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I'm racist
Why would I apologise
Anyone who addresses me as 'white people' is also racist
Let's drop this stupidity and thread

Sorry, I'll try to be more racist, though I kind of already hit the wall

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>Not being racist is racist
These "people" aren't in a padded cell because...?

>People of color are POCs
>people of whitness are POWs
Its all starting to make sense

Do The (((people))) writing these article's want a race war?

>Before you yell, let me explain
Well, OP? Let's hear it.


You don't have to do that stupid (((shit))) here.
You're not vice signaling anybody on fucking Jow Forums.

>low key
what does this mean?

well it is impossible to sane and not be racist due to the innate origins of racism as it is the same reason we prefer family>local group>ethnic>national>...>species>genus>mammalian>...

this actually feels good desu.
if I am told that as a white person I am racist no matter what I do or believe, I can in good consciousness, be full throttle racist.
anyone darker skinned than my teeth are niggers to me. fuck kikes. the white man will prevail!

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Everyone's racist. Even the person that wrote that article.

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They just pointed out their own racism in a roundabout way.
I figured I would point that out.

These are dark, but good times to be living in, user.

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The worst thing a mentally ill, "pansexual" commie basedboy can hear a nigger say.

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fuck off

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Au contraire, it's very liberating. You can't meaningfully be accused of racism. If you're called out as racist, simply say "of course, all whites are racist". If the person calling you out is white, call them racist too.

If whiteness = racism, it's a tremendous advantage to whites. Suddenly wanting to gas jews and lynch niggers is exactly the same as being a commited s0ya-boy feminist BLM activist, provided you're white.

When everyone is racist, no-one is. Let loose, my Alandian friend.

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because you and all the other white people put up with it. I don't know why it's so hard for you to accept that all of this is your fault.

Im not always rassis
but when i am
im low key

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Not elaborate, showy, or intensive; modest or restrained.
>Kind of, akin to, somewhat, apropos, etc.

One or two? I can't quite tell.

Racism isn't real. It's self-righteous judgement. Anger. Society, media, religion and government-imposed rules based on judgments about people that have brainwashed and conditioned the populace over generations who then in turn brainwash the next generation into thinking that one race or another hates you, judges and oppresses you just by what colour skin you have and believeing there are limits to what you're entitled to. It's become a system that benefits certain people at the expense of all others. Ignoring it just lets those problems persist. People, today don't seem to realize in their dna is a mixture of different cultural backgrounds from their ancestors. We are all one race despite what colour skin you might have. We all have the same freedom and rights and are entitled to it. People think they should hate “racism.” Rather, they should overcome the evil of their own anger. Accusing others of “racism” is like acting as the judgmental person. Those who aren't open to this truth retaliate with the anger I’m talking about. They make up excuses and lies; they refuse to answer questions directly. Then people use it as a trigger or excuse when things don't go their own way, or are brainwashed from birth to be taught we should hate "insert race here" because of "insert reasoning here" it's a cycle that never ends.

>Calling us minorities Blacks, Latinos, Asian is raysist to use this sterile bureaucratic term that would befit an authoritative regime

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So there is nothing I can do eh? Alright then...

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This is why (((they))) fear the samurai

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You may be on to something

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I get (((your))) point

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So if not being racist makes you a racist, then you can't be racist because you're a racist. And if you're already a racist, then you aren't racist, because if you aren't racist then you are racist. But that makes you racist, so then technically you're not anymore.

It all works out in the end.

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Holy shit it's real.
We've come full circle gents.

Further proof we’re living in a simulation

>If the person calling you out is white, call them racist too

good point. ill be using this in the future.

what am I looking at here?

that nose is a warning. god smote her face

The conversation won't actually go down this way though. There will be no jarring moment of shock at being called racist, they will defend themselves with some twisted liberal logic. "Because I check my privilege and actively fight my racism blah blah blah blah" then it becomes a competition of who is less racist between the two of you which inevitably you lose, you have to avoid the trap. They will run the conversation around like this until you finally get tired of the mental gymnastics and realize they are a lost cause.

They won't embrace their racism like you suggested therefore their views will always put a heavy emphasis on it. You can't win in reasonable discourse and that's why these people are so effective. Best to just purge them all or approach the conversation from a different perspective.

The left is redefining logic.

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Sorry, I will never colonise another nation or enslave another race. I realise I did it because my race is insecure and has no culture or life so we try and take down all the other races to make ourselves feel better. I will not use this flag again, please POC accept our apologies!

> a big wall of bullshit under a memeflag


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>38 posts and no link
You guys love falling for the bait

>Not being racist is racist
translation: let me explain why I hate wypipo!

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