Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - German humor Edition

Current situation: Vogelshiss, Badehosen and some other typical libshittery.
Make use of it; ridicule, parody and make memes.


>Targets of opportunity

>English language analysis

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat)

>Counter culture

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)
[post 3 most recent and most shitposty/redpilling/dank speeches]

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Meme Collections 2.0

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

Create memes
Spread memes on social media
Join at least one of the following: AfD, IB, Einprozent to counter subversion
Get fit
Spread flyers and stickers in your city

Attached: tango in Tanzania.jpg (1730x2162, 1.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:

periodical panzer porn

Attached: Panzer.jpg (700x1108, 112K)

Another confirmation: Calling Turks and Arabs "camel drvers and polygamists" is not legally hate speech.
Man, the Overton Window is moving quicker to the right than I ever could.

Attached: poggi freispruch.png (631x488, 343K)

Bump, the thread can't possibly die now, I had just gotten home.


Attached: muh nazi.png (1024x677, 790K)

No dont bump, we have to make an example

example of what? (unironically)


IB user here,
visit us

ask some questions.
P.s.: Facebook and Instagram from Zukkerberg are censoring us atm completely, fucking shits.

Here, have a "german humor" post:

Finally a journalist who realized what a Steilvorlage the SPD provided with
their lets-subsidize-amateur-porn proposal :-)

You have to kill one thread to save the next one, or Im just talkin bullcuss.

Bought a T-Shirt from you already

How's the community organizing in NRW?
Any chance we might see a Western equivalent of the Patriotisches Haus anytime?

>dass Bille und Zottel, die beiden homosexuellen Kusinen, es vielleicht mit Martina, der bisexuellen Magd, die früher Martin hieß, sich aber bisher nur vom Nordpol bis zum Äquator umbauen lies (der Rest folgt, sobald sie durch Fron- und sexuelle Dienste am Vater von Bille das nötige Kleingeld für die nächste OP zusammen hat), zwischen den Heuballen auf dem Biobauernhof treiben. Sie werden dabei von der örtlichen Nazigruppe „Freibier Roßau“ bedroht, die die Anwendung von Glyphosat durchsetzen und den ebenfalls im Heu versteckten Flüchtling Abu Simbel gelegentlich abschieben will.

Attached: Schroeder lacht schallend.jpg (300x407, 13K)

nice, where are you living? Curious why dont you join us or are you already in the IB?

I know the two heads of NRW, they are really really good and ambitious guys and we have very big groups in the heart of Ruhrpott. We dont have a house yet (as people can "gift" them to us like other things) but we have many places where we can organise.

i live in Ulm. I meant I bought one form the IB online shop and no I‘m not, I‘m in Hochschulpolitik and I would lose my influence if I joined, sadly. I know coward and such, but I wouldnt do any good right now, next year I will finish my bachelor then I can join.
Very funny Indeed :D

You didn't bother to read the articles I posted, archived this morning, diid you?
This is why I advise an OP that has one single task at a time.
A single small task.
Because of Anons like this.

Nachrichten, News!
Any Anons that want to learn German can read / try to read here:

>News in german (The AfD's provocations) (One step away from "Merkel muss weg") (Name us Köterrasse, and you are nothing but a Kameltreiber, you parasites) (Roaches want into Tanks) (Wääääh, ich will nicht mit ihm spieeelen :'^( t.Kindergartenkind)

It is good to be careful yes, but I think you can freely join without risks. I am a Übungs- und Praktikumsleiter at my university and know of course the antifa faggots at the university who are in the asta.

Our bandwith of tasks is big, so you can easily join and do the Hochschulpolitik. The most basic things are flyering in post boxes, putting stickers somewhere up or driving around and plakating (plakatieren) in the night. For actions you dont need to join, only if you want. You also dont need to show face, so I personally just avoid big events in public areas and do the background things / media / hiking / sport / volkstanz.

Wait... what.

My error, "stormf@gs" is filtered.

I dunno ... it just seems most 'natural' to see it that way. Something we habe lost in this society mostly due to lack of exposure. I've been thinking and contemplating for years about death because it scared me, been reading a lot of books written by frontline soldiers, been visiting almost every cemetery in Vienna (they are beautiful with their old KuK style) looking through the gaps of dislocated crypt covers (got quite good at spotting them). Then also recent death of dog brought it up again ... and also my 'exit scenario', having a small farm in the middle of nowhere (not for SHTF, just in case I should grow terminally fed up with this world) ... impossible without animals and then you have that same issue. It is the only 'healthy' way to think about it that I could figure out. Aside was kimda troubled the last few years, problems with anger (right down to violence), that I also had to factor in somehow.

I think with them it is the same as with the typical Arabs, tribalism and communal thinking, group dominates all, group is security, outside is a best to be controlled or subjugated, at worst to be feared. The group must survive, the individual OWES to the group. Their identity. Theor security. Their prosperity. Now pressure such a group and they will turn ugly ... only difference between them and Arabs may be that the latter are expansionistic, more brutal and a bit dull. They themselves have instead chosen a 'smarter' route, a more adaptable one (maybe they were even forced into it after Jerusalem siege). They want to survive, to create a niche of security within other civilizations ... and to achieve this they HAVE to control the 'environment' at least to an extend ... or lose their identity and drown in the crowd. Sure that many over history chise that route with only the most resilient ones retaining their identity, more and more adapting to their self-imposed role. It is their strategy.


University is a waste of time and space. What's wrong with ya? Daddy not have the time o teach you something practical?

Zum Thema Rente

Gottschalk (AfD) zu Rentenkonzept - "Dann haben wir spielend 125 Milliarden zusammen"
In der Diskussion um ein Rentenkonzept der AfD sieht Parteivize Kay Gottschalk keine Probleme bei der Finanzierung. Das Geld liege auf der Straße, sagte Gottschalk im Dlf. Es komme nur darauf an, die richtigen Prioritäten zu setzen - zum Beispiel den Euro abzuschaffen und die D-Mark wieder einzuführen.

Höcke will Rentenaufschlag nur für deutsche Staatsbürger
Berlin/Erfurt Die Thüringer AfD um Landes- und Fraktionschef Björn Höcke schlägt einen steuerfinanzierten Rentenaufschlag nur für deutsche Beitragszahler vor. Der „Staatsbürgerzuschlag“ sei Teil eines umfangreichen Rentenkonzepts, sagte ein Mitarbeiter Höckes am Samstag am Rande eines Bundeskongresses der AfD-Jugendorganisation Junge Alternative im thüringischen Seebach.

Weidel will Rentensteuer kippen
Die Fraktionsvorsitzende der AfD im Bundestag, Alice Weidel, hat erstmals ein Thesenpapier zur Sozial- und Rentenpolitik erarbeitet. Nach FOCUS-Informationen trägt das Papier den Titel „Für eine soziale und zukunftsorientierte Renten- und Steuerpolitik“.
Darin regt Weidel zahlreiche Reformen an. So sollen unter anderem Einkommen von bis zu 2000 Euro im Monat künftig steuerfrei bleiben. Die Besteuerung der Altersrenten solle aufgehoben werden. In dem Papier heißt es: „Die knappen Altersbezüge der Rentner noch einmal zu besteuern ist unsozial!“ Außerdem müsse es einen „Kinderbonus bei den Rentenbeiträgen“ geben. Dafür sollten aber künftig auch Beamte in die Rentenkasse einzahlen müssen.

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Wait, why was my post being marked as spam in the other thread?

I will delete these posts shortly, please bear with me.

Wait a second, this will end up as state funded right?

Write a letter to Sweden and Bongistan and tell them we will accept their capitulation in the Great Cuck Wars. With this move victory is assured, Sieg heil.

I may try to join the next Stammtisch I guess

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Also, compared to the Arabs they do not have numbers on their side ... either they stay coherent or are swallowed up by the culture they live in within a generation or two. And then another issue ... they mixed a lot with Europeans, taking up some of our traits ... maybe even in part our inherent drive for individualism and now this stands (at least in some) in a perverse contrast to their communal culture. Maybe even this conflict makes them so ... strange. Part of them wants to break free of their own constraints but then they always flee back to their tribalism as it is the only thing providing security for them. I can see a tragic madness in this. They are torn, divided inside. Stuck between two worlds.

I would really fancy a network that doesn't require telephone registratione.
Why did Sellner reccommend VK?

What a shitty meme, I can't delete the posts.

"MY daddy hated my fucking guts. Now I think all you peasants need to hand over half of your income as a "Do it or fucking die by my gang", and all daddies must die in my fucking wars I want to start."

> overton window
> cultural hegemony
> counterculture
> information warfare
> metapoltics

The modern art of war :DDD

Attached: changing-metapolitcs.png (800x629, 475K)


I understand and I agree!
this however:
>tribalism and communal thinking, group dominates all, group is security, outside is a best to be controlled or subjugated, at worst to be feared
I am a bit sceptical
tribalism is good in my book. (((they))) on the other hand are not guilty of just simple tribalism. they infiltrate OUR tribes and nations, they bring subversion, decadence and outright hellish perversion.
if they were just like Arabs, they would be just another simple threat that can be eliminated as soon as society wakes up.
kikes however practice this lying and mind twisting since childhood, and then add to that they have natural (?) proclivity to pornography and abuse and child molestation, but more than that - they want everybody to embrace that...
(sauce - Samuel Roth - Jews must live, )
>maybe they were even forced into it after Jerusalem siege
if we put any credit on the bible, they did that waaaaaaaaaay before that. Jacob and his spawn whoring out their wives to gain influence and shekels.
>They want to survive, to create a niche of security within other civilizations
that was maybe true in some distant past, now they are way past that. now they live off an illusion of world dominion. that's why this filth of degeneracy has metastasised across the world.
they are something different, they are like viruses to our bacteria - we have managed to live side by side for millennia but now it seems their strain has achieved the final form and will either bring the host down in a terrible crash or the host will finally develop a final immunity to them.
there is certain level of tricks that humans should not learn from kikes in order to evolve (this was in inb4 we need them to hone our wits per Red Queen)

Anyways, I'll be talking to myself again all thread.

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I blame your parents, well, I blame everyone's parents. People doing all kinds of insane shit, and it's up to the parents to know what goes directly into your child's mind. I blame Public Schools for that, parents just used to pushing their children on other people "Here you raise this thing, I think his name is John or something." The fact yunz were free to do all that, watch all that TV with little knowledge that "it is for grown ups", that's called "bad parents". Other than that, you should be thankful for what you know, due to you knowing. The truth has clearly set you free. Jews are far from the enemy #1, God made them look like us for a reason. (For the most part, you catch my drift). God makes people with green skin and moldy hair because he wants to send a message to us.

Es gibt eh keine Rente, nicht bevor wir den Staat deutlich kleiner und weniger Beschäftigungswütig machen

Attached: get your shit together.gif (300x169, 1.7M)

Well, clearly I am correct. The biggest threat to the world today is Niggers. That's why God made it so obvious to us through their physical features; and it's even proof through math and science, aka they will give you blood sickness' that will kill you and your people.

Physical threats are more damning to a society than some numbers on a board. You can throw a TV in the trash. Most problems with Jews are easily cured through effort. A goddamn nigger infestation is worse than a bomb raid.

>throw away your TVs
or just watch really old Western shows
>cellphones are only for adults 18+
>take your kids out of school and homeschool them
CURED. That's on you.
If you see a wild nigger, they will usually shoot you. That's worse, to leave a white family off without their men, that's how they die.

Also how is Lietuva today?


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Is this any better?
I don't know how to recolor something and keep the smooth tethered edges desu.

Attached: Metapolitik.png (2800x2800, 111K)

whats up with the Bremen migrant scandal

Attached: nazi_propaganda_by_greatkingpest-d4a0ir4.jpg (1952x2576, 1.52M)

Not enough, if that suffices for you as an answer.
Normies don't care enough and autists aren't making memes about it enough.

Tribalism may not be the correct word I think ... hypercohesion maybe. Our tribalism is more competitious, smartest and strongest rises to top, stays for a while, gets replaced. Or better ... we have splintered into many 'tribes' who have fought for dominance for ages ... they did not really. They were an offshoot of some Phoenician-like cult, superstitious insularists who rejected the other group's Gods, only allowing their own as true. The weitdos of the bronze age. Maybe it was the loss of the temple, that was their hub, their 'anchor' ... with the temple gone the lid was off and they changed. And yes this has over time moved them from their old ways into some disease like form. They went for dominance if the Western world a hundred years ago, maybe longer ... trying to create the ultimate niche ... only to be called out and smashed. But I think this has made them even more dangerous. Like cancer you can almost eradicate it with chemo ... but those few cells that survife the chemo, maybe only a handful ... they are resistant, preselected ... and they will come back and spread with such ferocity that there is not mich the doctor can do anymore. Maybe some have truly tried to go back to a niche again, creating Israel, moving back to their old scheming ways, annoying but limited. But the rest ... they have become true metastasis. Although their involvment in communism I see stemming more from a mixture of the two natures previously described plus the delusion of abandoning the niche strategy, going all in.

I'd say, (paraphrasing)
>the pain is still too reiterative instead of being more collective
that's the problem

Hmmmm.... metastasis. It’s worth noting that many of the jewish communists actually hated judaism and desired to assimilate into whites. I think there’s even a lenin quote where he orders the red army to use jews as cannon fodder to get rid of them. Although it’s unknown whether lenin knew was he 1/4th jewish or not.

exceptional quality post! Thank you, DG! that gave me more to ponder about!

Attached: Hans Landa interdasting.gif (480x319, 300K)

So... the effort was for naught?

Bump for based general Von lettow-Thorbecke

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Orginal Text in Latein, Deutsch und Englisch

"De finibus bonorum et malorum" Cicero
Absatz 1.10.32 - 1.10.33

Lorem ipsum

Für Designer, Schriftsetzer, Layouter, Grafikenthusiasten und alle anderen.

Ein Projekt startet und doch es gibt noch keinen Text, allerdings sollte das Layout schon bald präsentiert werden ... was tun?

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Orginal Text in Latein, Deutsch und Englisch

"De finibus bonorum et malorum" Cicero
Absatz 1.10.32 - 1.10.33

Spam lovely spam

Hello, failed shill, who sent you?

Kek, *poof* it's gone.

Attached: 1504639985808.png (149x224, 43K)

Afd, wohl eher alternative fürs judentum

Ge schleich di

Attached: 5C9ED968-09AE-421A-98DD-F3E3E7CCBCCD.png (800x396, 762K)

>Alternative zum Judentum

Lache (euch aus)

Attached: nazi_pepe.jpg (616x591, 60K)


Attached: wpw.jpg (239x250, 8K)

Mensch, hastes uns aber gezeigt. Unsere Partei ist nur dirttstärkste Kraft im Bundestag, das Bündnis "Ausländer ins Gas und Juden sowieso" ist schon an der Regierung.
Hör auf zu lachen, das ist wirklich gemein, du hast es uns schon genug gezeigt.

So extrem leicht euch cuckservatives und möchtegern rechten zu triggern

Attached: 32342342.jpg (399x385, 29K)


Sop extrem leicht offensichtliche Schills zu erkennen.
Geh wieder auf deine Piratenpartei-Studentenarty, Jerome-Olaf.

Attached: Lachender Edelmann.png (379x430, 39K)

Based von Lettow Vorbeck

Saved. Looks good.
My pic was a crappy photo of a figure from Sellner's Book Identitär.

Nicht vergessen deinem jüdischen Herren dann das Arschloch sauber zu lecken wenn du deinen schabbesgojischen Dienst für heute abgeleistet hast, hans-dieter

Attached: goodgoy.jpg (312x340, 28K)

Mimimi :DDDD

Attached: beaker.mimimi.png (400x504, 241K)

Please keep your porn fantasies in your LGBTQPX-Selbsthilfekreis, thank you.

Literally the 1st one on one fight with a nigger I've seen. They usually gang beat random civilians on the street, usually 4+ vs 1.

why isn't in the topic?

Then, after niggers, we have gays. They come 2nd in the list of "people who want to kill everyone". Another blood disease. They want to direct their harm on the children through sexual violence, unlike niggers with their physical violence.
1. Niggers
2. Gays
After those 2 I would say that Islam is also a pretty big threat.
3. Islam
Then feminism
4. Feminists
and then maybe the Jews.
5. Jews
If I can think correctly, pretty pissed at the moment my mom didn't make me any fucking bacon.

>pretty pissed at the moment my mom didn't make me any fucking bacon
t. fat mutt

I wanted bacon. I am fat.

You kicked something off now ... if I find time I will investigate a bit, have some strange disjointed ideas now. Eg. why the split in the old Mesopotamian/Phoenician religion which led to the Jehova worship? And why the sudden and vehement rejection of the Moloch cult (see Moses sacrificing an animal instead of his child, also other sources point to that)? You see there has been a lot going on at that time, migrations, both genetic and cultural, maybe even the first steppe nomads (or some other lost culture) pushing into the Levant, mostly as elite warriors subjugating other tribes. Maybe there was a catalyzing factor for this ... but then this was lost again and something has been set in motion. Like a cargo cult. I dunno, could be just mad ideas ... btw one thing:

To really understand them, you'll have to think like them ;)

Attached: on_rats.jpg (1920x1080, 104K)

Lads, is this true?

Your expertise is required.

they where slaved before

You cant rape a whole country demographically in one damn year retard. Fuck uff

When will this end?
>verminderte Schuldfähigkeit. mimimi
Is there no justice anymore?

Attached: IMG_20180606_171350.jpg (1080x2236, 485K)

I hope to god they actually go through with this.
They will appear even more insane and we have another example of state sponsored media throwing away taxpayer money.

Time to bring back the Volksgerichtshof, but especially for rapefugees and all that kind of criminal rabble.


Attached: cape.jpg (340x425, 31K)

rejection of child sacrifice is easy.
sacrifice is needed, sacrifice is what civilisations are built on. I will borrow a bit from Peterson, but that should not detract from relevance. without sacrifice you can not use agriculture - you sacrifice a part of your harvest and do not touch it even in the greatest famine, because you know - if you eat it, you and your family you will die most assuredly. when you drop the seed into the ground you feel like you are throwing it away, but lo and behold, next year you get rye from that seed, or wheat in few months. so plebs quickly surmised - this is not throwing away - it's sacrifice. something of the present for something greater in the FUTURE. and the sacrificial arms race began. who could sacrifice the mostest :D the ultimate sacrifice is of course ones own children. so for some time this idiocy went on, but then humans understood that sacrifice to gods that requires their entire future (children are the FUTURE) is totally bonkers. and so the rollback began.
btw do you know anything about that mysterious race that rolled over the Mediterranean region somewhere in the second millennium BC (they killed off Hittites and many others)?
>To really understand them, you'll have to think like them
well, fug, that is then off the table, because that is literally impossible

he has probably to low an IQ

>Geneticist has been summoned
fecking lülz!

ik bumpe

besides, look up at the abortion rates few months later. don't worry, Kameraden, this is just a poor attempt to destabilize your belief in your own country! stay calm and stay true!

du bumpst


er/sie bumpt

Attached: annewillNAZI.jpg (1200x984, 166K)

whiter than u mohamad

wir bumpen

ihr bumpt

sie bumpen

Umlaut bump

Reminder, tonight at 20:15 ARD will broadcast the film adaptation of Michel Houellebecq's Soumission.
Lots of indicators that the director desperately tried to hide the novel's obvious political implications, but I still hope we can all watch it together and see what it's like.

Attached: varusschlacht prank.jpg (719x774, 157K)

fren, wake up, it's me!

There is a minority that legitly wants their anchor back.
Even breeding the perfect sacrificixce ingrediments.

das ist lieb von dir danke schoen
mus erstmal ne sterni drinken bevor ich deutsch kann

Attached: annewillsd.jpg (1200x984, 159K)