The absolute State of Californians

>have world's fifth largest economy
>drink poo poo pee pee water

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...and they want us here in Michigan to pump water over to them.

absolutely hysterical

female pee is best for drink
contains birth control hormones
better than onions milk

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they need more millions of gallons of water to grow almonds and cashews with.

what would the country do without california grown almonds?

fellow Michigander, enjoying the beautiful weather this day?

and the clean water (unless you're Flint trash) and freshwater beaches? (that aren't covered in literal Mexican shit)

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What do you think Texans drink? Poo poo pee pee water from the states above

Why the fuck won't they fucking desalinate the goddamn ocean?!

It's right fucking there!

I wonder how much Cali's water problems are exacerbated by the spic population alone?

I mean, it's apparent they they dont give a shit about laws and ordinances, or they wouldnt even be here, and enforcing them against non-citizens that are near-immune to such things has got to be impossible.

This isn't news, almost every city does this already.
I know my city does, you could probably find out if your city also has a wastewater treatment plant.

>1970s water regulation in california
>Prevented children from showering after PE class
>They had to roll that one back, too extreme and schools were already turning into mexican ghettos
>Gigantic coastline
>Could be desalinating water, generating power, and be selling it
>Already selling all of their spring water to nestle and various water bottle companies for extremely cheap
>But we're in drought you have to pay us this extraordinary fee in order to live here and get a decent shower
>Less than 50 gallons per day or you get a $1000 dollar fine.
>(((they))) could be making money on their own devices and generating an almost endless supply of fresh water, instead they want you goyim to pay for it so they can buy gigantic homes and live like a finestein
Whats next, gas shortage (again?), electricity shortage(again?)
How about their funding gets cut already? They already dont comply with federal laws, cut all of their 5 state leeching off. Cut them out of the union, let them secede and fucking stop this bullshit.

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costs money and energy, drinking your pee pee and not showering is free

because the only thing pajeets in sillicon valley can do its this stupid shit.

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>durr what's a water treatment plant
What are you sliding?

Because the dumbfuck environmentalists think it will destroy the ocean. Not even memeing

Hey 15 million people showing up in 30 years has no effect on anything?

The reason we are always given is, “It’s too expensive”.
Of course, we have 76 Billion for a mythical choo choo train, but we can’t make potable fucking wayer out of the largeat body of water on Earth.

What they won't tell you is that Jerry Brown has a poo poo pee pee fetish.

It literally is.

Here's something I was always told. Always told forever: Fireworks are illegal in California. That is to say, anything beyond snakes, sparklers and smoke bombs were fire hazards.

I live here now. Every four days I hear or see a dozen huge cannon-styled firework go off somewhere in this neighborhood.

You'd figure if Mexicans set off giant fireworks for ever holiday, regardless of its significance, someone in fire control would start to develop a way of tracking the locations of the blasts. Sound-based triangulation or something. But that's the thing, the also-Mexican-neighbors don't call the cops; They're also setting off fireworks for Arbor Day.

Member cali anons, when the rationing and fines take effect, kick sprinkler heads at businesses and open any spigot you see. Leave taps running in bathrooms and sabotage toilets so they always leak.

as far as San Diego and LA are concerned, it's because Tijuana sends up sewage and literal turds along the coast every few weeks

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Texans drink Dr Pepper and Lone Star. Nobody wants to drink water, fish fuck in it.

and this is leftist utopia and it's a good thing!

Mittenbro checking in
Weather is beautiful and the water is nice

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Almost 100% of California’s water fell as rain or snow on Colorado. Everybody in LA is drinking water that has been previously drunk by 7 other people upstream. It is why they are all retards.

Gee, what a festive people

Yeah, the numbers alone are bad enough, never mind their behavior.

You mean to tell me you can’t have crap flappers, whistling bungholes, kitty chasers, Whisker-do’s, whisker-dont’s?

WC Fields new this 100 years ago.

California already steals all of its water from surrounding states I hate them
> The Colorado River supplies over 60 percent of the water used annually in Southern California. California is currently using 20 percent more Colorado River water than it is entitled to under the "Law of the River." The Secretary of the Interior has directed California to come up with a plan to live within its entitlement of 4.4 million acre-feet of water per year.
>Competing Water Demands Limit Reallocation to California. Beginning in 1996, there was not enough unused water from other states' entitlements to reallocate to California as in prior years. However, California's total demand for Colorado River water will continue to increase, driven mainly by population growth
Fucking bastards water is wealth in the desert Arizona could be rich.

>what is water treatment
literally every country on the earth do it you dumb fucks

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>Can only flush, shower so much (limited to 55 gallons per day per person come the 2020s)
>Can lie to someone and knowingly give someone a lifetime affliction of AIDS, and it's less of a crime than not calling someone "xir."
>Millions of illegals and more flooding in each day
>At its current rate, the State Assembly will soon operate in Spanish instead of English
>New law mandates solar panels for all newly build homes (it's currently optional), raising the already sky-high cost even more
>Media openly wondering why hit-and-run accidents have skyrocketed in the state since the year 2013, which is coincidentally the year California started giving illegal immigrants AB50 driver's licenses
>California has 13% of the U.S. population, but over 25% of its homeless problem
>Is the poverty capital of the country
>The 0.3% of the population that are trannies get more representation in the State Assembly than all of northern California
>Polls show California is the state a plurality of Americans would want to boot from the union

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Isn't all our water recycled sewer water by this point?

>have world's fifth largest economy
>1/5 of your population lives in poverty

>During the same period, California had the highest poverty rate, 20.6 percent, according to the census’ Supplemental Poverty Measure. That study does account for cost-of-living, including taxes, housing and medical costs, and is considered by researchers a more accurate reflection of poverty. For a two-adult, two-child family in California, the poverty threshold was an average of $30,000, depending on the region in the state, according to a 2014 analysis by Public Policy Institute of California.
and inb4 muh conservative sources.

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>Great Lakes states
>drinking pee pee poo poo

keep dreaming, califaggot

If we don't cut the tumor out the whole nation will be California in 20 years.

nothing, just bonding with pollaks over CA hate

This unironically worries me.
They're slowly turning their nature to basedboys.

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You literally need the mexican cartels to kill them.

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I went to San Francisco a few months ago for a work related thing

Crazy Homeless and the smell of shit everywhere; so much for the liberal utopia. In fact, I saw more homeless than gays

There is only so much fresh water.
it's so much easier to clean fresh water than desalinate salt water.
The only real problem with recycling water is pharmaceuticals that build up.

Where do you all think sewer water goes?

BUT CALIFORNIA HAS THE BIGGEST GPD OF ANY STATE any other american state should be glad to help them

How come no one mentions this when talking about California secession? California steals all their water, they're completely dependent on other states' water. If they left, what would they do, exactly?

Also, why do they keep banning state-funded travel to other states over LGBT nonsense, but not Mexico? Mexico hasn't legalized gay marriage, and I doubt they have California-style tranny acceptance laws there.

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Requires massive energy and they are too afraid of using nuclear

Won't matter, they only drink and shower in onions.

were they gays attempting to mount the homeless?
would be worth a chuckle or two.

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Wait isnt this going to mean they are infecting the water supply from all the stupid hormone shit the trannies piss out?

We’ve been treating water since the fucking romans you guys really need to educate yourself on this shit. RO treatment and ultra filtration, throw in some chlorine boom you got potable water.

Did you think sewage water just disappeared? We all drink poo poo pee pee water. It's actually cleaner than fresh water after all the treatment it goes through.

t. Texan.

Seriously though what the actual fuck is up with California, it CAN NOT be this bad. I live in fucking Murdermore and I STILL don't have as many stories as Cali anons shit out, are they lying?

Nigger what do you think happens to water when it goes through a sewage treatment plant anywhere in the world?

that's the spirit

Dude pee is like 95% fresh water.
Animals still pee in the ocean too.

What are you, 5? This is chemistry, it takes so much more energy to separate salt from water than it does to filter and purify existing fresh water.

Califag here. I fucking hate all my neighbors. They don't call shit in. Some are liberal so they "understand and cope" with the "culture." What shit culture plays loud music at 2am on a Tuesday? I feel like I'm the only one doing anything about it.

You think those cities just store the sewage somewhere? It's always released into the water system again.

>completely destroy the fishing ecosystem for fishermen
>lose even more revenue as people stop fishing

Another propeller accelerating cali towards its doom.

>California to add recycled sewer water to the state reservoirs

>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

You're LITERALLY drinking Mexcrement piss and shit water.


Usually goes in a river, not a reservoir.

t. californian cope

>implying water isn't already filled with shit and piss
which is why it's good to filter your water beyond what your supplier already does.

extra spicy ay ay ayyyy

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...Where is all Cali's water going?

Ain't that water unironically too processed to be useful because all the minerals get removed too

Never ever give your water to Cali trash.

The worst offender is the pacifc ocean followed by the atlantic.
Those mother fuckers have been stealing everyones water for centuries, possibly longer.
when bomb the oceans?

>Be illegal alien name Paco Gonzales who lives in Southern California
>Have 14 illegal alien anchor babies with common-law wife
>Vote democrat even though I cannot because the (((mass media))) tells my 2nd-grade education ass that Trump will literally turn my entire family into lampshades and luggage in his concentration camps.
>Have to go take piss after drinking cerveza that was paid for by collecting welfare check paid for by the stupid racist white gringos.
>Whip out 3" beaner cock and start pissing into toilet
>Smile on my face because I know that same gringo who is working his ass off right now in his full time job (whose California income taxes will be given to me and all my brown skinned spic illegal alien amigos) is going to come home and turn on the tap water and get a nice glass of recycled Latrino piss.

>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

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They keep importing poos to write their code. It makes sense that they would become obsessed with shit

I hear Nestlé and big Corps can literally pump out as much as possible and only pay tax on the land lmao.
Cali is so fucking backwards. Only reason their money is worth more is because it's actually worthless so they need to pay their employees more to live and stuff.

if anything even though cali has big gdp, the other states with not actual backwards laws (AK, AL, FL, GA) are being exploited by Cali.

like there is no reason why there is 15min wage there and not anywhere else than to exploit the other states that do not follow.

So as good states remain loyal and constitutional Cali and them will remain a leech and waste until they decrease regulations to American like levels and stop with the corporatism by allowing company like Nestlé to pump as much water as possible without any fines or fees.

>be California
>have rich oil field
>build America’s 2nd largest city on top of it for some reason

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I'm happy I got this reference

to grow lawns and almonds in a fucking desert so they can pretend they live in a more temperate area

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God just throw Cali. out of the Union and annex it what Cali need is a cleansing

They grow in semi-arrid regions, one of the few trees that does H2O fixation.

don't forget their farmers that irrigate with the least efficient methods possible using their subsidized water, harvest using illegal labor and 35 year-old machines, and then export much of it overseas
as much as I hear about California agriculture being so vital, the main reason why they're present is that they have a massive supply of cheap labor
plenty of arable land elsewhere in the US

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Why don't californians grow weeds and trees to their desert like chinese people do so water wont just go trough the first layer of soil. Californians are maybe the most retard people around.

>muh gdp economy

And yet proposition 47 gives all criminals more rights than law abiding citizens.

Most homeless people in the country and drug usage.

Most gang violence and sanctuary state.

Incriminating gun laws if you try to follow new rules.

Worst graduation and testing rates.

Now add shitwater to your daily intake diet.


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Whew you poor city slaves. I live in the desert but my water comes from a fresh river that nobody poops him and the river where the sewer water goes nobody drinks out of. Maybe in Mexico they drink it but we don't.

So sf is expanding into the water

But user by your own logic that makes the desalinization better because the pharma build up is killing us and energy is cheap California is just greedy and they don't care.

I hope they would die or have to pay extortion level prices to the states they've stolen from. They're a tumor and we need to remove them before it gets in the blood.

They have hundreds of miles of coast why don't they desalinate are they retarded?

civil engineer protip:
you're all drinking piss and bath water.

Don't forget they are also #1 in Poverty

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The Colorado River and many other rivers should flow south but they get diverted and the states they're going through don't get to use any of the water.

And no desalination does not take huge amount s of energy just infrastructure, I desalinate gallons a day in my back yard to water my food and trees

I have filters like pic related, AMA

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you cant even imagine how much this would cost and continue to cost.

>this delusion

California is a perfect example of the liberal end game

A slave plantation where a few rich people rule over a horde of slaves

Beautiful day here in Grand Rapids. Fuck California.

Today you learned that California steals water from as far away as Wyoming and if you think rivers flow North in North America then you're a bot or a brainlet.

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I guess having a state full of illegal cunts and degenerate faggots doesn't produce much income?

Well maybe in the North East but everything flows mainly south in the southwest.

>Could be desalinating water, generating power, and be selling it
They have 3000 fucking miles of coastline. Liberalism.

We should leave 0 drop to Mexico.

If it's recycled I don't see the problem? It's gone through a refinery at that point. Wtf kind of water do you think is in a resevoir to begin with? It is fully of goose shit, fish waste, rotting animal corpses, algae, bacteria, I mean that recycled water is probably cleaner than the reservoir water at point of entry. Pol needs to stop being essentially the same type of reactionary dumbasses they loathe on the left. Zomg bros! California has poopy water in their resume! Lmfao look at these stupid libtards. Think something through first.

we drink big red too also califags stay out of texas

You use the water itself to hydro power your desalination, dumshit retards

Endless supply of power, slow for alarge scale but once it is gets going you have free water forever

I'll draw a diagram, hold on