Look at him. Has everything you want. He could rip your fucking head off or kill at the least. Here he is just SHITTING on polfags and pol ideoolgy. Come poltards. Come chimpout. I welcome it ruralfag whos never accomplished ANYTHING. Come show me.
I cant wait to see these chadbeards rip your fucking failed heads off and throw them in the shit pit where they belong you fucking obsolete rotting boomer pieces of shit. You fucking LONELY sexless shitstain beta cowards who had no friends and came to Jow Forums to get recruited by stormfront. Come lonely sad of shit. Go ahead and chimpout. Show me your power level coward shitstain motherfuckers. Fucking LOSERS the lot of you. Obsolete LOOSERS.
I love this story so much. This is America bitch. Lonely loser pieces of shit with no game and no social skills HATE this. Nice belly you got Wyatts. Fucking losers. Just Bring it pussy. No one is afraid of you circle jerking cocksuckers. Eat shit and die racist losers. Its just not your world to covet anymore you failed peasants.
Hes right. You people are sooo obsolete. So unecessary and unwanted, Just hurry up and rot or kill yourselves. Because you people are USELESS. You bring NOTHING to the table. Nothing useless cowards.