What does Jow Forums think of the kursk disaster? I personaly find the official story unconvincing.
Kursk submarine
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It sank
We'll never know what really happened.
B-but what abou-
don't care. There was this bald guy with a massive, bulbous, shiny forehead at church, me and my brother used to call him the Kursk behind his back.
What's not convincing? Peroxide torpedos were dangerous as fuck, they sunk just as many friendly ships from the holds than they did enemy ships. So many old uboats and other submarines are sitting at the bottom of the ocean and they all share one thing in common, they had peroxide torpedos onboard, and they exploded.
Anyone else played Cold Waters?
I really like that game.
Silent Hunter III and IV, also.
The sheer amount of people that died is the worst part. Imagine being stuck inside of there during that disaster.
I don't give a shit.
>only one female sub commander
Putin let the crew die, although a Norwegian rescue team could be there in matter of hours.
When Putin finally gave the go ahead it was already too late.