Brit/pol/ : Jenna
putting the word generic changes the meaning do you know how adjectives work
Nonsense =
spoken or written words that have no meaning
Generic =
not specific
i'm saying it's something not specific that has no meaning because it's so overdone
>when Eddie forgets to rinse his daughter's vaginal juices off his cock with his windscreen wiper fluid because he's too busy picking pieces of big mac lettuce off the road to provide sustinence
she is a racemixer
OH i dont read that generic claptrap
Oh i don't read that generic meaninglessness
Awful edition 2bh
there are thousands of anti crony capitalist articles
making this one generic nonsense
Start buying guns.
Jenna is 10/10 in Bongland but here that she is maybe 3/10.
Aren't they illegal in Uk
Why do US Liberals use UK as example of gun vontrol
Any fa/tg/uys here go to UK games expo?
lel your women look like traps
Saucy, mate
Jenna poster is a crypto-jew and has a poor grasp of English.
And is probably just Mote's alt.
Yes I said vontrol not control.It's not spelling mistake I just don't care.I make mistakes on my ative language when I tipe fast
Montenegro marxist
pic related
also i have a bachelors in english
>Jenna height 5ft2
That's the normal height for women in UK kek
>also i have a bachelors in english
But thinks nonsense means something other than what the dictionary and everyone else agrees on.
5'2 is the perfect height for a woman
Also English BA
She's a cutie, who is she?
because the UK firearms licensing system exists to disarm the population and provide a complete registry of all (legally owned) firearms in the country
the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
That's not fair, desu.
Just because it's girl's degree I shouldn't bully.
Pic related is the standard woman from Montenegro.
was talking about your definition of nonsense
For you
i bet you think you're a british nationalist too
you said the dictionary definition
do you agree with that one?
>English peasant is woman from Montenegro
Gee I wonder why the MET Police went to fucking shit?
I was thinking about making a thread about sex, to hopefully teach to incels where they're going wrong.
I've dug out my old copies of Forum from 2003 and I'm thinking I'll type up some of the articles.
Say something good about me.What's the good side of me you like
Happy D-Day lads
This is my fav picture
nothing monte you're blight on humanity
just like the jennaposter
Luty would be proud lad
Just finished the essay lads
thanks for believing in me
What denomination, faggot?
LARPing lying shit.
>brainlets had to scribble out their insult twice
tae wish ya's all good mornan
Because we do have gun control, doesn't mean it's all illegal
Small firearms that could be concealed are illegal. For larger guns, you need a license, to either be a member of a club or have another good reason to need a gun (someone with land), and have a locked box to keep it in, which is subject to random inspection, and have no criminal offences.
>I like sucking german cock
just in time
I do too.
don't talk to it
What's the good thing about me?What trait do you like about myself?
Cant believe they jailed that guy for catching Muslims raping little boys.
Happy D-day.
Couldn't imagine the gonads on those lads. The sound of an MG-42 alone would have me swimming back to England.
Some are some aren't. You cant buy pistols unless they're revolvers or flintlocks and you can't buy rifles higher than 5.56 mm calibre (might be lower I'm not sure). I don't need to worry about it, I have myself a bow and arrow, proper English style.
good post
yanks will take that as fact
hopefully buy the blackadder box set
I don't want to be friend with German nationalists I want to be suck Jewish,Paki,Black and Bengali dick instead
Come on Monte.
Spam the hot men you fancy.
valley of clowns
Show us those handsome men you like so much.
>I want to be a cuck in 1944 and bow to Germans
>Soldiers born in 1920 have insight into what politics is going to be like in 2020
We need to stop calling ourselves (((brit))) Jow Forums. Brit means covenant in Hebrew, we're implying to the rest of Jow Forums that we're Jews. We should rename it albion/pol/
>We invaded Normandy to save Anti-White Liberalism and have racial replacment
take off that make up you look like a tranny
I hate that bow hunting is illegal here
By here I mean England of course
finally monte
I thought it was someone impersonating you for a minute there
They must be spinning in their graves if they saw how Britain was now.
My great grandma died in 1998, she would never of believed that 20 years later there would of been suicide bombings targeting music concerts or the mass rape of children by immigrants.
>you can't buy rifles higher than 5.56 mm calibre (might be lower I'm not sure).
totally false
your bot is in the wrong thread m8?
What on Earth are you saying you retard?
No it's not bowing down to Germany but being their ally like Italy was,and replacing Jewish Liberalism with British Fascism.
you can legally buy .50 cals you mong but semi autos are only legal up to .22
monte is not shit/pol
just because he's a mod
>I suck nigger cocks
Unless its a shotgun, or you're northern irish, in which case you can buy SBRs because they're 'handguns'
what was that makeup comment about?
I didn't get it
was it a joke?
Your ancestors were traitors to White race,as are most modern British people
Could use them today and they would outshine most modern machine guns.
Imagine going from a vickers in training to hearing those beasts gunning you down.
The Germans were decades ahead of the rest of us. Our planes stalled when upside down, our tanks were slow, inefficient, poorly armored and armed, our submachine gun was a piece of plumbing designed in a few months, our pistol a 6 shooter, machine gun a relic from the past. If it weren't for lend lease we would have been massacred.
I hope no one actually believes this.
>Caring about what outer/pol/ thinks of us
brainlet, keep rereading my posts until it hits you
Oi m8,remember when Germany invaded Italy,Spain,Hungary,Romania,Finland...
I don't,because they didn't.Those countries chose to ally with them you Untermench.Germans weren't the only Right wing people in Europe.
True but if we could convince parliament to move to wales for a Sunday we could have the time of our lives!
I've said this before and I say it again
WWII is one of the best non-fiction ever. Someone could legit write this as a book/fiction and it wouldn't be as good as the real thing
Rate the brekkie.
>t. nigger
woah who would've expected this
but there are only a couple
I think you're bot
and in the wrong thread
>valley of the clown
>take makeup off
sure you're not meant to be in some tranny thread
maybe /lbgt/ or /trash/?
I don't hate my ancestors but I like this country (before it fucked itself with progressivism) more, so I wish we lost.
is cope in those threads?
>so mad about a meme comment about spelling that he has to spam the thread
S on ur granddad m8
fuckin S
They weren't intentional traitors they were brainwashed. In 1939 most people were against the war.