She makes a good point honestly

She makes a good point honestly.

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Other urls found in this thread: plan&oq=pension plan&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2393j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

No she doesn't. She exaggerates like every other millennial.

"Fun" is for children though. I let go of games and other childish things when I became an adult. That doesn't mean that you can't still seek enjoyment in life, but you should do it in more fulfilling ways. Take up a hobby or something. I'm pretty partial to woodworking myself.

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>deprive yourself

She thinks not being able to satisfy every hedonistic whim is deprivation

Our grandparents and great grandparents worked 70 hours a week in mines and mills. They died of black lung or fell into smelters. One of their kids probably died by the age of 3, the others were out shooting things and trying to make some spare change when they werent engaging in dangerous play.

This bitch is complaining about her 36 hour a week job cutting into netflix time.

Her first point is an excellent approach to life. Her second point is millennial whining.

LOL fantasy world like thinking that fun and recreation are guaranteed?

What a typical youth attitude.

It's true. You made it seem easy. She left out a load of other fixed costs we have to pay.

entitled bitch. you know about stereotypes, they are actually accurate. we call nigs stupid and violent, because they are. when people call millennials lazy, its because its generally true. sad. and boomers are selfish, because its true.

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>She makes a good point honestly.
The "fun" is in the struggle, not in hedonistic activities.

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"fun" doesnt make money, people today dont understand the importance of suffering, i hate society

Another young "adult" who never grew up to accept responsibility whining when people on the internet tell her to get a grip and accept that life is supposed to be difficult.

Color me suprised, this cultureless nation is pushing our people raised by fantasies about how the world work and are arrogantly obstinant when this simply isn't the case. Our society is on a one way track to destruction.

Black people generally struggle with the concept of saving money.
In my experience they will constantly have "emergencies" that they need to use the money in the saving account for, wedding, funeral, loans for a cousin or a friend, building some random shit for their house etc...


How much money does she spend on clothes to look like a whore? Make-up to look like a whore? How often does she get her hair and nails done for $150 a pop? TO LOOK LIKE A WHORE.

These girls don't even spend hundreds of dollars to look nice, they look like LITERAL STREETWALKING PROSTITUTES.


I work on average 6 days a week, sometimes 7 so I recently wanted to discuss having 1 day off on call a month with my boss (I do emergency work). That’s no fun, no rest, no family time 365 Christmas, etc. if her job is like this than she has a point.

I thought millennials love buddhist shit

Trips of truth.

Is it because the concept of the future is relatively new to them?

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I read a text a while ago connecting the dots about how blacks often lack abstract/long-term thinking.





>i can't have fun without wasting all my money on drugs and lottery tickets or going to expensive dance clubs or summer festivals

Sometimes I wonder if our ancestors would've worked so hard to ensure their children would have an easier life if they had been able to see it would lead to shit like this.

Our grandparents had a house by age 25

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desu who cares if these people reject reasonable advise offered by misrepresenting it - it just means more gibz for you

>deprive yourself of fun
Learn to pirate movies/games
>care for disabled/elderly
There are government programs to pay people that do that
Take a bus or ride a bike, fatass

The thing about the car really hits home.

>decide to work to buy a car
>mom tells me not to because she'll get one for me
>she never does and two years later I'm holding my dick like an idiot
>she tells me it doesn't matter because 35 years ago when she graduated from college she just moved right into low income housing in the city and used the subway

Thanks for letting niggers and beaners take over all that low income housing you filthy baby boom fucktards

No, she didn't.

>Live in a fantasy world where no one ever gets sick
t. communist

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Look at the fucking numbers, the usurers are killing this country

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Don't forget avocado toasts..... damn fucking spoiled millenials man


How are there seriously people in this thread who have the balls to argue the young (that is, themselves) should get fucked over because "fuck the young"? Are you people fucking stupid or something?

>they need to use the money in the saving account

black people have savings accounts?

actually, lower class un-educated morons of any race are comically bad with money. "hey, can I borrow 20 bucks till payday?". If you make the mistake of believing the sob story and loan them 20, it becomes a weekly thing, except that they want to push it up higher and higher every fucking week. "they gonna cut my power, man, jus let me hol 40 bucks til friday".

1 is the same financial advice for everyone. Fun, rest and recreation can all be had readily at no cost or little cost.
2 is why 1. Follow 1 and you won't be fucked up the ass if 2.

Millennials have less financial opportunities than boomers and Gen X combined and entered the work force during a recession. That’s an irrevocable fact.

Boomers were the most selfish and hedonistic generation ever.

>be me
>23 years old
>graduated may 2017 and already paid off 25k student loan debt using pic related method

Adults devise a plan and follow it, children do what feels good. The lady in ops picture handles money like a child

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Dave is based AF

nowadays you'll get yelled at for not being a hedonistic consumenite

More generally, all "financial advice" for Americans is:

1. Rack up debt so you can be a life-long contributor to Jewish usury schemes

2. Accept more low skilled immigration to do the jobs that you are too lazy to do

3. Work for free for 3 months out of the year to pay for other Jewish usury schemes

4. Be a good nihilistic consumer

5. Accept the premise that taxation based on charity is morally good, while simultaneously accepting the fact the rich, who feed and clothe more "needy" than anyone else via taxation, are evil

6. Believe that "free markets" are made up of rational individuals, rather than a bunch of neurotic kikes trying to gain an advantage over everyone else.

great granddad bought a house at 19 for about a half a years wages and had 5 kids, his wife never worked, passed on their excess money.
grandfather bought land at 25 and built a farm from scrap - he had 7 kids and his wife never worked, passed on some of their excess money.
father bought a house at 32, had two kids, wife worked full time, he worked full time, they used their money on an rv and expensive toys.

now, i'm not saying it be like it do, but it sure as hell seems like it is.

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It's a balance. You have to contribute to society in order to get something out of it. But people still have to understand that humans have limitations as well.

Resilience is not about diving in head-first. It's just like going to the gym for a workout.

Do you know how difficult it can be to find a gf that doesn't drink? That's literally my only real qualification
>Don't drink or do drugs
That's it. And it disqualifies the overwhelming majority of womyn

so many boomers itt

good donkey then you wont mind the 2x4 thats goin up your commie ass on the dotr

>some random drug-addled communist said something on Twitter: Thread #6,201

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How much guidance did you have from mommy and daddy?

>no data on what "earnings" or "productivity" means
>no data on benefits and working hours
>no data on quality of life
>no data on type of employment, education level, or ethnicity

This graph is about as credible as a meme image. Besides, saying "thing suck because we are poor" is just about the stupidest argument I've ever heard. If you base your entire life's trajectory upon an abstract macroeconomic situation then you are a slave. It's one thing to say "it's hard to find a job because the economy sucks" it's another to say "I'm helpless to succeed because the economy sucks."

1) k but i aint payin u back lol
2) lulz we'll let them try and fail and laugh at them
3) whut? no how about i smoke weed and draw a check
4) i aint buyin shit but ammo and booze baby
5) whut? uh no, if you cant pay in cash u pay wif ass
6) i do not need to believe shit to hustle a kike out of a free bagle

My fiancés mom is an alcoholic so my fiance hates alcohol. Try looking at Mormons or something idk. Even if a woman is not into drinking, her friends will give massive peer pressure into doing it. Same with sex basically.

Our grand parents were also riding the gravy train of winning a gigantic war and completely reshuffling the economic deck of the entire world's economy into their pocket.

and what changed between those two generations?
the jews """liberated""" women, that's what happened. which now meant that children were spending far less time with their parents (because both worked full time), which means they didn't learn solid family values, and the more time passes, the more this effect reinforces itself and the weaker family values get.
all that, and no net economic benefit to the family, because twice the workforce means half the wages.

truly the second greatest trick they ever pulled, after the lolocaust.

>Muh parents didnt halp
>Too dumb to use google for 30 minutes to work it out instead


I am thinking of dating this Sikh girl kek

Lmfao yeah that’s how life works. Google yourself a car, decent paying job, and a pension plan. It’s so easy a caveman could do it.

Get fucked Muhammad, or better yet let your government fuck you.

>doesn’t know basic economic terms
Keep your head in the sand goodgoy while the white middle class disappears.

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>Our grand parents
to some extent, the same thing happened in countries other than the US, so "winning the war" isn't really the crucial factor here.

Protip: All generations before yours managed this scenario. Why can't you?

The last point to have a life is your late 20s at the latest. Afterwards it's all serious business. You will never have fun or find new friends again. That's how it works. That's why people say you should enjoy your youth.

Spent your life playing vidya and shitposting on the chans? Too bad.

0 lol. That’s the thing with people like you. Always have an excuse for why you can’t win with money

Are you a mudslime or just autistic? Drinking is part of being human. plan&oq=pension plan&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2393j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

It literally is that easy

>Even if a woman is not into drinking, her friends will give massive peer pressure into doing it.
Literally happened with last gf.
>had no previous interest in partying
>went to (((college)))
>friends convinced her to try it
>started social drinking on the weekends

what a stupid comment
if I enjoy shitposting and playing vidya that's exactly what I'm gonna do, because I won't be able to do it later
take another ESL class before posting "profound" shit on the internet, you stupid fucking roach

Enjoy your avocado toast and landlords then, I don’t see a problem with this at all.

There will always be dregs.

Just autistic. I come from a long lineage of addicts and don't want to turn into my parents. Also can't trust someone when they're drunk. Want to stay away from drinking and dude weed lmao

>stop watching netflix
>boomers lose their money when netflix stock tanks

Land must be seized and agricultural communes established.
No more working for big corporations all day before going back home to a sterile neighbourhood to watch the electric Jew all night.

Life must have meaning, which comes through community, which comes from working with your neighbour.

The agricultural commune is peak whiteness, the eternal enemy of the globalist corporation.

All hail Community

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>millennial Americans are the fattest generation to ever exist within the known history of the human race
>unable to eat
>closets filled with 50 outfits of clothes
>spends all their free money on video games and alcohol to “have fun”
>buys a new car every 3 years
>hurrrr where did my moneh go

don't forget to nuke the rest of the planet, otherwise good luck having agricultural communes when the oceans are filled with plastic and the air is smog

Yeah dude basically if she has friends and doesn't drink she will just end up not having friends. Or vice versa and she will end up drinking. Maybe there are rare exceptions. I don't know a good solution. I've just got my high school sweetheart, I can't fucking imagine trying to navigate the hell hole that is the modern dating world. So what I'm implying is you need to find a girl without friends. So how would you find her, she isn't going to be likely out in public. I have no fucking clue. The best I can come up with is to find female business owners or women with prestigious jobs.They likely will have their shit together and may even be introverted. Modern women and society do everything they can to ruin other women, it's sick. Or you can find them young like I did, but if you're past 20 you can't really date a young girl. It's an extremely fucked situation. For all you underage lurkers find a quality gf NOW, it will only get worse.

>economy and the standard for well being is a simple as "productivity" and "earnings", however I choose to define those

How the fuck do you possibly define the productivity of an individual within the collective? How do you define the earnings of an individual when you take into account cost of living, quality of life, benefits, and general health. Indeed if productivity goes up and earnings remain the same then under capitalistic principles the price of goods should go down. Of course your graph doesn't explain any of this, its weak bait to trick mid wits into believing you know what you're talking about.
Finally, if you're pissed at the kikes for running the economy into the ground then you're an idiot matierialist who is just pissed they beat you to the punch. The economic miracle of the Third Reich didn't happen because they were worried about money, mate.

>millennials buy a new car every three years
Gonna need a citation for that one.

Fucking millenials. Millenials are the most useless pieces of shit that have ever been shat on this earth.

"Fun, rest and recreation" for those fags means trips abroad twice a year, $1000 phone every year and spending hundreds of dollars every month on clothes.
Their "necessities" are not necessary at all.

Come and study in Eastern Europe. It's free or very cheap (my semestrial fee was 125 $), SJWs are no more than 10 % of professors and students, there are no 'gender studies' bulshit and your education is accepted in every EU country (and possibly the US?).

Did it though? Provide stats on the quality of life on the nations that didn't win the war.

Fuck off you retarded degenerate.


Good shout polska

Well that's kinda what survival takes. Did you think childhood lasts forever? World owes you nothing and without a proper salary you can't afford much if any free time. That's reality.

>I NEED to drink bruh
Fucking degenerates

>quality of life
i wasn't talking about that, merely about the relationship between income and house price

>come study in EE
and THEN what?

1. I wonder if this person is able to imagine forms of 'fun, rest and recreation' that don't cost money.

2. financial advice doesn't include grocery budgets? really?

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>ITT: retards speculate millennials are super spenders who buy cars every 3 years and go on international vacations
>ITT: retards forget the average annual wage of a millennial is 35k

You're putting 'fun' in a pigeonhole to look down on others. You find woodworking fun and that's great, it is fun.

>itt: we talk about how millennials all fell for the college meme & are now 50k in debt

This guy at least partially gets it.

Typical millennial. Complaining that survival isn’t fun.

Agricultural servitude is a fate fit for servants and peasants. That's great if you're a servant or peasant, but higher caste individuals require more.

Return to a world of spiritual tradition under a strict hierarchical code of conduct. This is the only way for the white man to return to his true nature.

Kekd out loud and spit up my onions milk

>financial success involves delaying instant gratification, here's why that's bad


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I have the belief that the modern notion of "fun" is merely addiction

Addiction to video games, alcohol, social interractions, movies, marijuana etc. It is not about actully being fulfilled, but rather to keep feeding your addiction. Such a pity what we have become

It's not even good. "Hahaha, time to buy expensive unhealthy liquid that will make me incompetent for a few hours."
What really makes it horrible is how drunks treat other people. Fuck alcoholics. It's very destructive. Obviously it's fine in moderation, but that's not how people really do it.

not so wrong, all jobs around here (rural) require car license. my only option is to work at a supermarket, but they only search for part-time workers, you couldn't make a living with that.

I think a steep drop in population could account for this.

I bet this dumb cunt lives in Brooklyn or some shit where rent is 1800/month for a studio apartment.

>social interactions are bad
I fokin wot m8

Can you not just get a license?

Job saturation aside, it's easy to live well within your means. The reason you see so many people complaining about struggling to live like this is because they're typically living in the cities, where the rent and cost of living is so high. While the trade off for living in a city is that you have endless entertainment around you, naturally you must cut back. I live far from a city and the rent is cheap, I'm so close to work I could walk if I want to, and food is damn cheap.

No hierarchy. Only one wise and kind religious leader to whom all others submit.

it costs ~2000€ here in germany, i don't have that money. and it's not like i can build my whole finances around getting a car license.