So the investigation began before the Steele dossier

So how do all thoes lies work now?
The steel dossier comes a year after the investigation.
The investigation starts when Rafael is still the nominee.

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Christ this man is retarded.

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hold on to your butts, lads

guess we get to find out if Sessions was being useful and appeared useless, and if Rosenstein flipped and helped Trump all along

Trump is still pushing bullshit that he made up. How cute.

hmm Illegal spying probably finds something, then they fabricate bullshit with Steele dossier as an excuse to investigate and discover what they already found which is probably a nothingburger anyway

Unfortunately the MSM will continue to cover for the deep state.

proofs tho

Its like the book 1984 but in real life this time, unironically.

Hopefully it all comes out soon, this will be comfy as F

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>lol drimf made up those wiretapping claims
>w-well its not even wiretapping duh... its electronic surveillance
>lol what a retard there was no spy
>h-hey uh guys... it was for his own good! he should be happy we were trying to protect him!
>lol what an idiot! the whole thing started in july just like we said and we had warrants and everything!

I guess shills are getting paid better now? You realize that your guys btfo THEMSELVES at this point, right?

This just shows the Steele dossier was not the basis for the investigation and there was other, serious evidence warranting the FBI investigation, such as half his campaign crew talking to Kremlin operatives.

Very damning. Oconus lures are foreign plants. Its FBI/Intel shop talk.

How many times are we gonna repeat the cycle of Trump saying something, everyone calling him a liar, and the truth coming out and they meltdown trying to cover it up?

HE'S THE PRESIDENT YOU RETARDS! HE HAS ALL THE INFO HE NEEDS TO PROVE IT! When he posts something, he knows what the fuck he's talking about! Rogers spilled the fucking beans in 2016 and has been handing over info left and right, since!

Electronic surveillance never happened. Even if it did, it'd only be a problem if it was done illegally. Do you have proof that this "surveillance" was illegal?

>Impressive, very nice

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If he knows all, why is the FISA warrant still classified?
Why does he need pardons?
Where is the Hillarry probe?
Why does everything of your revelations confirms he is a Russian agent?

Kremlin operatives? Like Vesilnitskya? Who had multiple barriers of entry brought down by the state department and loretta lynch, met with fusion gps before and after a failed meeting?

How about Alexander Downer? Was he a russian agent? Oh... that's right... he just donated MILLIONS to the Clinton Foundation... So, you must mean Carter Page? Who had just worked very closely with the FBI as a "spy" 2 months before joining the campaign, then? Sure... he was such a horrible Russian spy they had to get the most intrusive warrant our government gives... after working with them for 2 years prior... to take out Russians...

You probably mean the Russian troll farm that Mueller indicted, then? Oh... wait... it shut down in 2014 and ceased to exist as a company... Nobody indicted from russia even worked for them during the 2016 election... and now Mueller is shitting himself and begging the judge to give him more time, after lawyers suddenly appear for people he wasn't expecting to respond. Oh and the original, beaten to death timeline we were given by shills and corporate media? Yeah... looks like its gonna be BTFO... AGAIN. Flynn sentencing put on indefinite hold because of prosecutorial misconduct, Papadopoulos being set up for a process crime, Manafort getting judicial support for being persecuted, privileged and constitutionally protected information being seized at gunpoint... the list goes on forever...

But obviously Trump did something wrong.

A political party spying on another without hard proof is absolutely a problem illegal or not. They have had over a year to show ANY proof and vindicate themselves, but there isn't any.

You guys are still shilling muh russia???
Everyone who isn't part of the dirty intelligence community has been backing away from it for a month now. You can't bury the IG even if you could prosecute an unimpeached Trump, so what is the point of you posting?

Hence why people are in jail or awaiting sentencing.

Wheres podesta?

Its funny how you list all these names and try and conflate them.
Tell me, when was remote bomb put in Trumps head before 2014 to make him do all this?
Its funny, since those are all voluntary willful choices he made.

Corporate media shill NYT even used the exact word "wiretapped", retard. And it doesn't even have to be illegal at the time it was done to be, at best, extremely inappropriate! So you tell me, now that the whole narrative has had the goal posts shifted so many times; was he surveilled and spied on, for his own protection? Was he being spied on because he was "colluding with russians", which isn't even a crime, or was he not spied on at all, and is a lying retard? WHICH ONE IS IT YOU FUCKING IDIOTS?!

You can't even shill right! Get your fucking stories straight!

>muh IG
You know its never next month right?
Especially not the next month after February.

Yeah for real.
Like how there was no preelection anything.
Ir the FBI should have told him not to be a criminal.
Or how Obama would have been investigating if it was real.
Or it all came from the dossier.
Or how he didnt hire those people.
Or pay the lady.
Or have a lawyer.

Yeah get the story straight.

When did the media ever say he was wiretapped? That literally never happened.

Who is in jail?
The infamous Russian spy Carter Page isn't even in jail and he's an agent of an enemy government.

Its classified because they could bury it all under a "counter intelligence" investigation that would, as we see, take months to uncover when it gets slow walked. You know how you know its all bullshit? They redact things like McCabe payin 70k for a desk... nothing to do with national security! They redact shop talk that, again, has nothing to do with national security!

He hasn't given any pardons to anyone involved yet. He should, though. Everyone indicted so far has been treated horrifically, and a few have been swatted, WHILE FULLY COOPERATING WITH MUELLER.

The IG is writing a report on the probe that already took place, and hopefully we'll get another one going after that shitshow.

Your last question is undeniable proof that you are flat out retarded, full stop.

Manafort, an agent, and a lawyer.
More than what's happened in 40 years.

Go ahead, show me Obama in jail.

>treated horrifically
Hi Eric.
You know if a lady can take it, so can you.
Or are you not a man?

So where is the report then?
If the work is done why is it delayed?

As for Mccabe, I remember this scandal.
Something with passing inteligence to Russia and being justified because the president has classification powers.
Perhaps you should tell daddie to use them.

Ih so now Trump and co never had Russian contacts?

I never brought up any of those names you assblasted faggot. They should all be in jail, no doubt, for many crimes. I can BTFO the whole dindu narrative for them, too if you want, but I was responding to your horrible shilling about Trump, specifically. You didn't even earn your bluebucks yet!

Said it before that you faggots were much better in 2016. Its like they don't even try to hire people that care, anymore. You can't be this retarded for free.

he can literally declassify anything at anytime, the question is why he hasn't?

You can try to btfo all you want, but it remains no jail, no investigation.
So tell oh tell me how in 40 years if work you havent gotten ine of them in a court room, let alone jail.

Go ahead make the excuses, blame demonic pacts.
Is client privlege still fashionable from Cohen?
Hell throw it in.
Come on weave me the tail of why She is better than Trump.

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he likes to makes us demand for him to do the right thing

kys reddit

Lol now you're just babbling. Half the shit you are blaming on Trump talking points came from your bosses and the other half is absolute gibberish.

>*snap* this one is going in my cringe compilation

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Go ahead, tell me of the magic time traveling dossier.
Was it hoist through time on the blood if raped children, or just a more prosaic time portal from darpa?

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>talking to Kremlin operatives.
did any other candidate speak to anyone from foreign governments?

Stein, who was named and refuses to work with the Senate on this.
She too rambles on about witch hunt.

oh so like 8d backgammon or something

JDIF man baby spotted.

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1000D Tiddlywinks.
Get it right.

So if Obama was born in this country why did he need to seal all of his documentation?

Manafort is in jail for crimes he committed, and shoukd have been punished for if not for DC's clubby attitude about corruption, many years prior to the campaign. Yes, he might yet be charged with more crimes based on Mueller's SOOPur SKecret evidence that he can't talk about and somehow doesn't leak like everything else for the last 2 years that might hurt President Trump.

The lawyer did 30 DAYS for his serious crimes against the Constitution/America's citizens and is out of prison and the country. That seems apropriate, given that Julius and Ethel Rosenburg got the needle for what they did.

As to the implication I want Obama in jail, I want Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and their conspirators in jail. Followers of the Obama cult are bound to throw themselves onto their swords to keep BHO out of prison, see Lois Lerner et al, so it wouldn't be worth it in prosecutorial effort or political blowback. It's much more appropriate to go after the high level civil servants who broke oaths for partisan interests to be brought low so average Americans can go to sleep knowing that the US isn't a 3rd world banana republic run by the whims of the CIA.

So if the next Democrat to run for president had even one instance of contact with a person trump determines to be shady then we have absolute authority to protect them by shooting on their campaign and not telling them? Got it.

Well son, you see when the last time shit started getting exposed people were let off and investigations never happened, then some of those people went on to lead your nation into battles to secure shit that you never profited from as citizens, but sure did pay for it in veterans and friendly fire incidents.
What can you say about a corrupt system that refuses to police itself?
What do you do when the people expected to honor the law are holding themselves to a higher standard?

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Trump knows the pee tape is coming next.

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We're at the point where the Left and anti-Trumper's only arguments are easily debunked lies being pushed as part of the deep state/media disinformation campaign.

Bump for justice.

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>the steele dossier was a compilation of various intelligence agency investigations

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Can't wait to put you against a wall after I blow up your friends and family

Yep, thats all the fakest of news now.
The dossier had nothing to do with starting it.

This. Mueller will probably pull a comey and say "well what he did was wrong, and evil, and racist, and sexist but unfortunately not illegal" or something and send the liberals into overdrive REEing "corruption!!!" at the top of their lungs. No matter how retarded they look on the end, they'll never admit fault. Hell, they'll never even feel guilty. At this point, any outcome will just reinforce their worldview.

user nails it. Add to the fact Obama era top brass Feds/DOJ being totally in the bed with Hillary. Brennan leading a CIA spycraft giving the White House min by min updates. The illegal u masking and wire tapping. Lying to FISC. Comey not telling the Trump the origins of the dossier.

there is a document from nostradamus about this, you might want to look into that.
smoking gun, i'm telling you. even mentions the moon landing.

>that smug winky face
These kikes thought they were soooo fucking smart with this shit, what a bunch of faggots

Drumpf will destroy the Deep State
>Says Increasingly Nervous Redditor For Seventh Time This Month

>it is just show
>Trump will do nothing than bitch on Twitter like a basedboy

6 things that any person with a functioning brain can see are true.

>the question is why he hasn't?

Because there are investigations that are ongoing and to de-classify these documents would seriously jeopardize said investigations.


But their ocunus lures were denied in the next text. I suppose it’s possible they got them later, but we also don’t know what case they were getting those for.