SJW with a stick up her ass is back!

I was listening to the radio and that bitch with a stick up her ass was back.

She wants to:
> Close down swimming pools as it might be offensive to migrants who are not used to seeing water being used for fun
> Wants to ban all forms of water fun and games
> Wants to ban water guns as it might traumatised migrant children who saw war
> Wants to ban water balloons as they are too similar to grenades

I'm working on looking up that radio segment and posting it online, stay tuned.

Attached: anime the netherlands.jpg (598x850, 657K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds pretty reasonable, water is degenerate.


*rolls eyes*

Was it on a Dutch station? I bet it was on 3FM, fucking hippies


What is the name of the women wanting to close the pool? Is she a reporter or something? Radio host?

I forgot her name, she's some higher up in the Child Protective Agency. Sadly I'm getting Rotherham, Telford and Oxford vibes from her.

How are those enforceable except for maybe banning toy guns?

>fills a water balloon
>kids play in yard

Fuck forgot my picture

Attached: water-from-garden-hose-1.jpg (300x424, 19K)

>Restrict female rights to make them more at home

She just yelled into an echo chamber. She thinks she can decide what the law is and other have to figure out how to impose it as it is not her responsibility.

>Wants to ban the strongest weapons against her kind

Maybe she's an alien life form from signs who hates water?

Sorry to De rail thread I have family in Holland and want to visit my motherland ( dad and his family only came over after ww2). How much Dutch do I need to know.

Just gas them all user

Being against fun is degenerate.

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was it today user, if so it's not hard to find on the BNR page just give me the timeframe

zero, every white person in this country speaks (rudimentary) english

Also, best Doragon

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How big is this echo chamber? How serious does the general public take her?

>sjw with a stick up her ass

anne fleur dekker?

Most people speak broken English. Do not expect "Queen's English". Do prepare yourself for a harse flat european accent.

Today (06-06-2018) around 08:20.

Is it her?:

Has anyone asked her what kind of childhood traumas she has related to water?

Talk shows will give her air time to let her vent her frustration from probably being sexual frustrated.
But no one really pays much attention to this thing.
In the Netherlands we rather have a debate without settling it, instead of settling an issue without debate.

probably her grandmother dying in the flood of 1957