demanding she retire, basically if she doesn't leave the dems will have to kill her before she tanks the party even further by existing

chuck too

that Pat Little kid was total controlled opposition,

>Be aspiring Jow Forums politican
>Legally change your name to "Diane A. Feinstein"
>Take required steps to get yourself on the next CA ballot.
>Confuse retards and Mexicans into voting for you over the real Diane Feinstein

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Sorry we didn't vote for the Nazi, waaaaaa

90,000 votes tops, jews could at least try to make it more believable, nobody voted for Feinstein certain not 1.8M people in a low turnout primary.

>What went wrong
The answer to this any everything else is that we let a bunch of kikes guilt trip and brow beat the world into believing the aggressors are the victims. Why is anybody in 2018, for or against Jews, having trouble comprehending this? What reasonable doubt is there?

Starting today, Little will be searching for a new job

shouldn't be hard he's opened a lot of doors for himself now

This is just the beginning Moishe. Guess how this story will end.

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can I ask why someone on the right is a Nazi for disliking Israel but all the jew hating on the left is passable? Can you draw the distinction for me? In Canada, the only people hating jews are on the left... yet somehow its neither anti-semetic nor an issue. But if someone on the "right" holds literally the same view - they are nazis? Does hate of Israel need to be rooted in muh brown people to be acceptable?

Damned thing was rigged, no fucking way Erin Cruz got more then Patrick.

She is married to Richard Blum, who personally owns California politics.

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So how does it work, these are State elections for a Federal Seat, does the Federal govt have the right to investigate voter fraud concerns or does ONLY the State have that right?

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I didn’t vote for Feinstein we need a younger person to take up the mantle of CA representative. We also need testosterone in their too.

Better a geriatric Jew than a beaner, though.

You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. They've got to go back.

Even blacks deserve to be in America more than spics. We owe blacks the courtesy. Hispanic goblinos are legitimate insurgents who either believe in the restoration of Mexico (Aztlan) or are South Americans who've been brainwashed into thinking all of the Americas are their birthright.

Literally exterminate any Hispanic who isn't white passing.

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Why not Dianne? She's strong on border control since 1992!

and yet californians still voted for feinstein lol
They truly do it to themselves and it will be my pleasure to continue watching as cali turns into the typical democrat controlled
ghetto with a handful of rich people and lots and lots of poor and homeless.
What is it with cali and blind idiots lol

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>So how does it work, these are State elections for a Federal Seat, does the Federal govt have the right to investigate voter fraud concerns or does ONLY the State have that right?
AFAIK its a giant legal cluster fuck if the State doesn't willingly allow the Feds in. Which is why Trump got blocked by CA and others on investigating voter fraud after the election... even though it was obvious.

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>What is it with cali and blind idiots lol
Fuck you, faggot.

Reagan imported Mexicans for the Democrats so all we can do is step on the gas and hope Trump initiates ethnic cleansing by ICE.

t. Wealthy Californian

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People have hated her guts since she was on the SF board of supervisors and as Mayor of San Francisco. That was way back in 1970-1988.

>Can you draw the distinction for me?
one pundit is controlled the other is not or is false opposition, you can tell who is in on the scam if they appear on TV they are in on it

So, to be clear, the Executive, cannot investigate possible State crimes which impact the Federal Govt by right, ONLY if the State allows it?

Is this the correct understanding?

Told who to vote for, not what for.

Didnt De Leon say that his family committed identity theft when they came here illegally?

Probably. All illegals with social security numbers are stolen. As if entering the country wasn't enough, they also commit wire fraud and identity theft.

its also the place that handed out drivers licenses to illegales lol

you summed up every Cali tard I've had the misfortune of meeting

If anything, it was pretty good since Cox got so high in the vote. Also, the Dems are going to have to work hard to keep it since almost every election will have a Republican, we have a chance here and most importantly, there is no "blue wave."

And yes, fuck you Reagan.

>So, to be clear, the Executive, cannot investigate possible State crimes
They can, and have. Its just that everything is run at the State level during elections, even if its a Federal Election. So its difficult for the Feds to gather evidence, especially if the State isn't being cooperative.

Sure Trump could have the FBI storm in there, seize servers and ballots etc, but then the FBI isn't on his side either. See the problem with actually carrying this out? And the whole time he'll be demonized in the Media, and if the (((Deep State))) manage to fuck him over and his investigation comes up empty, after such a show of force, he'd be a 1 term President.

You just need to be registered to vote, no need to when show your license, just sign and vote. On top of that, when you go to get your driver license, they automatically sign you up to vote and yes, illegals can get a driver's license. Only a fool would think illegals aren't voting, shit is rigged.

hey dummy winning wasnt the goal, the goal was to get 2nd place

Wait, not a single county voted red? Even the 2016 election was not like that, it was only the major cities.

The most obvious rigged election yet really.

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Top right area counties avg 40% for gop governor. Senate avg? 21% for gun grabbing jew.

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How the fuck did Hartson get more support than Little? Even Jimmy Dore supported Little.

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That would be 1.5

Yep, letting jews control the media was a mistake.


Didn't generate enough excitement around him.

Californians voted.

literally communism*

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Reagan passed an amnesty and Congress let the Jews pass the 1965 Immigration Act. California is unrecoverable unless a major depopulation event happens.

"Controlled opposition" implies he was going to win and then at the last minute fucked it up and lost, ie: Like Romney.

You Jew shills are so transparent.
>Everyone is controlled opposition, goyim!
>Do nothing, goyim!
>Trust no one, goyim!

I can believe Feinstein winning a lot of counties, but all of them? Even the red ones that like guns?
That's what raises some suspicion.


(((california))). Most everyone will say it's because she had a "household name", being in power since around 1992. Really goes to show how much people have been beaten down to accept anything they are fed here. Whites are fleeing, browns are flooding in, there is nothing left to support the jews pets, and our state collapse is within arms reach.

What do you call candidates that splinter the vote that have little chance of winning?

>what went wrong
Absolutely nothing. Don't you see what this means ... OMG
We are firing full red pills are accepted by the normies. Even with a 24 way split on the votes (there's only 8 Democrats) and in the worst Liberal shithole on earth Pat came high in the ranking.
Stand in a more traditional place and we will win.
This is exactly what happened to the irigional Nazis too.

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perfectly organic election results nothing to see here

based black man

No way to change when the administrators can hide ballot stuffing and the feds can't do shit.

A fringe candidate.

If he was in 2nd Place you would maybe have a point. Maybe. But he wasn't and you don't. Also

Damn does that gif trigger me. She's such a rotten little goblin.

Just asking. Pls no bully.

That was her lizard-like Jewish delight when she thought Trump was going to ban AR-15s. They always pull that face when they think they're getting their way.

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Newman got recalled breaking the democrat super majority in the senate.
Small step in the right direction.

It's a shame. She's keeping the water from boiling as quickly as a full blown commie would.

Nuking ca when

the west coast jews prop up the latino, but will never suffer them.

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Today is a day of celebrations for us.
(Ignore the terrified shills).
The uk is so boring during the week. I'm going out flirting with hotties on Friday night though, dabbing and throwing out Roman salutes and seeing who'll cheer for it. Wew!
Texas - Inner Smile

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it's california

>12th overall
>8th place among Republicans
>shilled for months on Jow Forums
>27% guys
>came high in ranking
holy fuck how many layers of self-delusion are you littlepedes on?

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wtf this is real?



No. Controlled opposition is a candidate with zero chance of winning that progressive outlets get to parade around as a living strawman of muh evil right wing politics.
I'm glad you lost Patrick. Go be a boomer somewhere else.

Mexico about to take back California

No sorry, you don't get to come up with your own definitions for things. He also received zero media attention, so your Spencering tactic isn't going to work. Return to T_D forthwith, Petersonite.

>about to
You don't live here, do you.

Could be a spencer, but could just be a useful idiot too. Put a couple of plants waving nazi fags and paste it on every news headline.

Fuck off shill the recount is real

Libtards on panic suicide watch

Republicans split votes and thus lost like morons instead of rallying behind Cox.

As far as I’m concerned it’s addition by subtraction

Yeah I can't believe it. I also can't believe the two vote outcomes in ireland for gay marriage and abortion. In both polls, all the counties except 1 voted for yes. It is like they left 1 county as no each time to make it more believable.There was a massive and visible support for NO to abortion yet it was a "landslide yes". It feels off.

Republicans are not interested in winning and leading
They would rather lose and act like they are opposition

Or he could be a genuinely anti-Jewish white guy who served in the military (which none of his detractors in this thread did), is an actual patriot, and is tired of seeing his nation enslaved to Israel. It's also possible he didn't win because he had no other platform besides his anti-Jewish stance, he had no money or airtime, and because California is overrun with orcs and pussified whites who are neutered, impotent, and afraid to stand up for themselves.

But no, let's go with the standard JIDF angle and say he was a secret CIA Jew with no evidence.

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>invert the votes to get the desired result
>oops it was a mistake if caught

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First neo Nazi to be accepted
We are on a roll.
I can understand that you might not support us but we are about to make the whole world a better place for everyone else.
Cox sucks
...Today is a great day for us.
Thanks Pat.
Today California votes for us - tomorrow the whole world turns to us for salvation.

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This. Republicans ARE the controlled opposition. Every reddit invader on this board who tells us to tone it down is a hitchhiker who rode the reactionary right's coattails as we put Trump in office, and they spent the whole time kvetching the entire way. Even now sitting Republicans are whining about Trump. The same people who call Little "controlled opposition" called Trump "controlled opposition" two years ago.

>Pls no bully

Do you know where you are dipshit?

I don't know if they did it that way. Donegal voted No and that sounds about right. Ulster is the most based.

term limits
Trump said he would make term limits happen
yet nothing has happened

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Congress is basically a senior daycare, you think you can just pull away millions from boomers without them throwing a seth rich style fit?
No, you have to do it slowly, like letting finebergs in for a 10th term. Show them that retards are not fit, show the world, make every conversation on twitter override the paid DNC checkmarks being statistically shown more to users in an effort to veil the support. Force it on them, make them bend like they were ready the nazi party, make them dress congress up in alt-right symbolism trying to make themselves look based before it all comes crashing down on them again.

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