What books should my gf read?

So I am a male and well read in Evola, Jünger, Mishima, Spengler and so one. But those are authors for men - can you imagine a girl reading Sun and Steel?

What should she read in order to be educated about traditionalism, "politics", womanhood and so on? Please recommend preferably Europeans stuff.

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A fucking cookbook.


Checked - but we're both Italian and already have decent knowledge of it, also it is not what I'm looking for.

Does she understand your views?

A good thread OP
My wife mostly reads books about sacrifices, black magic and murder stories. I need something tad better for her

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Maybe some classics, like Dostoevsky.

My wife really got into Tolstoy though not sure if that's what OP is looking for. Good shit none the less.


What's your favorite book from the sea of fertility and why?

The Holy Quran.

Yes. No. She's young but also intelligent and curious, she has a lot to discover - but I don't want to force-feed her my "views".
I'm giving her tips obviously but I want her to discover the correct Weltanschauung by herself.

This. Good place to start.

Both are a must but I'm still looking for something more specific.

Too male-oriented.


women will cling to the ideals of the male they respect most in their life. do not selfcuck

Unironically not a bad suggestion. The Bagavagida is also a very fun read.

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Forgot to add a question mark after the second reply. Why Hamsun though? I've only red Pan by him.

Yeah but I want a woman next to me, not a dummy.


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Unabomber Manifesto

Do you have the pdfs?

Take your pick OP.

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English classical books about a good girl should prepare here marriage, like Pride & Prejudice, etc. Victorian times were the best times.