According to boomer logic everybody should be able to pull themselves up to their own bootstraps...

According to boomer logic everybody should be able to pull themselves up to their own bootstraps, but happens if due to automatation become fewer and fewer?

I would like to just fill up tanks at the gas station all day and so on while still being able to make living, these days though apparently I have to work harder and harder for whatever reason to support a system that wants to kill me.

Why should I do it? Convince me.

Attached: not actually a real person.jpg (474x262, 13K)

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To ensure that all the Neu-Germans have a steady income.

boomers are the worst.

spoiled by the media always telling them that their parents were wrong and that everything degenerate is hip, they think they just "know best".

Boomers are the ones who will make sure america/europe isnt white because they want to import cheaper labor.
Boomers will destroy their childrens finacial future and security by making sure non-whites are given advantages/free passes in exchange for more jewish media praise.
Boomers dont have a future to invest in, and have a nice white life before our world changed. So they dont mind converting to islam or doing something different and "exotic"

I don't know about you but i HAVE to work or ill literally become homeless. So, that should be a good enough answer. Just the thought of being a NEET terrifies me, i was there before and got depression because of it, even though i hate me job it still gives me something to do.

If AI becomes more intelligent, creative, and productive than humans then there is literally no point in us living, everything that makes humans special is gone, we will quite literally become useless bags of meat doing nothing but consume. Maybe this is just the next step in evolution and humans will just die out like the vast majority of species that have lived especially given our population will keep growing if living standards increase from UBI and fully autonomous workforce. Maybe i'm a nihilist, i become more like one every day, the harsh reality is that humans aren't special and don't deserve anything - do you think the universe cares about you human rights or political views? The universe will end one day and all of this won't matter anyway.

And you just described why mass immigration is pointless. Yet every year Western nations are expected to take in more shitskins.

>If AI becomes more intelligent, creative, and productive than humans then there is literally no point in us living

You only live to work?

you blaming boomers is the exact same thing as blacks blaming whites

Is it? One is based on age the other is based on age. Boomers literally created all the major problems we're dealing with since WW2 and keep coming up with new ones as long as they live.

>I would like to just fill up tanks at the gas station all day and so on while still being able to make living
so you are no better than living cattle.

only boomers are against automation

If you cannot adapt, you'll not survive.

If you cannot survive, why not use your remaining time to strike back at those killing you.

Either way, you'll need to use creativity, and that makes everything more fun.

The West will become like China.
>White got here who lived 6 months in China for my job

In China, you work, or you starve to death.
It’s that simple.
Everyone is hustling and making money anyway they can, even if they have to scam, that’s life in China.

I see America in a the future a lot like China; no welfare, no food stamps, no government help.
You work, or you die.
Survival of the fittest.

This way all the lazy niggers, parasitic spics, entitled liberals, and retired boomers will have to survive on your own, and no one to blame but you for your own survival.

I can’t wait to watch you commie liberals die, waiting for handouts.

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Does cattle fill up tanks? I just think people should have the freedom to have low ambitions rather than being forced to go into debt for some meme schooling or work 400 hours to keep your business afloat. We work more than medieval peasants despite being more efficient, something isn't right here. I know when I'm being had, don't you?

>I just think people should have the freedom to have low ambitions
you are "free" to, yes
hop on Hartz and tell me if it's a good life

>rather than being forced to go into debt for some meme schooling.
Europe is not USA, you can get a good degree for less than 10k

>We work more than medieval peasants despite being more efficient, something isn't right here.
UNTRUE, we literally feed 7 billion people right now

>America is going to be like China and I can't wait
>I can’t wait to watch you commie liberals die, waiting for handouts.

Just don't import low skilled third worlders by the billions just to drive down wages.

I don't want to live off HIV. I don't want to be part of some retarded system based on some infinite growth paradigm bullshit either though. Slow the fuck down.

turn off drop out sell dope rape roasties bruh

>Is it?
yes it's literally the exact same thing, one group of people blaming a past group for all of their problems

Like the jews?

Strawman: the argument

>Industrial Society and Its Future - Ted Kaczynski

Read this, I'm dead serious.

Way ahead of you. If you like it watch the The Net documentary by Lutz Dammbeck. It's easy to find on youtube and dips it's toes into the cybernetic conspiracy started by scientists after WW2 trying to establish some sort of fucked up utopia where everybody is equal. Like they talk about the destruction of traditional values like family and faith in order to make society's notion of normality fluid and then dictating new values to take the place of the new ones. The believe in a god is seen as essentially connected to the "fascist potential" of a country, so god has to be removed from people's minds in their eyes.

Oh look, another divide and conquer thread by a person in Germany within the span of 5 minutes. Totally not obvious at all; yeah, man.

Thanks, I'll watch it right away.

In another documentary of the dude he explored the connection between standards of classic beauty enabling national socialism. You can make it of you will, considering the guy ironically seems like a leftist art fag for the most part, but it's a view that apparently is shared with many of the shakers and movers. So in order to fight fascism traditional notions of beauty have to be dismantled. Interesting stuff.

It realls is some kind of boomer related conspiracy that found it's birth in the hippie movement, or at least was conceived through it as a means of giving birth to it. The ties between hippies and modern academia should be obvious, consindering where LSD and so on came from. Now you might argue if there's a bigger conspiracy behind that.

>Pumping gas
Are you a lazy cunt or too stupid to do anything else?

I think you're brainwashed to think that being smart = equals doing smart stuff, as in slaving away longer and harder with more responsibility. Ideally with you just ending up with more money but no time to spend it.