Le 1.4% face

How does it feel to constantly fail, Jow Forums?

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How does it feel to be a literal welfare sheboon dependent on the US?

Israel is the only democracy and proper country in the middle east. Remember that when you step out of your basement for the first time in months and harass some woman with your incel autism only to be PROTECTED by a constitution and due process.

They are western like you and me, so stop supporting and buying into the muslim internet psyops like the /sg/ tards.

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Quite you kike, humans are talking...

I wonder who's behind this post?

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>Depends on welfare from the US
ok retard

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Fuck Israel. Middle east would be better place without them. Whole world would be better without Israel. What a fucking idea to set your contration camp in middle of desert on already existing nation and surrounded by enemies. At least muslims have some honor. Isreal is good only in stealing, cheating and shooting civilians. Fucking gypsies on wellfare have more honor than jewrats from Israel. It is not jews or muslims. Fuck them all.

>US withdraws all support
>No more best ally
>Leaves you stranded
>does not veto anti-Israel UN resolutions
>Arab world attacks
>Israel assraped forever by Muslim coalition
okay what, retard

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>winning something
i think you might be a little confused with that oxymoron over there

Than fight your own wars for begining. You stole other products and rebrand it like your own. You need to be protected by muh anti-semitism to cover your crimes. You are just money laundering paradise for wealthy kikes. Half of problem in world is fault of your schemes and dirty tricks. Israel is proof that every rumor about jews is right. Thanks for destroying Europe, America and Middle East. Work on China, Africa and Inda too. Than you can move on moon and mars and destroy it too.

Israel's plan is to then pivot and sell all her military IP to China in exchange for protection.
China then wipes-out US navy in Pacific.

for half of Israel's history no major nation provided any minor assistance to israel, and it's biggest wars were fought alone, but keep believing your narrative, im sure that you're winning something over there in your mind.

>controlled opposition
>worse than nehlen
>somehow worse than duke
>spreading shlomo memes to normies
>made campaign logos that looked like swastikas
>every single thread was just 3-5 shills bumping repeatedly
>now he's pathetically whining about the election being rigged, with no proof
Nobody fell for painfully-obvious kikery here. Next time lurk more and try to act more human... not every right wing person is a caricature. Im glad your controlled opp barely blipped on the radar, but I'm sure we'll still be seeing all his Jow Forums again in democrat campaign ads.

do you get $0.02 for this (you) or do you get it per post?

Purity spiraling retards are and will be eternal failures, "muh honesty", they just don't understand that this is not the 1930's and this is a whole new political paradigm dominated by their enemies, being strategic doesn't mean being dishonest. The optics pill is hard to swallow but it is a winning horse. With all the overtone window thing, people forget that it's gradual, it's a slippery slope where sometimes you can push it harder (like in 2015), but you can't just smash the window, you will only scare the normies.

Take a shower

Couple of words.
Hezbollah kicked your ass & sent you in retreat from Lebanon.
They're essentially a well organized militia.
You wouldn't stand a chance against a modern military like Iran or even Syria.
So yeah, without America your dead in the water & America's supremacy is waining & you know it.
The next super power is China & they hate you.
They have their own intelligence apparatus & they know you're essentially responsible for the American foreign policies they despise.
Difference with the Chinese is; you can't hide among them to subvert them because (a) you don't look like them.
(b) don't speak their languages.
(C) again, they actually hate you more than Jow Forums does
Good look with that.

He got 60k votes. That's pretty damn good. If trump keeps shilling for Israel it will become more and more obvious. Movement is just at infant stages. And Jow Forums did a great job getting the word out. I guarantee those 60k Californians browse Jow Forums or were linked to Jow Forums somehow... kikes will be expelled from the USA just like they get expelled from every other country they try to subvert

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You don't know shit memeflag. Optics get you nowhere. What a waste of time. action gets you where you want to be

Le 1.4%

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>How does it feel to constantly fail, Jow Forums?
Jow Forumslution was made as a festering cesspit for born-to-lose failures

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Hezbollah kicked our ass by having more casualties and getting a stalemate at a defensive war? Chads!
Syria is in shambles, and Iran proved that it can barely organize their own offensives.
I would Israel is in a good spot,
and as for China, we have good relations.

Attached: china-israel-relations.jpg (736x490, 65K)

Exactly. And just imagine when our massive debt bubble blows. The economy is still doing ok right now. (((Bankers))) heads are gonna roll . Hopefully.

Are these /sg/ talking points?
Iran has a shit army who fought fucking iraq to a stalemate for 8 years, and gotabsolutely rekt in syria before putin came to the rescue, and meanwhile we're bombing the shit out of them and killing their subhuman kin, and there's nothing they can do about it
Syria itself got cucked by us numerous times (seizing to golan for 50+ year and counting, bombing their nuclear facility etc.), and it practically doesn't function as a soverign country anymore
Then again, you're probably one of the fagggots who shilled for Little, so it's not like you're in touch with reality anyways

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>says the leech country
I drool for the day Saudi oil is no longer a necessity

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Nice of you to admit Israels history begins in 1948 .

Wow a posed pic between heads of states? That really debunks me!
So, your America's number 1 all & responsible for foreign policy that destabilizing the world & you reckon your number 1 allies enemies like you?
Your propaganda is so good even you believe it.

With regards to Lebanon. During Vietnam the Vietnamese experienced exponentially more casualties than the US. But who were the ones who retreated in defeat?
Same it is with you. Hezbollah fucked you with home made rockets. You invaded, bit off more than you could chew, they repelled you from their land. Simple.

Regarding Syria been it pieces.
Let's examine that. Despite US waging proxy war & your air strikes, not only is Assad still in power he's turned the tide & effectively won the war.

Regarding Iran. You consider them not mobilizing against you as them unable to be effective.
Mention nothing of the US. Big daddy. They haven't launched against you because of the US, not because they are ineffective.
Also didn't they & Syria absolutely blow up a load of your boys on the Golan heights not too long ago?
Spanked you good didn't they!
Iran is just waited for America's bubble debt ridden economy to tank before dealing with you.

When America falls, you're all alone in that desert...so very alone...

Bombing the shit out of them?
Hahahaha that's hilarious!
You're like (((kike))) the little brother of the biggest bully in school who goes around striking people. But when people don't hit you back you assume it's because you hit so hard. In reality People don't strike you back because of your big brother.

I've answered your points in another post. Read kike, read.

Who gives a shit how or even if people vote in the middle east...

Jewmocracy =/= democracy
dumbass, ow wait your flag says it all

ok, that guy looks like a human potato, but jews have a laundry list of genetic disorders and ashkenazim are traditionally frail, defective and hideous hook-nosed creatures.

Patrick Little budget:
> $5000
Kevin de Leon (2nd place with 11% of the vote) budget:
> $1.2 million
Patrick Little votes:
> 54000
Kevin de Leon votes:
> 433000
Patrick Little cost-per-vote:
> $0.10
Kevin de Leon cost-per-vote
> $2.60
Patrick Little potential votes per $1.2 million:
> 12 million votes
(((Feinsten))) vote total:
> 1.2 million votes
Population of Jews in California:
> 1.6 million

Attached: weimerica-4th-reich.jpg (2500x2500, 2.24M)

>Le budget

Attached: Retard_8.jpg (1218x1600, 384K)

>Le You Are Here Face
Soon. We both know it's true.

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>"we are nothing now durp"
>"so we will definitely be everything later darp"

the absolute state of retards.


Attached: patrick won.png (1341x1105, 680K)

You are so dumb. Little and a bunch of other republican candidates were democrat plants, taking advantage of the top-two system and assuring that no republican make it to the general

>meming a 1.4% loser

you must really hurt.

most of /pol never gave a fuck about this literal who, it was a loud minority of retards

Jow Forums decided to meme a movement. It worked for a time, then started losing steam and gradually died out, like any meme does. You played yourselves.