Jewish Vaccination

How do you cope with the fact that the polio vaccine was invented by a Jew? It is by far the most important medical breakthrough of the modern era and the Aryan race is not responsible for it.

Attached: jonas salk.jpg (640x518, 198K)

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>the vaccinal Jew
Jewmerimutts flag checks out

Stick you GMO-aborted material injected with synthetic viruses up you ass , Moishe

Not vacinnated proud Aryan checking in, never go sick ever.

>It is by far the most important medical breakthrough of the modern era
That would be antibiotics.

You've got me there. Alexander Fleming is a saint.

So Paul Ehrlich, also Jewish.

Discovered in the west by Edward Jenner in 1796. Word literally invented by Jenner.
>Muh Jew!
>Ignore the goys on the team! (Julius Youngner, Byron Bennett & L. James Lewis)! All hail the magic Jew
at best, a simple application of goy science.
Salk's big contribution was getting funding.

You are so desperate to hate Jews you are 1) creating a strawman to attack against- no one said Jews invented the vaccination process. 2) Making up utter bullshit to discredit Salk.
You do harm to your side, by being a fucking retard.

>most important medical breakthrough of the modern era

From 1955 to 1963, an estimated 10-30% of polio vaccines administered in the US were contaminated with simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from monkey kidney cell cultures used to make polio vaccines at that time. Most of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), but it was also found in oral polio vaccine (OPV). After the contamination was discovered, the U.S. government established testing requirements to verify that all new lots of polio vaccines were free of SV40.

Recently, investigators have provided persuasive evidence that SV40 is present in human ependymomas, choroid plexus tumors, bone tumors, and mesotheliomas, however, the etiologic role of the virus in tumorigenesis has not been established

Most of the medicines were invented and/or currently made and sold by j00z.
You are free to die from a fucking flu or slowly rot away from high stomach acid levels thou, your body your choice.

>unironically praising the injected jew
go and stay go

Attached: CDOCRFVUsAAFCEx.jpg_large.jpg (741x468, 53K)

>not having a powerful immune system
The thing about us gentiles is that our parents aren't usually autistic about furniture and floor tiles, so we didn't get yelled at for playing outside.

Kikes lie all the time guys, never listen to them , the polio vax was invented by a 5 member team and jews already meme it was "a jew" who did it.

Vaccines are fake, the real breakthrough was sanitation. Australia proves this.

Paul Ehrlich devised an antibiotic that barely worked and his method became obsolete after roughly 30 years when Fleming (a goy) discovered penicillin.

Sorry Jew, the white race wins again.

We'll stop hating Jews when all you kikes stop being supremacist shitheads.

I deal with it by being 17% Jewish.

>Jew did a good thing
>How do you cope

Coping just fine and polio-free. Jews *can* do plenty of good things for the world, but they *don't*. So, who gives a flying fuck?

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What are you doing in Budapest Moshe? I thought all of you got gassed.

>It is by far the most important medical breakthrough of the modern era
Wat. No it isn't. The most important breakthroughs are ones stemming from our understanding of germs; just basic hygiene. That is what has saved the most lives. Polio vaccine is just one vaccine amongst many, many others that has been developed.

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Watch Vaxxed

How do you cope with the fact that 8 of the 14 most recommended vaccinations used today were invented by a goy, Jew supremacists?

Do goys just not count?


What is the problem with jews ? they are Gods chosen and sometimes they help us

Yes, they've been chosen by their god.....


Polio hasn't gone away...they just call it meningitis now.