Muhhh Jews

>muhhh Jews

Attached: 1526163346976.png (450x418, 193K)

Yes ?

Oh hey. You didn't do anything wring.

I know, thanks leaf

>muh masterrace

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sup chaim, made any money today?

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Yep, cryptoshekels are the best shekels

>"muh master race"
>heh, that'll trigger those nazis

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>Trad white women

When you gonna cash out though? Portfolioshekels aren't real shekels.

>If you hate Israel you must love Muslims

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>white men

We are coming to kill your families and burn down your synagogues.

For obvious reasons i can't really say if and when i will cashout toothpastebro


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Soros is trying to destabilize the Euro to get his crypto investment to pay off. I'm HODLing

>It is only an HIV infection

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Interesting, cause usually cryptopeeps come up with 100 ways of saying "buy buy buy", which I guess this is too in a way? But I'm mostly asking cause I'm looking for the rare cryptojew who intends to hold them until they become a new currency, not trade em in for dollaroos. I will keep looking



Attached: mideast-israel-palestinians-gaza-conflict.jpg (750x500, 56K)

>and gay as fuck
how does this work

wassap buddy

>this kills the jidf shill

Attached: israel-us relations timeline.png (1350x3570, 1.19M)

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Donde es tu bandera de meme?

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t. Schlomo Shekelsteinbergowitz

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to all israeli posters here
what does Israel give to US for the alliance
US gives you money , guns , military protection and there are even talks about you having nukes
what do you repay them for this incredible aid