This is powerfull

this is powerfull.

Attached: 1516529650532.jpg (1024x687, 136K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What if it's a mohhamad saying this to native europeans?

it's true though

Attached: 1527278453383.jpg (1024x795, 70K)

Neo Nazis are worse.

someone is moving in your neighborhood
arrange these in the order of "most preferred > .. > least preferred"

1/ an arab muslim refugee family
2/ a black israel-first christian family
3/ a feminist lesbian couple, and their homosexual friend
4/ a manual labor latin american, who thinks he's white
5/ a jew

(didn't feel like making a new thread)

Attached: neighbor.jpg (500x343, 45K)

And this is more

Attached: foto-londres-1-1024x463.jpg (1024x463, 78K)

I guess number 4. But I’d rather it be European immigrants from the Nordic countries. We need more pure Aryan DNA.

Also, why didn’t Anders Breivik go full Genghis Khan to spread his based genes onto entire generations of Nordic women to create a master race? He had the looks and wasn’t a low t bugman like Elliot Rodger.




t. Jidf

No its false kike

Attached: 27bnrn.jpg (745x500, 100K)

Attached: Goatfucker.jpg (575x401, 56K)

Jew Bait.

Attached: Its+an+old+jewish+tactic+to+invest+on+both+sides+_467f2359e3168b32e4e3580695254b88.jpg (469x600, 148K)


Attached: 6E0BA9E1-293F-4672-8CFE-A030FBDD2757.jpg (773x561, 77K)

thought that was her spinal cord from the thumbnail.


Predator style

Wow inspiring stuff. Thanks for sharing.

thanks op another shitty thread
>muh powerful thread

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Nazis aren't against muslims, read a little.

Attached: 9780674724600-lg-2.jpg (394x600, 184K)

So, Angela Merkel with a different banner is pointing at an Aryan family telling them they don't belong immediately after a terrorist attack of peace? The Aryans are clearly burned and Angela Merkel clearly lost his hair.

>4/ a manual labor latin american, who thinks he's white
>3/ a feminist lesbian couple, and their homosexual friend
>5/ a jew
>2/ a black israel-first christian family
>1/ an arab muslim refugee family

John McCain here. Stop posting my friend or I will impart brain cancer on you.

>It's a "the brown woman in a headscarf is victimized" episode

if there werent any muslims in europe the nazi wouldnt exist

yet another shill thread

Except Muslims are the ones attacking Jews these days dumb fuck.

That's what cuckservatives and civic nationalists say, not nazis

This is the point where we all start rubbing our hands.

Attached: anuddashoah.jpg (480x360, 18K)

none of the above


T. Idiot

it's lazy. At least the artist didn't feel the need to label everything.

4 is acceptable.
The rest are not preferred at all


arabs and their bullshits, how many aggression by arabs for how many people with a nazi flag in the street?

your place is in hell

Too bad there aren’t any 1.0 WN’s in Europe. and fuck Andrew Anglin.

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I think the point he is making that a lot of alt-right types were new atheists in 2008-14, warning against "Islamification" of Europe that will erode secular/ liberal values. Now these same types are turning full 14/88 and cannot make the same argument without looking like fucking hypocrites.

>pic def related

Attached: polislam2.jpg (972x1003, 212K)


They are basically saying that it is ok to have own country, identity, heritage.. Unless you are white!

And if you are against this, they call you white supremacist. When you google that, you get these pictures. You see?

Attached: white supremacistt.jpg (348x145, 10K)

>poor muslim refugees
>all their possesions
>suburan rural retard neo nazi known as Jow Forums

Uhh, what's the problem here?
They come to my country and have to abide by it's rules.
If they don't then they can fuck off.

western traditional values are different than islamic traditional values you moron

Muslims can have sex slaves and kill you for a cigarette and are collectivist

the point is that a lot of these proclaimed defenders of western way of life are anti-western themselves. Once they claimed that muslims should be barred from immigrating to the west because Islam is incompatible with western values (liberalism, secularism, rule of law, democracy), yet they themselves constantly shit on these tenets as being the root cause of degeneracy and advocate for their destruction as any radical muslim would.

Attached: cuntwell.jpg (614x768, 72K)

this , the major problem we have with them its not their religion or their race, it is that they don't respect the laws and rules we have here and the governments give them free passes because they are refugees, fuck that, ill make it simpler, what would you do if someone you invited for dinner yells at your wife and kids?
a1: kill him.
a2: be polite and ask him to leave.

Attached: 46333545.jpg (1200x675, 99K)

The problem is that they are brown niggers, and not white.

>western traditional values are different than islamic traditional values you moron

Certainly alt-right types put an emphasis on destroying feminism and liberalism with the goal of re-installing a patriarchal order - which is inherently tribalistic and collectivist.

still they don't have sex slaves and kill you for a cigarette

>this is very badly drawn.
Learn to spell or get a better browser.

tell me why feminism is good to your society?

And I would side with muslims before I side with jews.


Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

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China is a collectivist society, it is also tribalist. And, yes, it is patriarchical. Is China now "LEL JUST THE SAME AS THE MUDSLIMES".

You're a fucking retard.

They're defending western *people*, not "western values", whatever that means. Values are decorations, the people are what matters.

You either believe that women ought to be considered second class citizens or not.

Whole world is tribalistic
But it's OK when they do it
It's OK when we do it
You can't do it goy, das racist

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only if he is from Chile or Cuba. Rest of them can eat a dick though.

I'll tolerate 2. Conservative/Cuckservative blacks are a lot less likely to rob, rape and kill you. When 4 and 2 have fuck up kids, they'll just kill each other.

Op is giant faggot

A very telling thing with this whole discourse like "you hate women, jews, niggers and fags you are tribalistic and patriarchal so you guys are the same as muslims" and so on, is that afterwards you don't acknowledge this and are unwilling to take any measures against muslims. Unlike repressing the free speech of the right which you gladly do.
It shows that the left is either completely hypocritical, or unable to defend its values.

>They're defending western *people*,

what exactly is a bonhead neonazi defending people from? Authoritarianism? Fascism?

It's not an either-or. Women are just as important as men, just in different aspects of life. Men manage nations, women manage households. Neither should try to replace the other.

>what exactly is a bonhead neonazi defending people from?
Other people, mainly.

except they don't come here with women or children, they're not refugees, they're welfare parasites that knows that europe is their playground.

The reason Chinese are so soulless is that the Maoist revolution was set to destroy all traditional values, philosophy, ethics ... They can barely be called collectivist in a traditional way, because they are collectivized artificially as an industrial army, but completely atomized as individuals. That's even worse than traditionalism.

Demographic replacement. You should know, you voted against it last election

>Jow Forums
>believing in marriage
>believing in monarchy
How new are you?

Lol imagine being so fucking cucked by Whig memes that you reject Islamization because it's "oppressive" lmao
We need MORE oppression not less
We don't want them because they're brown and low IQ

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Jow Forums doesn't have traditional western values tho. It is really in line with Islam.

Look, even if when they warn us of a Islamic threat to Europe and talk about the dangers of Europe becoming "Eurabia" they still sound hypocritically ludicrous -- the irony is that their fascist alternative would still make Europe look more like Saudi Arabia than anything remotely western.

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i'm not surprised

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this is such a retarded way to see it, not everything is black or white, women have been a long history the essence for men to love something is this gay earth, right now with feminism its like women don't even want us to do that, men have always gone to war give their lives and work day and night for the simple fact that we are loved when we come back home, and now its vanishing little by little , some of us still belive that men are the ones capable of providing in a household no matter the cost we sacrifice so much of ourselves for so little and yet women don't understand us, you know why? because we don't go and bitch for everything that happens to us, we suck it up and keep moving forward so no, we don't think women are second class we believe they are our everything.

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>1 post by this ID
Visualize my astonishment

Get saged, nigger.

Attached: B2 Sage Bomber.png (640x800, 718K)

>If two ideologies are autoritharian they are the same
>The west has never been autoritharian and patriarchal in it's past

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1) Yes, authoritarianism has it's roots in power worship. Be it secular or religious.
2) The west has been authoritarian, but it also had a strong democratic tradition which prevailed in the end.

Nazis didn't want oppression. In a Nazi world there is no oppression, only Aryan people, with no one to be oppressed.

The notion of equality in society is not based on the presumption that we are all clones of each other, but that in spite of our differences we should enjoy the same freedoms and rights.

Even the Serbs are going full 1848. God help us.
Dieu et mon droit demofags

>but that in spite of our differences we should enjoy the same freedoms and rights.
I think that's silly. Our freedoms and rights should be based on our differences. Does a carpenter have the same right to operate on a man as a surgeon does? They're both human, after all.

4 deport
5 gas
3 rope
2 lynch
1 send back

>a strong democratic tradition
>French Revolution
People like you used to be burned at the stake, and rightfully so.

>the irony is that their fascist alternative would still make Europe look more like Saudi Arabia
Fascism turns white people into kebabs?

>National Socialism
Pick one.