>Older men more responsible? Maybe back in the 1950s. Men today are responsible with their video game console and Marvel movies collection
Why Do Young Women go for the Old Wrinkle Penis?
Nathan Nguyen
Benjamin Baker
Caleb Brooks
money whores
Carter Sanchez
Money, power, status.
Parker Reed
It's likely their father left them, and they are looking for a replacement.
Easton Williams
Jace Rodriguez
yes because 50 year olds today are going to see capeshit and playing on their nintendo switch
Henry Thomas
Thus the Jews invented Viagra
Nathaniel Williams
someone who is 50 today was in their teens in the golden age of video games in the 80s. they probably had a zx spectrum or a commodore 64 at home, owned blue monday on the original 12" vinyl and saw the empire strikes back in a cinema
you don't give up your cultural background just because you get older
Nicholas Baker