Why are so many countries in europe so low IQ retards?

Why are so many countries in europe so low IQ retards?
And why are so many people always talking about dumb subhuman slavshits when poland (mostly slavic rest germanic) has one of the highest IQs in europe/world?

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According to the rise and fall of the third reich, the nazis killed the polish intelligentsia.

must have missed a few.

You mean the soviet union

>And why are so many people always talking about dumb subhuman slavshits when poland (mostly slavic rest germanic) has one of the highest IQs in europe/world?
Want real non meme answer for a change?
Most edgelords here learn their "facts" from propaganda (that is quite often posted here), as simple as that really.

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>You mean the soviet union

Correct. I didn't mean to type "nazis", because everyone knows they were on a humanitarian mission in Poland and France and Norway and Belgium and the Netherlands and Greece and Czechoslovakia and Russia and Great Britain.

Sorry if I left any of the humanitarian missions out.

Yes we were liberators... problem?

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>why are so many people always talking about dumb subhuman slavshits
because """countries""" like Ukraine exist

I hate that meme flags stay with you after you use them once for shitposting


poles are that smart? very surprising

>Poles 8 IQ Points higher than Czech Republic

Extremely doubtful

You call this low IQ Ten Chin Han? Also
not European

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I doubt this quote is real but we're very similar genetically so it would actually make sense

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Honorary Dutch leaf

>colored troops
so battlefield was historically correct

>Extremely doubtful
Poland is located on the East Sea and did shitloads of trading with Germany and the Netherlands.
All countries around the North Sea and East Sea have high IQ.

Polaks are still subhuman.


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For my country I explain it this way : Inbreeding in the south, success being frowned upon, foreign populations. I'm not too bright myself and seriously doubt i have a 3-digits IQ.

>Germany did not loot