Thanks, Trump.
Get used to this Jow Forums. This is the unfortunate reality under Trump's America.
Thanks, Trump.
Get used to this Jow Forums. This is the unfortunate reality under Trump's America.
>7 limes
Litterally why? Get more rice or beans with that shit.
Who needs that many limes?
>a fucking avocado
>7 limes
She just blew half her budget on frivolous "cultured lefty" bullshit
Maybe getting Paltrow-sized is the whole point.
Oh no, they’re going to become healthy? Fuck Blumpft we have to stop him from taking the vidya.
>7 god damn limes
This is literally ingredients for Mexican food. $29 can get you a metric shit ton of eggs, milk, bread, cheese, fresh fruit/veg, etc.
Looks like somebody who doesn't know how to properly shop on a budget. Half of that stuff is frivolous bullshit.
>whole grain brown rice
Obviously Gwyneth never used SNAP
LOL even in Sweden with our taxes I can get 5kg of rice for the equivelant of 4 dollars.
Our poor people literally have an obesity epidemic atm. I think they could stand to eat a bit less. Plus, there's always food banks
Go suck those billionaire dicks, mutt. They'll eventually pass bitcoin in those kidney stones.
>whole grain brown rice
>shitty mexican things you can literally make yourself with some flour
What a stupid cunt.
Where the fuck is she buying stuff from? Whole foods? For 20£ I can feed my self for like 2 weeks
Well if you only have $29 for groceries per week buy ready meals.
They should get a job.
>gwenyth paltrow
Always disregard barren roastie hollywood whores
Better than most of India get to eat. Be grateful you cunts.
wow 2 year old slide thread. it's missing sage.
You can use food stamps at McDonald’s which is where they’re going.
She has some expensive items I'm sure she doesn't even have a use for. I could live for a whole month off 50$. No I'm not joking. I do it almost every month.
Because a white upper middle class roastie that doesnt know how to live without fancy cocktails made this.
How many dozens of times is this going to get posted?
Taxes on my pay paid for those limes - ungrateful normies!
If you take out the limes and avacado, you could double up on the beans an spinach. This seems like PLENTY for a week.
>$29 million
This is what Gwenith Paltrow was paid for sucking Harvey Weinstein’s Jew chode over the years
I eat on ~10$ per week
Wasn't she the one complaining about equal pay when making millions?
expensive af.
Why. You can get two cans of beans instead.
>that cosmetic pepperoni
Truly an american nightmare.
OK you incels if you are so smart why don't you make a list of food you can get for $30 that you can live off of for a week
I never said that people should buy garbage, but it's easy to eat right on a cheap budget. Just dont spend your money on limes and cilantro. Not that hard to understand. Hell I'm not even a capitalist, and I belive in safety nets like food stamps.
But come fucking on, 7 limes? Soap flavored herbs? Why!?!.
>Complaining about getting $120.00 a month in free food while sitting on your ass
People who support this shit needs to be gassed
I wonder who is behind this post.
>implying these are the typical items your average nog, spick, and white trailer trash buy with their food stamps
Typical items I see purchases with EBT include, but are not limited to
>Tropicana fruit drink
>4-5 bags of Doritos
>chef boy ardee
>easy Mac
>minute rice
>5-6 boxes of Fruit Loops/Fruity Pebbles
>lobster tail (cuz fancy en shiieett)
there arent enough calories in that picture to feed a single grown man for a week, let alone a whole family.
kill yourself
This budget/Chart was made for someone trying to build muscle mass, so you could cut a lot of this and still have plenty of food.
But this is granted only from one person, but you probably shouldnt be raising a big family if you are relying on food stamps.
>buying lemons
>buying broccoli
>buying eggs
>buying frozen vegetables
>buying silantro
if you're going to be a cock sucking city faggot at least shop at Joe Randazzo's Fruit and Vegetable Market.
ALL of that could be bought for less than 5 dollars.
I notice that is ahem *safeway store brands, which are double of king sooperskroger stores, and about 4 times what you can find at the dollar tree. no one on snap should be shopping at that kike store. absolutely no one.
Bigger redpill.
Harvey only slept nufemale transgenders.
Only the broadest shoulders and sharpest jaws.
Isn't it a violation of Hindu people's first amendment rights if people use SNAP to buy cheeseburgers? Any of you kike lawyers want to make some money? Of course you do. I expect a lawsuit is to follow. You're welcome.
white rice bags . no special type and yes there are many types of rice just the biggest cheapest bags. 2
salt again no special type just generic iodized salt table salt .
eggs. a big carton not the small one
cereal doesnt matter what type
milk a gallon
i think in most states you would have some change. between $5 - $10
Literally OP pic related, except instead of the limes, kale, avacado, cilantro and wholegrain brown rice, sweet potato, I get an extra carton of eggs, broccoli, a carrot, more green onion, much more regular rice, and a normal fucking potato.
OP pic is gay because it betrays an utterly upper middle class hispter roastie attitude to food and bugeting.
>The poor are obese
>the poor survive on beans and minimal green veggies
>12 eggs instead of 10
Why the hell you Americans do shit like this.
isn't she the literal retarded bitch who steamed her vagina to roastie status?
Lentils, beans, eggs and non meme vegetables
you know there's cheap vegetables right you fucking dumbass? Also kale is cheap as fuck. So are carrots and most frozen vegetables. Stop being retarded around these parts, if it wasn't for rich people your lineage would've died 1000 year s ago, no fucking joke
I feed my family of four for about $100 every week at Aldi
If anything, the number should be 14. If you consume the same number of eggs a day all week long, then you want that number divisible by 7 to facilitate one weekly grocery run
Good. Hope the niggers starve to death
>you get this for free
it was like that under obama as well, which is why those lacy fat fucks only buys junk food.
food stamps should be removed all together, force them to take jobs instead of staying in gangs, have couples stay together so there is more earnings per household and with 2 parents and more income the kids can get better education.
this free food welfare is detrimental and deterring the lowest class in society from doing better
except SNAP is just supplemental, you're not supposed to do your entire grocery shopping with.
But in any case it's totally doable, you're not gonna have much variety from buying in bulk but to put it into perspective:
-4€ for 5kg bag of rice - lasts 2 months
-2€ for 1kg dried beans (or 35 cents/can precooked)
-1.50€/kg lettuce for fiber and also salad
-1~2€ for a dozen of eggs
other vegetables should run you some 5€/week and you still have some left to get some pork/chicken near expiration which you can then freeze.
These are the most common items btw, but you can still get whatever it is you want.
Ask yourself, how many ways can you divide twelve vs ten.
Canada, ladies and gentlemen.
bread, cheese, rice, beans, ramen
get fucked
dont forget potatoes, its cheap and fills you up
Do Austrians not buy things by the dozen?
Maybe don't buy expensive fruits that have barely any calories? Buy beans, rice, pasta. I could easily survive on 30 bucks a month, these people are just crybabies.
Also nobody on food stamps is buying Bok Choi, you can get a 2 gallon bag of collard greens for the same price. And lets not kid ourselves, the overlap for "people who like collard greens" amd "people on food stamps" is nothing to sneeze at.
Better than getting one's calories from the Ganges river tbqh
>2015 tweet
>trumps fault
You idiots eat so much bait.
Sausages and eggs plus some vegetables if you don't want scurvy, not trendy Mexican food
SNAP.. supplemental.. what part of supplement do these right white lefties not get?
I would say that basket of goods is a fine "supplement" to a poor persons diet every week. Good job!
>>Tropicana fruit drink
-5 bags of Doritos
>>chef boy ardee
>>easy Mac
>>minute rice
-6 boxes of Fruit Loops/Fruity Pebbles
>>lobster tail (cuz fancy en shiieett)
I used to work at a grocery store and chips and soda were by far the most common items people bought with WIC checks
Opinions on them and how do we fix them? Not cherry picked image btw…
This picture is older than 1/4 op Jow Forums posters.
Also, where does this 29 dollar figure come from
That would be less than $20. And SNAP is ASSISTANCE. its not there to pay for everything.
after college while i was searching for a job i lived on just 4.5$ a month.
2 1$ breads a week, 2$ for a kilo of jam which lasted about 2 weeks (so 1$ a week) and had about 2 dinners a week which was just potatoes and some cheap mean and onion costing about 2.5$ each meal.
And i live in norway which is one of the most expensive countries to live in, so you middle class american faggots can go suck it
It's still Trump's fault because he's knowingly let this shitty situation continue. People deserve better than this.
cheap meat*
That's nothing. We package hot dogs and hot dog buns in different quantities. We do it because we love freedom.
4.5$ a week*
goddammit, gotta stop being on here when im tired
Fuck you guys have it easy. Up here in syrupville, this would cost nearly 50 bucks.
The day of the grill will come, burger.
To be fair if you adjust for he exchange rate that's basically the same
you have exactly 20 seconds to explain why
Yeah, the poor aren't going to be eating limes or avocados, those things alone probably took up $9.
You're right, fuck Drumphf , he shpuld have cut the gibs entirely and instigated the great chimping.
mfw Jow Forums knows what all those vegetables are and I have no clue.
you mean like he tried to fix replacing snap with sending weekly boxes of food? Would probably improve the quality of their meals too.
But nooooooo demorats had to autistically screech like with everything he does
For the price of those limes she could have bought a pound of ground beef.
She's a fucking idiot.
20% more free! The real answer is because we secretly like when our traditions drive others up the wall, and outright dislike others forcing theirs down our throats. They tried to push the metric meme in America in the 70s and 80s but the globalists got BTFO.
Seriously. I don't know how much kale is in murrica, but here a bag of kale cost about as much as three to four large bags of mixed frozen veggies. It's mindblowing how fucking retarded some people are.
Well you guys do recycle a lot of your food seeing how ~60% of it is literal shit.
could buy other things if it they didn't buy seven fucking limes.
i practically lived on baked beans, rice and potatoes for 2 years. not because i was poor just because i was lazy to do any real shopping
Virtue signaling ain’t cheap friendo.
Best was when I was at Wawa (east coast gas station/covience chain) nog couple is trying to us EBT card to buy 2 fountain sodas. card is so worn it and fucked up it won’t even process when swiped. Cashier calls manager. Manager has to manually process card and transaction. This takes 10-15 minutes. I’m behind them with multiply items waiting to pay. Nog lady says
>oh hol up. Lemme get two packs of Newport 100s
She then whips out a crisp 20 dollar bill and pays for the smokes. Here I am paying for my stuff with hard earned cash, I was fucking PISSED. This was the final straw that convinced me that nogs are forever doomed and will never ever change. Best red pill is always exposure.
Isn't the name of the program Supplemental Nutrion Assistance Program? "Supplemental"- not sure what the problem is
Poorfag here. Where the hell is she getting $29 from? That stuff is $12.
selling shit by the dozen is not new and definitely not just an american thing.
typical close minded ignorant eurotrash.