What can we learn from Patrick Little losing the election in California?

What can we learn from Patrick Little losing the election in California?

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That the alt right isn’t on our side.

That is was rigged

that to never give up

he managed to get 53,000+ votes on a campaign budget of $5000 and Jow Forums volunteers

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Let's assume he raised and spent $5k (I believe he actually spent less, but let's just work with that). That means **Patrick got 10.4 votes per dollar**.

In 2nd place was Kevin De Leon (D), who got approx 418k votes. He spent $435k, meaning **De Leon got 0.96 votes per dollar**.

That looks downright respectable compared to Alison Hartson (D), the candidate pushed by The Young Turks to their almost 4 million youtube subscribers. She spent $263,479 and only got 73k votes! That means **Hartson only got 0.2 votes per dollar**, compared to Patrick's 10+!

For her part, incumbent Dianne Feinstein (D) spent $8.5M and only got 1.6M votes! **Feinstein got just 0.19 votes per dollar.**

But wait, it gets worse! Patrick Harris (D) spent $547k and only got 71k votes. That means **Harris only got 0.12 votes per dollar**!

You might think that's as bad it gets. But you'd be wrong. **Rocky De La Fuentes (R) spent $1.1M and only got 81k votes, or 0.07 votes per dollar**! He got 30k more votes than Patrick Little despite outspending him 221:1! *That's insane*.

Now consider the following:

* The CA GOP *kicked Patrick Little out of its meeting and disavowed him*. That didn't happen to anyone else in this race.
* The media almost never mentioned Patrick, and if they did, it was to smear him as a neo-nazi white supremacist, in an extremely left-leaning white minority state.
* And Patrick was a complete novice and nobody.

So while Patrick didn't make it to the 2nd round, I think this is a pretty big white pill. If he had had a larger budget to work with, he could have hired a staff to help out or run radio ads. **Assuming Patrick could maintain his vote/dollar spend ratio, he would have only needed around $40,000 to match Kevin De Leon for 2nd place**


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That having
>da jooz!
>pay reparations whitey!
Are not great ideas to win elections

If you're going to run a campaign designed to appeal to racists, don't include slavery reparations in your platform

he actually managed to get more than that more like 300k or something but muh elections are fair

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That even a nobody with a 20 sperg campaign can put the heebs in their attic.

Shills will keep pushing marginal candidates in order to sidetrack Trump's support, creating false defeats to water down morale. Expect more linking to others to distract.

You need to prepare your candidates properly an get a good electoral analyst

That politicians can only win (((((they))))) allow it. There's no room for opposition, all oppositions will be politically destroyed with black propaganda that foolish sheep will believe with no doubt.

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>What can we learn from Patrick Little losing the election in California?

That trying to expose Israel (correct) while promising Blacks reparations for 10 years (wrong) does not work.

>he actually managed to get more than that more like 300k or something
where is this reported?

that you guys should run for office en masse, former Obama campaign director here, simple shit, get 5 guys you trust with your life and a few phone books and start filling out names and signing, you need 10K per district, now nobody can look at those names, they are protected by federal law, so you get your paperwork and run all kinds of people, have 5 candidates for each party and 5 independents per district in your state

you guys can do this

nobody can ever look at those names, so you basically don't need them, thats the scam



That even in Commiefornia 1.4% are beginning to wake up.

He got a lot more than that. It was rigged as fuck, that’s why we have two forms of shills today
>hahaha your anti Israel candidate lost so us (((fellow white people))) are going to mass shill gloating after a night of shitting ourselves across the board Incase our rigging didn’t work.
>(((we))) did well fellow white men, never mind let’s move on and forget about investigating this rigged election.

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if you split conservative votes one more time because some autist suddenly came out of nowhere i will literally fly to the usa and break your fingers.

If you internalize this there should be no issue in the future.

He was assured muslim communities were going to vote for him.
Muslims vote in blocks. They all will vote as their Imam tells them to vote.
That's 100s of thousands of votes.
He was jewed.

It just further proves that Whites will never take their own side and continue to vote for their own displacement and extinction.

He actually got all the religious people to vote for him there are a million people in California (muslims Greek catholics and palestinians even niggers). They agreed with him and promoted him at no cost he says it here. His votes are 100% more than 200k for sure.

that being a retarded sperg is a bad idea if you want to win in politics

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But he planted a seed. Taxing the 1% which is mostly Jews and their faithful goyim to reimburse niggers for something that never happened to any of them is genius. It is such a kike move it scares the shit out of them.

Fuckin* this.

all the niggers voted for him as well.
I dont know about the chinks and japs tho, he wasnt racist enough while talking to them.,
Thing is everyone voted for him.


Yeah, and it's such a Kike move it scares off voters that don't want to fund BLACKS for the next 10 fucking years.


That corrupt kikes win errytime

never go full retard

>doing this in California

Blacks are retarded. Of course it is going to take some time to percolate down to their IQ level.

I havent voted for him. Do you really think such a meme would win?

I voted for Erin much better choice

"Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed,
And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”
-Numbers 24:9

Everyone pays taxes, not just the 1%. Patrick Little was saying I should send niggers free money because great great great grandpappy Rufus had a long work week. I don't think so, not even if it means the death of AIPAC.

Don't forget the "Don't bother improving your message, goy...it's somebody else's fault" shills.

Then how did Bernie become so popular?

Next time we need start planning two months earlier. And more people can try same trick.
Try to make poster campaign similar to ITS OK TO BE GAY, to trick media to create controversy about it.
After media takes care that every feminist heard about out new slogan. Then use same slagoan for our candidates.

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To use dogwhistles. You accomplish the same goal without becoming a pariah.

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LMAO what a fucking stupid reasoning. Seems like nigger sperm diet makes people retarded.

Yeah let's just fund Jews in pissrael who have a higher standard of living than the us.


This. They never helped Patrick Little when he needed them the most. Not a single peep from TRS, Enoch or Spencer. It’s funny how they all supported Trump like the next Ceaser when he was clearly a Zionist shill while they never say a word about people who are actually /our guys/

The alt kike will go on the day of the rope.

by promising people things that they want

HAHAHAHA, you think Blacks actually distinguish between Jews and Whites.

NIGGER, they think we're all the same thing.

Pro tip
(((You))) cursed Israel.

>it has to be one or the other
What is with you retards? Supporting NEITHER would be a perfectly normal conservative position to take, for anyone.

That stormtards are the biggest cancer on this snowboard.

Never forget

get gassed

Patrick Little could have gone full 14/88 and gotten more votes. LMAO. That's the funniest part of this.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in china?

Proves you cant campaign on a purely anti jew platform. People care first and foremost, about what you can do for them. You have a state that was like 90% White 4 decades ago, is now littered with gangs, crime and pedophiles. Economic collapse waiting to happen, thousands of hard working Whites fleeing the state, demographic replacement etc.. And he chose to talk about the Jews and only the Jews? Nonsense.

Let this be a lesson, Trumps model is a superior model.

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Do you honestly think he could ever get a reparations bill passed? Seriously?
Niggers are the most materialistic people in the world. Most just can not comprehend what votes would be in their best interest.
They would have never gotten off their ass to vote if not for the promise of more gibs.
His goal is to redpill the masses on the JQ not give niggers more money for weed.

We can learn that the white race is over. The Jew has won. Better yourselves and just ignore the world around you going to shit. That's what I'm going to do

Nice divide and conquer.

Pushing paranoid ideas about who is or isn't your true ally is a waste of time and energy. Stop blaming other people for your failings.

That a platform of naming the Jew will never be successful in the modern world.

>he got 56k votes, muh candidate is accepted and it's progress!
no you retard stormfags. most people who vote do so to vote for a specific person. a large percentage of Little votes are probably people who were not invested in a senate candidate but saw "Civil Rights Advocate" near the top of the list and check the box.

He secured the most amount of votes per dollar spent. I would have to admit he must be doing something right with that in mind.

Little has the right platform. You need the blacks on side otherwise when dealing with (((people))) who continually use them against us.
If white nationalists can’t see that then the deserve to keep on losing and getting ass raped by shills like Trumpelstine.
So called “Nazis” are exactly what (((they))) want
>a marginalized insignificant opposition

that the conditioning is too strong and the only way to actually change anything would be to be a good goy all your way to the top and then exposing the corruption from withing but good luck doing all of that without dying or getting shunned out of society by the same people you are trying to help.

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That has no actual teeth anymore. The point being why are we supporting a nation with a higher standard of living than ours? It's like garnishing the kikes wages to pay back a debt. I stress the like part as it's our tax dollars.

>Spent money
When a campaign spends money it gets filtered through a law firm or campaign consultant firm to skim money back to the candidate. These people don't even try to win, they just use this to embezzle money.



Thanks for the breakdown user. I'm with you, this is a win.

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Also Patrick Little had no name recognition prior to this. Now he may have some and six more years to get more for the next run. 1.6% is a miracle considering:
>media blackout (except 'muh nahtzee')
>no name recognition
>massive field of candidates
>being in California (populated by commies, spics, nigs, kikes, chinks and finally, normal White people[ordered by population %])
>$5,000 or less budget

Good show Patrick Little

What can we learn?

We can learn that Cenk Yogurt of the Young Turks made that video to troll Jow Forums and get its hopes up.

We can learn that Jow Forums is retarded and unrealistic.

We can learn that Patrick was a terrible candidate who isn't an articulate speaker, charismatic, or smart.

Overall, we learned that you are all delusional and are mostly virginal kids.

I shouldn't be a 29-year-old with an actual job on this site with 19-year-olds who have no world experience.

Your line of thinking is overly black-pilled and doesn't even make much sense. The race for governor was where mainstream focus was directed, and Trump's man managed to win it, apparently.

Don’t ever play poker

That shilling him on Jow Forums has literally no effect on election results?

Literally the best post on Jow Forums I've read this entire week.

>You need the blacks on side otherwise when dealing with (((people))) who continually use them against us
blacks were only 7.45% of the population in 2005 , it is the Hispanic vote that you need to win

so much this

We can learn a lot from your spacing.
>Shipping in the (((shills))) specifically for today
Interesting if there is nothing for the tribe to be worried about.


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it doesn't matter - stuff like this creates chaos and shows how ridiculous democracy is

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Nothing. California is worthless and should be nuked. We already knew that

Patrick Little fags kept multiple threads going 24 hours a day for WEEKS. MONTHS. They spent 60-100 hours a week shilling him and shitting up this board.

Their complete delusion and ineptitude isn't a surprise coming down from that. It's funny they think the people with a brain here who are tired of their retarded threads are shills.

that kike supremecists cheat, and the goal is redpilling

therefore the publicity of the legal battle and the recounts is important

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>h-h-he secured the most votes per dollar!
This not even "No refunds" tier

>t-t-this is a win, fellow bernie bros!

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Yes and all the while we must remind the black community that they were the ones robbed of reparations.

At least now we know for sure that the optics chads were right all along.

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If that image is supposed to be an example, it seems pretty explicit.

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>shipping in shills after a nobody candidate lost with 1.4% of the vote

That would be a waste of money.

Patrick Little had no media presence. Most of his voters probably knew very little about him and voted for him due to his positioning on the ballot. As someone else said in this thread, some people voted for him because they saw "Civil Rights Activist."

If you want a Trump like victory, you (at the very least) need some presence in the media.

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>be a coward Jow Forums


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>What can we learn from Patrick Little losing the election in California?

That all elections are rigged, most of the electorate is either stupid or bribed via entitlement, and the only hope now left for Patriots and Constitutionalism is an campaign of **armed uprising** to subvert and overthrow the Zionist Occupied US Govt. There is no other course left to us.

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It means we have a lot of political power if we mobilize.
Getting 50k+ votes in such a short time is impressive

i hope you get a smack upside the brain yank and it restarts your brain.

underrated post

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There was likely some rigging going on. All kikes would need are a few vote counters in each district or just greasing the palms of vote counters. Pretty easy task for the wealthiest group in the state. All the ballots I saw were paper ballots so no machines to contend with

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the great news about people waking up is they wake others up, it becomes exponential

also, no way it was only 1.4, far more likely 18+%

yep, pathetic aren't they
>oh wow, if we keep posting the exact same threads and tactics, no one will realise we're an organised group taking orders

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If they did, you'd attack them for "associating their toxic brand" with him.

Fuck you.